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Peekaboo. How are you? My name is Ronnie. I'm going to teach you some English. Imagine
Peekaboo! (逗小孩語助詞) 你好!我是 Ronnie。今天要來教大家一些英文小知識。想像
that I would teach you English on EngVid, www.engvid.com. Today's lesson is good versus
一下我在EngVid 這個網站上教你們英文。今天的課程內容跟名詞的
bad with nouns.
I hear this mistake a lot, almost every day. So I want to help you. I want you to sound
as natural as possible when you speak English.
So maybe you have already learned that we have uncountable and countable nouns. Now,
what this means -- if you haven't learned this before -- is that if a noun is uncountable,
we do not put an S at the end of the noun. So things that are really teeny tiny small
like rice or sugar or salt are uncountable. Things that are liquid -- for example beer
or water -- are uncountable. So all liquids and tiny things are uncountable. Also, gases
are uncountable. That wasn't me.
氣體也是不可數名詞。(屁聲) 呵呵不是我放的唷。
So I could go on with a massive list of uncountable nouns, but you can do that yourself. Then,
we have countable. Countable, obviously, you can stick an S on the end of the noun. So
most things are countable. For example, dogs, hamburgers, cats, markers, eyes, hair -- hair
大部分的東西都是可數的。例如,狗、漢堡、貓、白板筆、眼睛、頭髮 -- 頭髮其實
is uncountable because there are so many tiny little hairs on one heads.
So this is the rule that you have learned. If your noun is uncountable, you have to say
"too much". So maybe you have come up with a sentence that says, "I have too much sugar."
too much。所以你也許可以造一個句子 I have too much sugar.(糖加太多了)
Good. Okay. So you know that sugar is uncountable, and you have used a very good English sentence.
You used, "I have too much sugar." Good.
你說, I have too much sugar. 很棒。
And then, your teacher says, "Okay. Make a countable noun sentence." Okay. "I have too
接著,你的老師說:「好。現在來用可數名詞造個句吧。」好。I have too
many pens." I have a lot of pens. "I have too many pens." Very, very good grammatical
many pens. 我有很多隻筆。I have too many pens. 好一個文法完美的
sentences. But there's a problem. Bad nouns. Bad, bad, bad nouns. Bad nouns, what I mean
is when we use "too much" or "too many", your noun has to be something that you do not like
當你使用 too much 或是 too many 的時候,你所提出的名詞必須是你不喜歡的東西。
okay? For example, maybe you go to school and your teacher gives you homework. Do you
think homework is a bad noun or a good noun? What's your opinion of homework? I hate homework.
I hate it. It's boring. I hate it. I hate it. So in my opinion, homework is a bad noun.
So I'm going to say, "I have too much homework." Because homework is a negative or a bad thing,
所以我會說 I have too much homework. 因為作業是一個負面或是不好的東西。
I can say, "Oh, God. I have too much homework tonight." Okay? "Too much" and "too many"
所以我才說 Oh God. I have too much homework tonight. 懂嗎? Too much還有too many
are always going to be for negative or bad things that you don't like.
So "too many" -- maybe you go to the movie, and it's really, really crowded. You can say,
所以 too many,也許去看電影時,遇到了擁擠人潮,你就可以說,
"There are too many people." Now, maybe you like people. Maybe you don't like people.
There are too many people. (人也太多了吧) 現在,你可能愛人群。你也有可能不愛人群。
But in this situation, having a lot of people is bad. So once again, it is your opinion.
"Too much" and "too many" are always for things that you do not like personally or you think
Too much還有 too many 永遠只會用來描述你自己不喜歡或是你當下
are bad at the moment. For example, "There are too many calories in seven cookies." I
覺得不滿意的東西。譬如 There are too many calories in seven cookies.我喜歡
like cookies. Who doesn't like cookies? I love cookies. But calories, they're bad. So
I can say, "There are too many calories." Okay? "There is too much rain in the rainy
我會說There are too many calories.懂嗎?There is too much rain in the rainy
season or in spring." There's too much rain. I don't want any more rain. Okay?
season or in spring. 這裡雨下太多了。我不希望再下雨了。理解嗎?
Now, in the reverse, we have the beautiful, lovely, happy good things. The beautiful,
lovely, good things are my good nouns. Good nouns, as you might have guessed, are things
that you like. For example, beer. You will never, ever, ever, open your fridge and go,
"Oh, no. I've got too many beers. I've got too much beer." This will never happen. You
Oh no. I've got too many beers. I've got too much beer. (噢不。也太多罐啤酒了吧。我有太多啤酒了啦。) 這是不可能發生的。
will never go to the bank machine and go, "Look at that. I've got too much money." Never
你不可能去提款機然後說 Look at that. I've got too much money. (你看看。我實在是有太多錢了啦。)
happens. So when it's a positive thing, what you're going to say is "a lot of". For example,
這完全不可能發生。所以當這是一件正面的事,你要用的應該是 a lot of。例如,
"I have a lot of friends." Friends are usually good things. Or if you're lucky, you might
I have a lot of friends. 朋友通常被視為是美好的。或是如果你很幸運,你也許會說
say, "I have a lot of money." If you have a lot of money, Ronnie would like some money.
I have a lot of money. 如果你錢很多,Ronnie也滿想要有點錢的。
Donate money. Money, money, money. Okay? "I have a lot of money." "I have a lot of beer."
捐點錢吧。錢錢錢。懂嗎?I have a lot of money.I have a lot of beer.
Yes. "I have a lot of friends."
對。I have a lot of friends.
The cool thing about "a lot of" is that it can be used for both countable and uncountable.
A lot of 用法上有個很棒的點,就是它可以用於可數和不可數名詞。
It's very, very natural in English that we say "a lot of" as opposed to "too much" or
用 a lot of而不是 too much 或是 too many 在英文中是非常非常自然的一件事。
"many". All the time.
So what I want you to do is I want you to get a lot of happiness in your life. I don't
want you to have too much homework. I don't want you to have too many bad people in your
life. And I want you to enjoy learning English. Until then, goodbye.