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  • Put on your seat belt.

  • - Do you know how to do all the gears ? - Yeah.

  • [ Rachel ] Graham ? Lauren ?

  • - Oh God, they went up the mountain ! - Let's go. Let's go. Let's go !

  • - Any other way across that bridge ? - No !

  • [ Horns Honking ]

  • You're out of your mind. Oh, you're out of your mind.

  • lt's okay.

  • - Harry ? - Okay, hang on.

  • - [ Panting ] - It's okay.

  • - There's water coming in. - This rig can take it. The engine's got a snorkel.

  • Oh, God. Look at those cars !

  • They're crazy ! They'll never make it !

  • - We're stuck ? - l know.

  • Nothin'.

  • Harry ? See that car coming at us ?

  • l see it.

  • - Is he gonna hit us ? - No, we're all right. Hold on.

  • - [ Screaming ] - [ Crashing ]

  • - We're all right. - [ Sighs ]

  • [ Explosions ]

  • - Jesus. - [ Explosions Continue ]

  • - l can't see through the ash. - Maybe you oughta turn the lights on.

  • - They are on. - Make the windshield wipers go faster ?

  • l don't know how.

  • - It's that thing there. - Don't touch things ! You're gonna mess something up.

  • - Like what ? - l don't know. Something !

  • Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Put on your seat belt.


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B1 中級

但丁峰(5/10)電影剪輯--《為奶奶而戰》(1997)高清 (Dante's Peak (5/10) Movie CLIP - Going for Grandma (1997) HD)

  • 32 3
    fisher 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日