字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, my friends! 親愛的朋友們,大家好! I am Luke Kneller and you're watching "Best Replays of the Week"! 我是 Luke Kneller,您現在收看的是「本週最佳戰鬥錄影」! Today you'll see a spectacular episode. 今天,大家將看到無比精采的內容 This time each winner could have been Top Gun of the Week. 這次,每位優勝者都具有獲得「本週勇士」稱號的能力 So. Many. Kills! 多到不行的殺敵數 Carnage is the theme of today, and with that, let's jump into the warm-up! 今天的主題是大屠殺,接下來,我們進入暖身環節 First let's melt some snow in Winter Himmelsdorf, with a GW E 100. 暖身 The match has been the usual struggle for an arty player, the score is 9:13 and the capture siren goes off. 首先,我們用一輛 GW E 100 在 Winter Himmelsdorf 上融化一些冰雪 But first: here comes an ISU-152... 對於自走砲玩家來說,這場比賽一直是一場掙扎,比分是 9:13,基地佔領的汽笛聲停止了 The TD takes aim, fires and....hits a track! Haha! 但首先,來了一輛 ISU-152... Stop trying to hit me and hit me! 那輛驅逐戰車瞄準、開火...擊中了履帶!哈哈! RICOCHET! 不要再一直攻擊我了! What's wrong with you? 跳彈! Your last chance... 你有什麼問題? Let's end this now! 你的最後機會... RICOCHET! 現在就結束吧! Right, that's it! Let me show you how it's done! Let's move on. 跳彈! We continue our warm up on Karelia, where the sun is very beautiful, the rocks in the swamp are plentiful and the allies are all dying. 沒錯,就是這樣!讓大家看看它是如何發生的!我們繼續 In usual T28 style, he turns up late to the party and is all alone. 暖身環節在 Karelia 上持續著,太陽很漂亮,沼澤中有很多岩石,而盟友正一個個死去 An ELC is spotted! 按照 T28 一貫的風格,他總是最後現身,並且孤身一人 The iron behemoth trundles towards him and shrugs off his shot. 他發現了一輛 ELC The ELK tries to dash away but he won't get far... No!! Wait? An IS-6!? 這個龐大的鋼鐵怪物朝他滾去,毫不介意朝他射來的砲彈 I mean, of course! Totally intended... 那輛 ELC 試圖逃跑,但他走不遠的...不!!等等?一輛 IS-6!? Ever wondered what it would've been like for young Bruce Banner at kindergarten? 我是說,當然!完全是有計畫的... Look what happens when this MS-1 is left alone against 8 other little tanks! 有想過小布魯斯班納在幼稚園是甚麼樣的嗎? He's getting angry! 看看這輛 MS-1 孤身對抗 8 輛其他小戰車時發生了甚麼吧! The toddler turns into a small green monster and breaks everything in his path. 他憤怒了! Hulk SMASH! 這輛步履?跚的戰車變成了一個綠色的小怪物,所到之處,一切皆被摧毀 If you saw this little one getting upset, just let him win. 浩克出擊! Yikes! That's it for the warm up. 如果看到這小傢伙不高興了,就讓他贏吧 It's time for the awards. 耶!暖身環節就這麼多 This week's top gun is the player behind the call-sign 13dan13. 該進入頒獎環節了 Two 13s? Top Gun It's clearly not his unlucky number! 獲得「本週勇士」稱號的玩家是 13dan13 Well, he takes his T-62A for a spin around Steppes. 兩個 13? This hero of the Soviet Union doesn't need anyone scouting for him 很顯然這不是他的不祥數字! so right off the bat, this Florida sized cockroach shows off its speed and dashes forward. 他駕駛著 T-62A 在 Steppes 上疾馳 His opponents are caught by surprise and run screaming as he dashes around making a stink. 這位蘇聯英雄不需要任何人為他偵查 Unfortunately his allies aren't doing so well... 所以戰鬥一開始,這位巨型小強就展示了他的速度,飛奔向前 Something needs to be done! 對手被打了一個措手不及,趁他大吵大鬧著奔波時嚎叫著逃跑了 The critical moment is now, not at the end of the battle. 不幸的是,他的盟友進展的可沒這麼順利... Plan: both the JagdTiger and FV need to go. 得做點甚麼! Dan charges both of the TDs and skilfully takes them out. 關鍵時刻就是現在,而非戰鬥結束之時 That helped a little but there's no time to relax. 計劃是 JagdTiger 和 FV 都得死 A Batchat tries to stop him but that's not so scary... Dan 衝向兩輛驅逐戰車,嫻熟地把他們幹掉了 Ok, it's pretty scary but you can only be brave when you're afraid! 這稍有助益,但沒時間放鬆了 Ignoring the Bat for now, he kills the 13 90 and takes a few shots at the Maus. 一輛 Batchat 試圖阻止他,但這並沒有那麼可怕... Your time has come, you soft piece of brie! 好吧,是挺可怕的,但人只有在害怕時才會勇敢! New plan: Kill the Batchat and focus on the Maus. 先暫時忽略那輛 Bat,他幹掉了 13 90 並朝那輛 Maus 開了幾砲 A big target is easy to hit but then again, being small won't save the AMX 12t. 死期到了,你這塊法式軟乾酪! After the big meal, he's the one-bite French Fancy! 新計劃是幹掉 Batchat,集中精力對付 Maus Meanwhile, the SuperPershing pays the price for parking his tank in the open. 大目標較容易擊中,但雖然 AMX 12t 體型很小,仍然救不了他 Right, the score is 9:6; it's going to be ok. 一頓大餐之後,他就是一口法式小吃! He crosses the field and picks off an IS-6 on the way. 於此同時,SuperPershing 因把戰車停在空曠處而付出了代價 Oh, a T34! It's a tough, dangerous machine but not when it's showing its side like that! 沒錯,比分為 9:6,應該沒問題的 Enemy artillery knock out the IS-7, and it looks like they still have a chance! 他穿過戰場,途中還幹掉一輛 IS-6 That last hope dies with the FV 4202 and the killing of another AMX 12t just drives the point home. 噢,一輛 T34!它可是既危險又難對付...但當它把側面那樣曝露時可就不是如此了! It's time to introduce the artillery to the Grim Reaper, while the allied Maus ends the battles with one last shot on the IS-7. 敵方自走砲幹掉了那輛 IS-7,看上去他們好像還有機會! Just one kill shy of his lucky number more than 7000 damage and key decision making in the heat of battle; 最後一線希望也隨著 FV 4202 破滅了,另一輛 AMX 12t 被幹掉使得情況雪上加霜 bring 13dan13 the award for Top Gun of the Week! 是時候引見那輛自走砲給殘酷死神了,而盟友 Maus 朝 IS-7 開了最後一砲,結束了戰鬥 Congratulations! 殺敵數離他的幸運數字只差一個,超過 7000 點的傷害,還有在激烈的戰鬥中做出的關鍵決策 The Defender of the Week is the European player SAHOOLT, and he drives the SU-100 這些為 13dan13 帶來了「本週勇士」獎項! and it looks pretty grim. 恭喜! SAHOOLT takes his first shot when the score is 2:6. Defender He finishes off the A-43 in an explosion and then ...silence... 獲得「本週護旗手」的是歐洲玩家 SAHOOLT,他駕駛的是 SU-100 It's only after the enemies have broken through in the city that his real work begins -- the capture starts! 形勢看上去非常嚴峻 An easy shot sends the cat back to hell and a tricky one teaches the StuG to keep his head down next time. SAHOOLT 在比分為 2:6 時開了第一砲 The SU is well spotted now, of course, so he needs to fall back. 他在一次爆炸中了結了 A-43,然後...一片寂靜... The last ally dies on the way to the enemy base and this brave defender is left alone against seven opponents! 在敵人破城而入時他的真正工作才開始 ─ 佔旗! The red bar continues to fill up, and it's time to act! 輕鬆一砲就把這輛戰車送入地獄了,另外狡猾的一砲教導 Stug 下次要知道低頭 Kill the Pz. IV H and charge towards the base. 當然,那輛 SU 現在被發現了,所以他得撤退 The KV-1S becomes a beautiful one-shot kill! 最後一名盟友在去敵方基地的路上犧牲了,剩下這名英勇的護旗手孤身對抗七名對手! Good day, Sir! 紅色狀態橫條繼續填充,是時候行動了! Now it's a waiting game. 幹掉 Pz IV H 並向基地衝鋒 Get to the best position for defence and don't move. KV-1S被漂亮的一擊斃命! Nearly a minute of anxious waiting is finally interrupted by a rival SU-100! 先生早安! Missing this shot at the TD could have been a fatal mistake but the return shot does no damage! 現在的策略是伺機而動 SAHOOLT knows better than to make the same mistake twice. 抵達最佳的防禦位置,不要動 The remaining enemies are a KV-1S, two beat-up T1 Heavies and an M3 Lee. 將近一分鐘的焦急等待,最終被對手一輛 SU-100 打破了! The SU-100 receives a shot from an unseen enemy but this doesn't stop it from punching a hole into the Soviet Heavy! 朝那輛驅逐戰車開的這一砲失手了,這應該是一個致命的錯誤,但對方的還擊也沒造成傷害! It's time to use all the cover he can find. SAHOOLT 明白不能再次犯同樣的錯誤 SAHOOLT anticipates the KV's movement but his alpha isn't quite enough! 剩下的敵人有一輛 KV-1S、兩輛受損的 T1 重型戰車和一輛 M3 Lee He retreats as far back as possible...oh how he would like to cross the red line! 一個看不見的敵人向 SU-100 開了一砲,但這並未阻止他給那輛蘇聯重型戰車穿了個洞! The KV pops-out, takes a shot and ... track! 是時候利用能找到的所有掩體了 Was that lucky, a hurried shot, or perfect positioning? SAHOOLT 預測著 KV 的動向,但不足以消滅對手! It doesn't matter. 他盡可能遠的撤退...噢,他怎麼想要越過紅線呢! A shot whizzes overhead marking the arrival of the two T1 Heavies. KV 出現了,開了一砲...履帶! One down! 這是幸運、一次匆忙射擊,還是一個完美位置? This time the alpha is more than enough. 沒關係 Falling back to try and deceive the enemy... Success! 一發砲彈從頭頂呼嘯而過,表明兩輛 T1 重型戰車到來了 His gun points to one side as death comes from the other. 幹掉一輛! Now all that's left to do is to wait for the M3 Lee to arrive from the town. 這次傷害綽綽有餘了 Wait for it... surprise! 後退試圖騙過敵人...成功了! He suddenly appears on the other side! 他的主砲指向一邊,而死亡從另一邊襲來 Spin around quickly and hammer the last nail into the red team's coffin. 現在,所能做的就是等待 M3 Lee 從城鎮趕來 SAHOOLT showed courage, got 10 kills and stood his ground in an almost hopeless situation. 等待...驚喜! He really deserves the award for "Defender of the Week"! 他突然出現在另一邊! As usual, the "Sniper of The Week" brings you a series of three great shots. 迅速原地打轉,發出了使紅隊滅亡的最後一擊 The first one is fired on Erlenberg. SAHOOLT 顯示出了自己的勇氣,殺敵 10 人,在近乎無望的形勢下守住了陣地 A historical battle is being fought between German and Soviet forces. 「本週護旗手」的獎項他當之無愧! The IS drives forward, following the river. Sniper Whatever his plans were they can wait, since an enemy StuG seems to have a death wish! 與往常一樣,「本週狙擊手」獎項給大家呈現的是一系列的三次精彩射擊 An accurate and precise shot between the houses brings the team their first kill and a bronze "Sniper of the week" award to the shooter. 第一次精彩射擊是在 Erlenberg 上面 The next sniper is found at Winter Himmelsdorf. 德軍與蘇軍展開了一場史實戰鬥 The silver-medalist Jagdpanzer E100 decides to fire through the square. IS 沿著河流向前行駛 What was that? 無論他有甚麼計劃,他們都可以等,因為一輛敵方 Stug 好像在找死! There's a fountain and an allied Batchat? 朝著房子之間的一發精準射擊為該戰隊帶來了首殺和「本週狙擊手」銅獎 What's your point? 下一位狙擊手出現在 Winter Himmelsdorf 上面 It's the IS-3 I'm shooting at! 銀獎牌的 Jagdpanzer E100 決定穿過廣場開砲 Take another look. 那是甚麼? Right between all the obstacles. 有一座噴泉,還有一輛盟友 Batchat? Nice shot! 你怎麼看? Summer is here and the snow is gone from Himmelsdorf. 我射擊的可是 IS-3! This is where we find the best sniper of the week. 再看一眼 Fast forward to the end of the battle. 就在所有障礙中間 Our champion sniper, driving the SU-122-54 is climbing up a hill, while the rest of the team are trying to find the last enemy. 精彩的一擊! That enemy, for his part, is going for one last kill. 夏天到了,Himmelsdorf 上面的冰雪已經消融 He charges the arty, it defends and leaves him with 8 HP! 「本週最佳狙擊手」就是在這裡誕生的 Aim... Fire and... Wow!! What a hit!! Let's see that again! 快進到戰鬥結束前 The enemy was going at a good speed and our sniper got him through this opening! 我們的冠軍狙擊手駕駛的是 SU-122-54,他正往山上爬呢,而戰隊的其他成員正試圖找出最後一個敵人 That spectacular shot fully deserves the Sniper of the Week award. 對於那個敵人而言,就剩最後一殺了 Congratulations to Aidarkerei. 他向自走砲衝鋒過去,它擋下了並剩下 8 點血量! You're the best today. 瞄準...開火...哇!太精采了!我們再看一遍! This week's steel wall goes to the player andrey13243546. 敵人正疾速行駛,我們的狙擊手趁空幹掉了他! As I mentioned earlier -- all of today's winners have a lot of kills but the Steel Wall has that name for a reason. 「本週狙擊手」獎項,這精彩的射擊當之無愧 Andrey doesn't just need to kill, he has to take a beating and live to tell the tale! 恭喜 Aidarkerei He gets stuck in right away but his allies are dropping like flies. 今天,你是最棒的 Why does it look like he's the only one who's actually interested in winning the fight? Steel Wall The first serious opponent is a KV-5 but it proves to be no real challenge. 獲得「本週不死鳥」稱號的玩家是 andrey13243546 It manages to land a shot but not where it counts. 如我之前所說,今天的得獎者都有很多的殺敵數,但獲得不死鳥的稱號是事出有因的 Circling around the Ruinberg streets brings him face-to-face with a Prototype. Andrey 不僅需要殺敵,還得挨打,並活著講述這個傳說! Now this one actually is a dangerous opponent! 他一上來就被困住了,但他的盟友卻像蒼蠅一樣紛紛殞落 Both TDs take a hammering but victory goes to the beast of German steel. 為甚麼看上去好像只有他一人對贏得戰鬥真正感興趣呢? This is where the Steel Wall contest truly begins! 第一個正經對手是一輛 KV-5,但事實證明它根本不算挑戰 One against NINE! 雖然它成功開了一砲,但沒擊對地方 Fun means having 250 mm frontal armour and all your opponents ahead of you. 它繞著 Ruinberg 的街道轉悠,面對面遇到了一輛 Prototype The enemies fire, rage at their fate and fire again. 現在這個才是真正危險的對手! The TD hero stays calm and knocks them down, one by one. 兩輛驅逐戰車都遭到挫敗,但那輛德國的鋼鐵猛獸取得了勝利 Angling the hull, side-scraping and taking damage on the tracks blunts the enemies' fury. 至此,對不死鳥稱號的爭奪真正開始! We have to point out that only the SU-85 thought to flank the German. 1 對 9! And the rest... well let's hope they have the looks, since they don't seem terribly smart. 有意思的是,自己的正面裝甲厚 250 mm,而所有敵人都優於你 The pretty opponents vanish as quickly as cash after the pay day, 敵人開火,為他們的命運感到怒不可遏,不斷開火 while the JagdTiger just shrugs off the insults, the anger and of course the damage! 驅逐戰車英雄保持冷靜,把他們一個接一個地幹掉 In the end, the German premium racked up 12 kills, survived the fight and didn't even search for the last enemy, winning by capture instead. 車身傾斜,側面刮擦,履帶受到傷害,這些減弱了敵人的憤怒 This is one deadly wall of steel! 我們必須指出,只有 SU-85 想到要攻擊這輛德國戰車的側面 Congratulations! 而其餘的...呃,就讓我們希望他們徒有其表吧,因為他們似乎並不十分聰明 And now we have arrived at the main event, the Best Replay of the Week! 可愛的對手們就像領過薪水之後的現金一樣迅速消失 The title, the gold and the medal go to the player behind the call-sign ramzess_1, driving the unpronounceable French premium SPG. 而 JadgTiger 絲毫不介意自己所遭受的侮辱、憤怒,當然還有傷害! We are watching a standard battle at the Hidden Village. 最後,這輛德國加值戰車殺敵 12 個,在戰鬥中存活了下來,甚至都沒有去搜尋最後一名敵人,而是透過佔領基地贏得戰鬥 Quickly taking up a good position, our champion blots out two red markers and pretty much disassembles a third. 這是一個致命的不死鳥! But it's not enough! 恭喜! Ramzess has time to bring his kill count to three by finishing off a T-34 but then things suddenly get very dangerous for artillery. 最佳戰鬥錄影 A T49 breaks into the base and opens up on friend! 現在到了主要獎項 ─ 「本週最佳戰鬥錄影」! A time like this calls for shotgun mode! 獲得該稱號及其帶來的金幣和勳章的玩家是 ramzess_1,他駕駛的是沒辦法發音的法國加值自走砲 When the dust settles, the heroic effort didn't manage to save the ally and half the rivets have fallen out of his artillery piece. 我們觀看的是一場發生在 Hidden Village 的標準戰鬥 33 HP left and the score is 8:12... This is bad... 我們的冠軍迅速佔據一個好位置,消滅了兩個敵人,並且差點把第三個大卸八塊 Now he needs to hide to survive! 但這還不夠! Wait... there's an enemy! Ramzess 有時間幹掉一輛 T-34,從而使殺敵數達到三個,但隨後,形勢突然改變,使這輛自走砲處境非常危險 The Chi-Ha misses the only shot it is going to get. 一輛 T49 闖入基地,朝友軍開砲了! Go away little Chihuahua! Scoot! 這樣的境況需要啟動獵槍模式! Now things get strange. 塵埃落定時,這英勇的努力未能拯救盟友,自己車身上的鉚釘掉了一半 The enemies start coming around the corner in a shambling horde. 還剩 33 點血量,比分為 8:12...這可不好... What is this, the zombie apocalypse? 此刻他需要藏起來活命! The Hetzer, the Pz. toaster 4 and then the SAu 40 charge in and die at such a rate that even the elite loader has trouble keeping up. 等等...那兒有一個敵人! But hey, if they are that keen to die, Ramzess is quite willing to lay them to rest! 這輛 Chi-Ha的唯一一砲失手了 A Medium III starts the capture! Reset attempts are unsuccessful and suddenly there's a more immediate threat. 快跑吧,小吉娃娃!飛奔! It's the slowest member of the zombie horde. 現在情況有點奇怪 This one's an SPG. 敵人開始步履蹣跚地成群向角落打來 Check for wind and shoot twice! 這是怎麼回事,殭屍末世嗎? It's a reliable method. Hetzer、Pz toaster 4 然後是 SAu 40 陸續衝鋒過來並死去,速度如此之快以至於最優秀的裝填手都跟不上 The red bar crawls forward but the invader's greed will be his downfall. 但是,嘿,如果他們那麼想死,Ramzess 也很樂意讓他們安息! Decided to take a shot, did you? 一輛 3 階中型戰車開始佔領基地了!嘗試重置但失敗,突然,又來了更多的直接威脅 How's that working out for you? 那是殭屍族群裡行動最慢的成員 10th kill. 這是一輛自走砲 The allied KV-1 goes for the capture and only an enemy SPG left. 查看風向,開了兩砲! Hmm... 10 kills are enough; the battle ends in a capture. 這是個可行的方法 This was not a heavy combat vehicle but it rose to the occasion and carried the match with spectacular plays. 紅色狀態橫條徐徐填充,但入侵者的貪婪將是他走向毀滅的元凶 That's why ramzess_1 wins our "Best Replay of the Week". 決定開一砲,對吧? Congratulations! 結果怎樣? That's all the replays for today. 殺敵 10 個 New episodes of "Science of Victory" and "RNG " are already waiting for you. 盟友 KV-1 前去佔領基地,敵方只剩一輛自走砲了 And soon you'll find the anticipated film "Tanks Smell like Swamp" on our official channel. 嗯...殺敵 10 個就夠了,戰鬥以基地被佔領結束了 Make sure not to miss it! 這不是一輛重型戰鬥戰車,但他應付自如,精彩地完成了戰鬥 I am Luke Kneller, yes I'm British and numbers are intentionally spoken like that. 因此,ramzess_1 贏得了我們的「本週最佳戰鬥錄影」獎項 I'll see you in the comments. 恭喜! Bye! 今天的戰鬥錄影就這麼多了 *Makes noises like a broken radio* 新的「勝利方程式」與「RNG無可奉告」正等著您
B1 中級 中文 戰車 幹掉 敵人 狙擊手 基地 獎項 坦克世界》。"本週最佳重播" 第15集 (World of Tanks: Best Replays of the Week - Episode 15) 784 26 稲葉白兎 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字