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  • Welcome back to my fabulous festive food combos you're gonna love this one

  • its stuffed dates with walnuts, thyme, manchego and sandwiched between

  • beautiful chorizo so it goes crispy and smoky so

  • Get yourself some dates, my grandad always used to get dates, keeps him regular

  • open them out like this, get yourself a little walnut

  • and just break in half just squeeze the walnut into it

  • and get a nugget of manchego or cheddar or any nice melting cheese.

  • and stuff than into that date and you can almost squeeze it back to shape that it came in

  • get a nice little pinch of thyme. Thyme, cheese and dates

  • works really really well once you've done that get a skewer

  • and we're gonna first put on some chorizo, then go through your date

  • and then through the chorizo again and it literally takes

  • seconds to do and we do one more, date

  • cheese, thyme, go through the chorizo

  • through the date and back

  • with the chorizo. Do yourself a whole load of those up

  • you can keep them the day before, of even the day before that, when you want them

  • get your oven on 250 degrees, get yourself like an oven type ware dish

  • plop a whole load of these in one layer with a few knobs of butter

  • and some sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar and roast them up for about 10

  • minutes until

  • crispy and gorgeous and guess what here's one I made earlier

  • fizzling and gorgeous, oozy cheese

  • sweet dates, the chorizo goes crispy and smoky, the dates goes

  • gorgeous and gooey, the cheese is oozy, a brilliant combo

  • you're mates will go mad for it, give it a go, guys if you want more inspiration go to

  • Where there's thousands and thousands of beautiful recipes waiting for you

  • and if you haven't subscribed press that magic button subscribe because

  • its free. Bye.

Welcome back to my fabulous festive food combos you're gonna love this one


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B2 中高級 英國腔

芝士和墨西哥辣醬釀棗串|傑米-奧利弗(Jamie Oliver) (Cheese & Chorizo Stuffed Date Skewers | Jamie Oliver)

  • 239 56
    khungfc 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日