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  • (Music)

  • Aw, thank you, thank you.

  • As you can probably tell,

  • I'm an astronaut.

  • No, I'm a DJ/Producer, as it says on the screen.

  • I am also a high school student,

  • just like many of you guys.

  • How many high school students do we have out here?

  • (Cheers)

  • Oh, okay! A good amount.

  • I'm a proud member of my school's marching band,

  • and I run track, as well,

  • so if any of you guys are into that,

  • it's one of my other passions.

  • I have been DJing and producing

  • for a little over three years now,

  • and I've worked with artists that you may know,

  • like Avicii, Skrillex, Major Lazer,

  • Krewella, Porter Robinsion, Carnage, and many others.

  • How many of you guys like dance music?

  • Show off hands, dance music, oh okay.

  • How many of you guys like rap or trap hip hop?

  • Okay, good amount.

  • Jazz? Classical?

  • That's good, you guys have smart minds, that's good.

  • What's great about DJing

  • is that you can combine all these genres into one idea,

  • and what I like to do is combine

  • dance, hip hop, trap, dubstep, even movie samples,

  • and kind of combine them into one set.

  • DJing creates this, sort of, combined culture

  • that really unites many fans.

  • A good example of this

  • is Skrillex and A$AP Rocky's collaboration

  • "Wild for the Night"

  • or, most recently, Avicii and Ella Black's "Wake Me Up."

  • How many of you guys know that song?

  • It's a great track.

  • Now, what exactly does a DJ do?

  • Well, as you just saw earlier,

  • they mix tracks.

  • What I just did

  • was mix a Kanye West intro from "Black Skinheads"

  • with a track called "LRAD."

  • One of the main goals is to really

  • trigger samples, tracks, or clips

  • and kind of create this long journey.

  • I'm going to do another little example for you guys right now

  • of what DJs call a "mashup,"

  • which is taking two or more tracks

  • and combining them into one.

  • This mashup was made famous

  • by a Hungarian duo Myon & Shane 54,

  • and it takes the vocals from Krewella's "Alive."

  • How many of you guys know that song? "Alive"?

  • Yeah, okay.

  • I'm going to take the vocals from that track

  • and the song "Language" by Porter Robinson.

  • So, let me just play you the vocals first.

  • (Music)

  • So, that's the vocals,

  • and here's the actual track.

  • (Music)

  • So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to fill these vocals

  • on top of the track

  • and create a new song, a kind of combined song,

  • with the two vocals.

  • (Music)

  • If you turn it down,

  • you can just hear I'm playing it a capella

  • or just the song by itself.

  • (Music)

  • Now, what I'm going to do after this drops

  • is change it into another song.

  • One of the most important things about dance music

  • is really the drop,

  • so I'm going to change it into another song

  • and really catch you by surprise.

  • (Music)

  • And that's one example right there.

  • (Applause)

  • So, as you saw, I took three different songs

  • and kind of combined them into one new idea,

  • which is something plenty of DJs do out there

  • on the professional circuit.

  • There are plenty of ways to get started DJing.

  • One of the main things I did

  • was really take the time to study DJs that inspired me.

  • Whether it was watching podcasts,

  • watching live sets,

  • or just really looking them up online.

  • I really tried to take in what it meant

  • to be a fantastic DJ.

  • One of the best ways to really learn

  • is to ask a friend, you know, a friend who knows how to DJ.

  • Just go over there, ask him a few questions.

  • If no that, thankfully we have a lot of great online resources.

  • One of the things you can do is check out YouTube,

  • check out some demonstrations.

  • Now, many DJs, a high percentage of them,

  • check out Beatport or Soundcloud to find a lot of the tracks.

  • There are also many other blog sites,

  • such as Billboard's CODE, EDMTunes, EDM Sauce,

  • or Dancing Astronaut.

  • Now, there are multiple ways to DJ,

  • and what could originally only be done on turntables and vinyl,

  • by legends

  • such as Larry Levan, Grandmaster Flash, and Paul Oakenfold,

  • can now be done with many more pieces of equipment,

  • such as CDJs,

  • which are, sort of, digital turntables

  • and what I learned on and what I still use to this day.

  • There are many other amazing programs now,

  • such as Ableton, Traktor Pro,

  • Serato, or even apps for tablets and touchscreens.

  • There are many hardware systems

  • just like my APC40 here

  • that can launch samples, clips and tracks.

  • You can also just use turntables, CDJs,

  • an S4 controller, or an Novation Launchpad.

  • And all of these really kind of do the same thing,

  • and that's mix tracks.

  • So, what I'm going to do now

  • is show you guys another mix demonstration.

  • I'm going to start with one of my own songs

  • that I did with my friend Matt Dzyacky,

  • and from there I'm going to go

  • in a sort of medley of different tracks

  • and show you the different styles of mixing that you can do.

  • (Music)

  • So I'll show you guys when I start mixing the new track,

  • so you can hear it coming in.

  • (Music)

  • You can hear in the back, a new song is mixing in.

  • (Music)

  • Now, another thing that DJs use is what's called a mixer,

  • and a mixer has many different effects,

  • such as a beat roll,

  • filter effects,

  • and any other different ones.

  • There's plenty of effects to use.

  • (Music)

  • So, now I'm going into a new song,

  • and after this drops,

  • I'm going to drop it in another song

  • and kind of change it up.

  • (Music)

  • And that's a new song bite.

  • (Music)

  • So I'm just going to straight mash up

  • another song right when this one breaks down.

  • (Music)

  • Now, if I want to change up the music,

  • let's say, throw in some new beats,

  • I can just choose a trap beat I want to throw over the breakdown.

  • (Music)

  • So, I get ready to throw in my new beats now.

  • (Music)

  • And that is the end of that demo.

  • (Applause)

  • Thank you, thank you!

  • Now, the great thing about technologies now

  • is whether it's a two dollar app

  • or a couple hundred dollar equipment,

  • which I'm sure most parents

  • won't want to buy for their child,

  • is that almost anyone who has a passion for DJing

  • and a passion for the music

  • and who might want to pursue a career in it

  • really has the ability to, well, pursue it,

  • such as myself.

  • You can start with an app on a tablet

  • or an app on your phone, even, an app on your iPad,

  • and then move on to bigger equipment.

  • The opportunities are endless,

  • and, as you saw, you can mix

  • many different styles of music.

  • So, thank you!



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B1 中級

【TED-Ed】開始做DJ:混音、混搭和數字轉盤--Cole Plante。 (【TED-Ed】Getting started as a DJ: Mixing, mashups and digital turntables - Cole Plante)

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