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  • Hello! Welcome to Storyline Online, brought to you by the Screen Actors Guild Foundation.

  • My name is Ernest Borgnine and we're going to be reading a book today called "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister.

  • All right. Here we go.

  • A long way out in the deep blue sea there lived a fish.

  • Not just an ordinary fish, but the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean.

  • His scales were every shade of blue and green and purple, with sparkling silver scales among them.

  • Oh, beautiful.

  • The other fish were amazed at his beauty. They called him Rainbow Fish.

  • "Come on, Rainbow Fish," they would call.

  • "Come and play with us!"

  • But the Rainbow Fish would just glide past, proud and silent, letting his scales shimmer.

  • One day, a little blue fish followed after him. "Rainbow Fish," he called,

  • "wait for me! Please give me one of your shiny scales. They are so wonderful and you have so many."

  • "You want me to give you one of my special scales? Who do you think you are?" cried the Rainbow Fish.

  • "Get away from me!"

  • Shocked, the little blue fish swam away.

  • He was so upset, he told all his friends of what had happened.

  • From then on, no one would have anything to do with the Rainbow Fish.

  • They turned away when he swam by.

  • What good were the dazzling, shimmering scales with no one to admire them?

  • Now he was the loneliest fish in the entire ocean.

  • One day, he poured out his troubles to the starfish.

  • "I really am beautiful, why doesn't anybody like me?"

  • "I can't answer that for you," said the starfish. "But if you go beyond the coral reef

  • to a deep cave, you will find the wise octopus. Maybe she can help you."

  • The Rainbow Fish found the cave. It was very dark inside and he couldn't see anything.

  • And then suddenly two eyes caught him in their glare and the octopus emerged from the darkness.

  • "I have been waiting for you," said the octopus with a deep voice.

  • "The waves have told me your story. This is my advice.

  • Give a glittering scale to each of the other fish. You will no longer be the most beautiful fish in the sea,

  • but you will discover how to be happy.

  • "I, I can't . . . " the Rainbow Fish started to say, but the octopus had already disappeared into a dark cloud of ink.

  • Give away my scales? My beautiful, shining scales? Never.

  • How could I ever be happy without them?

  • Suddenly, he felt the light touch of a fin. The little blue fish was back!

  • "Rainbow Fish, please, don't be angry. I just want one little scale."

  • The Rainbow Fish wavered. Only one very very small shimmery scale, he thought.

  • Well, maybe I wouldn't miss just one.

  • Carefully, the Rainbow Fish pulled out the smallest scale and gave it to the little fish.

  • "Oh, thank you! Thank you very much!" the little blue fish bubbled playfully

  • as he tucked the shiny scale among his blue ones.

  • A rather peculiar feeling came over the Rainbow Fish.

  • For a long time, he watched the little blue fish swim back and forth with his new scale glittering in the water.

  • The little blue fish whizzed through the ocean with his scale flashing,

  • so it didn't take long before the Rainbow Fish was surrounded by the other fish.

  • Everyone wanted a glittering scale.

  • The Rainbow Fish shared his scales left and right. And the more he gave away, the more delighted he became.

  • When the water around him filled with glimmering scales, he at last felt at home among the other fish.

  • Finally the Rainbow Fish had only one shining scale left.

  • His most prized possessions had been given away, and yet he was very happy.

  • "Come on, Rainbow Fish," they called, "Come and play with us!"

  • "Here I come!" said the Rainbow Fish

  • and, happy as a splash, he swam off to join his friends.

  • That wonderful? That's called "The Rainbow Fish," by Marcus Pfister, okay.

Hello! Welcome to Storyline Online, brought to you by the Screen Actors Guild Foundation.


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歐內斯特-博格寧朗讀的《彩虹魚》。 (The Rainbow Fish read by Ernest Borgnine)

  • 97 15
    稲葉白兎 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日