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>> Today I wanted to discuss nitrogen containing compounds
and the again what I want to continue with is the idea
of being able to recognize some patterns,
pick out important classes of compounds
and probably get mastery
of maybe two dozen different categories of compounds.
We'll also take a look,
at the end at a few more specialized examples
and see some things that you can tell with IR
and just a few neat things and ways it can talk to you.
But let's start with some basic nitrogen containing compounds,
so amides continue our discussion of carbonyl groups.
We talked about the amide carbonyl band and we said
of all the common functional groups
of all the common carbonyl compounds.
Amides have the lowest carbonyl stretching frequency at 1650
to 1690 and sometimes this is referred to as the amide 1 band
and we'll see in a moment what the amide 2 band is.
Now what's interesting is you often end up looking for things
in pairs, looking for sets of data that point
in a particular direction with IR spectroscopy
so the other thing for primary and secondary amides,
that is amides where you have either two hydrogens
or one hydrogen on the nitrogen is you're going
to have NH stretching frequencies.
So if primary amides, I'll write it as primary amide compounds
where you have NH2 groups have two NH stretches
and by now you should all now what are these NH stretches
in terms of of their type?
>> Symmetric.
>> Symmetric, NH symmetric and their frequency is going
to depend obviously it's going to be everyone by now knows
that that region above 3000 is where you get OHs and NHs
and so forth and it's going to fall in that general region.
Amides have just like carboxylic acids they're very prone
to hydrogen bonding and so often you'll see different behavior
with different states.
So for a primary amide in solution and I'll say dilute,
in other words not super-concentrated
so you don't have a lot
of hydrogen bonding those bands show up at
about 3520 and about 3400.
Remember my emphasis really has been on reading spectra,
in other words looking at a spectrum
and seeing patterns here and so when I look I sort of look
at that region below 3000 and I'd be seeing a band
and these bands tend to be kind of broadish, not as broad
as your typical alcohol bands but certainly not
as sharp as the CH band.
Hydrogen bonding weakens the NH stretch and so
in the solid state they're certainly hydrogen bonded even
when you grind up your molecules with KBr or grind them
with [inaudible] or grind with mineral oil
to make a mole the molecules are still in particles micron
in size and so forth, so they're all hydrogen bonded together.
So in solid, and I'll put parentheses hydrogen bonded,
the band shift to lower frequencies
and they typically broaden out I'll say about 3550, about 3350
and 3180 and the pattern changes a little bit.
I'll try to graph things on the same scale here
so now we fall below 3500.
The bands typically become a little bit broader
so you'll see this kind of like an alcohol stretch
over here becoming broader.
So just like we talked about carboxylic acids, amides,
particularly primary amides
and lactams can form these hydrogen bonded ring structures
and are quite prone to doing so.
And the reason, so primary amides are more prone
to doing this and as are lactams and the reason is
that by the time you get to a secondary amide,
that is where you have one R group on the nitrogen,
typically the hydrogen prefers to be transed [phonetic]
to the carbonyl group so it doesn't set itself
up as nicely performing ring structures.
You can still form chains but they don't tend
to form as extensively.
Secondary amides also have an N H stretch, so again what I drew
over on the other blackboard is the secondary amide
and typically you're talking about an NH stretch
from about 3400 to about 3500 and if you're hydrogen bonded
or about 3000 about 3300 if it's hydrogen bonded, so in addition
to these bands which are called the NH stretch bands,
as I said you also have for primary
and secondary amides what's called the amide 2 band.
The amide 2 band is an NH bend and that typically is
on the order of about 1500 to about 1650 and it may fall
on top of the amide 1 band in which case you wouldn't see it.
All right, I'd like to help us get in the habit
of the pattern recognition on these and start
to see the differences in these classes of compounds just
so you get good at seeing what's out there.
So let me pass out-- I've got some hand-outs here.
Let me send these down and we'll look at a few spectra.
You might need one more.
Send the extras back there.
All right, so this might be, might also be nice,
a nice time for a little bit of a question here.
So we're on the subject of amides
so we know we have an amide here.
The problem here, this was taken from a book.
The problem says, we have a compound
with a molecular formula, C6H13NO
and it contains the tert butyl group.
See if we can figure out the structure of this compound.
[ Silence ]
>> Anyone have an idea?
>> Just a guess.
There's a methylene group off [inaudible]
>> So a methylene group that's attached
to the tert-butyl group.
So we've used up our-- so what do we do with this?
So we have two spectra here.
We have one spectra in chloroform solution
and I'll tell you it's a concentrated spectrum
so this is-- you notice these numbers here
so we have one number at 3400 and another number at 3300,
so clearly, clearly we have at least one hydrogen bonded
at least something in our NH is hydrogen bonded
and they don't look quite like that
so is it primary or secondary?
It's got to be a secondary amide
so what do we do with the structure?
[ Multiple responses ]
So it's CH3 and a tert-butyl and like so or the other way
and with this level
of information we can't tell the difference between it
and in fact this structure is the first one here.
Now there's one-- question.
>> Yes, so why are there two [inaudible]
>> Ah, okay.
So we have, so this is tert-butyl acetamide.
It's a secondary amide.
This is our free NH.
This is hydrogen bonded, so typically you'll be working
with like a 5 or 10 percent solution so many
of the molecules are monomeric and you see a band
for the NH stretch at about 3400.
You're also going to have some cases in which the molecules
or hydrogen bonded together like so either to form two
or more molecules and so the hydrogen bonded NH stretch is
going to be the one at about 3300 wave numbers.
[ Inaudible Student Question ]
For a primary amide?
>> Yeah.
>> They're a little bit different in size.
Usually the one that's the higher wave number is slightly
longer in length.
>> So how will we know if you have a high rate [inaudible]
and if it's concentrated?
>> Ah, okay so great question.
So what experiment could we do with this sample in chloroform
to determine whether the band at 3300 was associated
with hydrogen bonded dimer formation diluted
and what would you expect to see?
[Multiple speakers] The decrease in the 3300
or more specifically both bands would of course decrease
because it was diluted but the relative intensity
of the band at 3300.
[ Inaudible student question ]
Based on the spectrum alone if I looked
at this pattern here I'd say well this clearly doesn't look
like a monomeric primary amide because I said you'd expect it
at about 3,520 and about 3400 and it probably doesn't look
like a hydrogen bonded primary amide.
First of all this band at 3300 is a little bit high
and it's a little bit narrow.
Remember, I said typically 3180
but if you saw my steps you would sort of have broad
like an alcohol where it basically spanned
about 300 wave numbers.
So you might or might not be able to do this
with pattern recognition.
I mean, as you see more of these spectra you'll get better
and better.
Now what's happening here
in the solid state is you're only having the hydrogen bonded
bands so you're seeing just the hydrogen bonded NH.
Other thoughts and questions?
These are good ones.
>> Can you explain that little shoulder that's on the--
>> That little shoulder, right here.
>> Like you have a little shoulder that's
on the peak at 3268?
>> The peak, which spectrum?
>> On the second spectrum.
>> The peak at, the shoulder that's on there?
Probably different states of hydrogen bonding, probably some
with more hydrogen bonds for example,
you can have a bifurcated hydrogen bond
so it may be something like that.
It's something clearly that's characteristic
of the solid state.
Now we're dealing with and again this is what I was saying
for this sort of pedagogy of spectroscopy.
We're dealing with a relatively small molecule here.
It's only got six carbon atoms.
By the time you get to bigger molecules the relative intensity
of your NHs is relative to for example, to your CHs is going
to be less and this is where I said KBr is really bad
because you typically, it's hard to get out every last bit
of water and it doesn't matter so much for a molecule this size
but if you're dealing with a molecule say the size
of strychnine you're going to have almost ten times,
let's say five times the carbon to nitrogen ratio or carbon
to amide ratio so that peak's going to be a lot smaller.
You're really going to have trouble seeing it.
Okay the one other thing I wanted to bring up was just
about problem solving strategies on this
and I presume everyone's seen this but it's worth bringing
up the idea, so this molecule was C6H13NO
and the first thing you want to think
about when you're asking what's this compound is the
unsaturation number and you can do that mathematically.
In other words, how many double bonds and rings are in there?
That's an incredibly useful piece of information,
in fact molecular formula is probably the most useful
information that you can get for starting
with a compound followed by what functional groups are in it
which is why we're starting the course with IR and mass spec.
So there are a couple of ways you can do it.
Honestly, I never do it the way I'm about to write it.
The unsaturation number is the number
of carbons minus the number of hydrogens
over 2 minus the number of halogens over 2.
I hate formulas.
I don't even keep formulas in my head, plus the number
of nitrogens over 2 plus one and if you plug
in right that's 6 minus 13 over 2 plus 1 over 2 plus 1 is equal
to 1 which is one double bond of carbonyl group.
I never do things this way.
Basically, the way I think about it is
if a molecule has 6 carbons in it,
if it were an alkane it would be C6H14.
If it has halogens in it they just count as hydrogen
so in other words, C6H14 is saturated C6H13Cl is saturated.
Oxygens don't count toward unsaturation numbers.
Sulphurs don't count toward unsaturation number.
Nitrogens need one more atom in there one more hydrogen in there
to complete the valence,
in other words an alkane would have a formula C6H14.
If I go ahead and add a nitrogen it would have to be C4H15
and then I simply look and say, okay,
it's H 13 so there's one degree of unsaturation.
So that's how I think about unsaturation number
but then immediately you're saying wait a second we've got a
carbonyl here.
It can't be a lactam.
It can't be a ring compound for example,
we only have one degree of unsaturation.
I'll answer questions at this point.
>> Why is the carbonyl lower [inaudible]?
>> Why is the carbonyl lower here?
>> Yeah, is it-- ?
>> The hydrogen bonding, so the hydrogen bonding ends
up weakening the carbonyl.
What's kind of counter-intuitive
on hydrogen bonding is you can think of hydrogen bonding
as being an electrostatic phenomenon primarily and by
that I mean you think about your delta positive on the nitrogen
and you're delta negative on the oxygen
and you're pulling electrons away from the double bond.
You're weakening the double bond in forming a hydrogen bond,
in forming that electrostatic interaction.
Then you think about the NH stretching frequency.
You have electrons on the oxygen.
Those electrons are pushing the NH electrons toward
the nitrogen.
They're weakening the nitrogen-hydrogen bond
so that's stretching frequency drops to a lower number.
All right, so let's do another class
of nitrogen containing compounds and you'll notice
for the amides particularly in the solid state,
these stretches are a little different than alcohols.
I'll show you an alcohol in case you haven't seen it
in just a moment but alcohols tend to be less lumpy
than hydrogen bonded amides in the solid state.
They tend to be pretty ugly.
All right, let's take look at amines.
Amines are similar to amides but weaker
and obviously you don't have carbonyl
but in other words you have NH stretches.
You have NH bends but the bonds aren't as heavily polarized
and when you have less polarization
of the bond you have less change in dipole moment.
The carbonyl on the nitrogen is very electron withdrawing
so that increases the change in dipole moment.
It gives you a stronger band, so primary amines are NH 2.
You'd see two bands are symmetric
and asymmetric stretch.
The asymmetric typically is about 3500 free and about 3400
for the symmetric stretch.
In other words these are the,
I'll just write free here, not hydrogen bonded.
Amines don't hydrogen bond nearly as much as amides
or alcohols so in solution you're not going
to see them hydrogen bonded in the solid state or in neat,
meaning the pure liquid.
For example, sandwich is a film between self-plates, you will,
so a neat amine typically you'd have about 3400 and about 3300.
Secondary amines are 2 NH,
now you don't have the couple vibrations
so you see one band slightly lower in frequency.
Let's say approximately 3350 to 3310.
So when you're look at data
like this you're not necessarily going to have something scream
to you this is definitely an amine but what you're going
to have is this is definitely an amide but you're going
to be getting pieces of evidence
and saying wait a minute the data is pointing
in this direction.
A red flag is going up.
This seems to be consistent with an amide
because I'm seeing a carbonyl and an NH stretch
or 2 NH stretches and then you start to look for other data
or you perform additional experiments.
Let me give you an example here on an amine.
And so I wanted to just put contrast here
so I've taken both A, an amine here
and I'll tell you what these are this time.
This is butyl-amine and this is butanol, one butyl-amine,
one amino butane and one butanol and you'll see some differences.
So here's what we see for a typical alcohol OH stretch.
They're both neat.
The alcohol is hydrogen bonded, strong.
It's broad and again in terms of pattern recognition you sort
of see it coming up at 3500 and going down by about 3000.
The amine is weaker.
In this case because it's neat
and because it's primary we are seeing it hydrogen bonded.
I'll tell you secondary amines are often really hard to see.
They're often very weak and by the time you get to a molecule
that has more carbon and less amine in it they end
up being darn hard to see.
What's frustrating with secondary amines--
primary amines too but secondary amines in particular is often
in the NMR spectrum, particularly
in chloroform solution it's really hard to see that NH,
the NH band in the NMR spectrum so it can be really vexing
and if you're working say for your orals
and you know you have an amine because let's say you've carried
out a reaction, everything else is consistent,
the mass spec is consistent, you'll end up saying, oh,
my goodness I'm not seeing the NH resonance in the NMR.
I'm not seeing an NH stretch in the IR
and you might have to look really hard.
For if NMR you might want to dissolve it in DMSO which tends
to be a good solvent that avoids exchange.
All right thoughts or questions?
[ Papers rustling ]
So let's take ammonium salts.
If carboxylic acids are the ugliest thing you'll see,
ammonium salts are even uglier.
If carboxylic acids are pugs, ammonium salts are bulldogs.
So ammonium salts, the NH band is just huge
and misshapen is really the only way to describe it
and again here's my very simple-minded view
of an IR spectrum.
I'll put in a mark at 2000 here because I'll be drawing upon
that in a second, so for ammonium salts the NH,
I'm talking like RNH3 plus or of course you can have
like a secondary ammonium sulphur but basically
at about 3200 things come on
and you know you might see some CHs poking out
and then they'll come down at 2000 to 2500 so here you start
to inflect at about 3200
and of course then you'll have whatever else you have
in the spectrum but it's basically about 3200 to 2000
or 2500, very broad very ugly.
So one reason that this is so important to keep
in mind is one very common laboratory operation is
to isolate an amine by liquid-liquid extraction.
If you're teaching sophomore organic chemistry you'll
probably doing that, making a free-base
from a hydrochloride salt or taking an amine
into an acid layer and then taking it back
and it's very easy, even in a research project to end
up getting yourself fooled and think you made a free-base.
People will often use say sodium bicarb
which is just the bicarbonate or the conjugant acid
for bicarb is just matched to an ammonium group
so it's not a great way to free-base an amine.
You're much better off with sodium hydroxide
or sodium carbonate but I've seen this happen to people
where they get a product
and they say my amine doesn't dissolve in anything.
It doesn't dissolve in organic solvents.
Why isn't it dissolving?
I stripped it down.
I isolated it.
I precipitated it.
It's not dissolving.
It is because it's ammonium, an ammonium group
and that's something that would be hard
to tell by NMR spectroscopy.
If you knew exactly where to look you might say, oh,
the adjacent methylene is often chemical shift by a few tenths
of a ppm but an IR spectrum where you see something
like this, it's like oh,
my God clearly my compound is talking to me.
Let me show you an example and this is a cool one.
I pulled this last night.
I don't think I included this in the handout so I think I need
to give a separate handout.
[ Silence ]
We need to send a few more back here.
>> I have a question.
So when you have a primary amine and you said RH 2,
does the other have to be carbon or do the stretches change it?
It's like an oxygen.
>> Great question.
So the question that was just asked is if we're talking
about a primary amine what's going to happen
if we change the group here to like a hydroxyl amine?
It's should be pretty similar
because the first order approximation your reduced mass
is going to be the same for your NH bonds
and your bond strength will be very similar so your root K
over mU term in your harmonic oscillator is going
to be similar.
For specialized compounds like this, this is a great place
to look things up if you really needed
to know the exact frequency, the book you have
"The Pretsch Book" is really going for looking
at specialized compounds.
At the end of today's class I'll give you some general principles
of where to look for things because there's a lot of overlap
in other words, basically it doesn't change that much.
Heteroatom to hydrogen bond we saw all of our alcohols,
our carboxylic acids, our amides, our amines they're all
in that general region between about 3000 and about 3500
but if you needed something more subtle you could look that up.
All right, so the example that I picked here is phenylalanine,
so phenylalanine if you looked
at your sophomore organic chemistry text you'll see that's
the structure of phenylalanine but you'll also see
and not surprisingly since the pKa of a carboxylic acid is
about 5 and the pKa of an ammonium group is about 10
that you have an equilibrium that lies essentially completely
to the right toward the zwitterion and it might be hard
to see this by some other method but you've got this really,
really typically ugly pattern
where you're starting at about 3200.
You're coming through this lumpy region here
for all the different hydrogen bonded states
and in this case coming the down at about 2000
so it's really, really talking to us.
Thoughts or questions?
All right, I want to take a couple
of other nitrogen containing compounds and then maybe talk
about a few other things.
Nitriles are carbon triple bond and nitriles always surprise me
because I expect the carbon-nitrogen bond
to be highly polarized.
I expect it to be stronger and it really isn't.
The position ends up being very precise.
It's about 2250 wave numbers.
It doesn't vary a whole heck of a lot so it stands out it's
in that region between 2000 and oh,
about 2700 where don't normally see a lot of stuff.
It's sharp and typically it's weak to moderate in intensity
in other words, if you've got a big molecule
and you have a nitrile functionality
in it you'll see a little blip there
and it will be recognizable and sharp
but it won't be a big band like a carbonyl.
Let's take another class of compounds.
We'll take nitro compounds, so RNO2
or aromatic nitro compounds, I'll just draw the nitro group.
So we typically see two bands associated
with the nitro compounds, associated with the NO stretch
about 1500 to 1600 and about 1300.
They tend to be strong.
The one at 1500 to 1600 tends to be a little stronger.
What are the two bands?
>> Symmetric/asymmetric.
>> Symmetric/asymmetric.
Even though I'm writing one resonance structure
that doesn't mean there's one nitrogen-oxygen double bond
and one nitrogen-oxygen single bond.
There are two equal resonance structures contributing both
equally and so it's one and a half bonds a piece.
>> Is the asymmetric stretch always higher?
>> The asymmetric stretch is always higher in frequency.
It's just a higher energy stretch.
>> Same question?
>> Same question.
All right, so by way
of corollary let's see what you can do with ideas here.
So what do you think about carboxylates?
What do you think we'd see for those?
[ Inaudible student comment ]
>> It would be a little bit weaker carbonyl stretch?
>> You mean lower frequency.
Indeed it is and that's--
>> Is that because it has less of the double bond character
and more of the single bond character?
>> More single bond, in fact it's one
and a half bond character for exactly the same reason
as nitro groups and remember your reduced mass means you have
a square root term so if you're dropping your bond strength
to one and a half times is less your frequency is not going
to be one and a half times lower.
It's going to be like 1.2 times lower.
How many bands do you think you see for it?
Two or one?
How many think two?
Two for exactly the same reason so in other words,
you'll see about 1650 to about 1550 for the asymmetric stretch
and about 1400 for the symmetric stretch.
And again if you're thinking back to this issue
of making a free-base then if you're dealing
with a carboxylic acid and you're protonating it
and you're saying oh,
my carboxylic acid isn't dissolving in any solvent.
It does not dissolve in chloroform solution.
I can't get an NMR spectrum of it.
Why not? It might be that you have a carboxylate ion and even
if you dissolve it in DMSO you probably are,
since it's often you don't see carboxylic acids
in the NMR you're going to not be able to really tell
by NMR spectroscopy but you take an IR spectra and it's
like well, I know I should see a carbonyl for carboxylic acid
at about 1700 or just a hair above 1700.
I'm not seeing it.
Oh yeah, I see this funny band at about 1600 and you say, ah,
my carboxylic acid isn't protonated,
so again this is a case where IR really can shine.
Obviously we can't the talk
about every functional group known man
and if you're research project focuses
on a particular functional group so if your research project
for example, were to focus on making isocyanides say in some
of the Marine natural products you would probably go
to "Pretsch" and look up where the isocyanide functional group
showed up and then with when you're carrying
out the strategic reaction to introduce
that group you'd be able to look in the IR but at the same time
for reading an IR spectrum you can made some generalizations,
so here again is my little sketch.
I'll just put my marks at the key places I like to look.
We've already talked about this region here for NH and OH.
The region here from about 2000 to 2300 is an unusual region.
If you see anything other than a little bit of CO2 from breathing
in the spectrometer you probably should have your head perk
up because you have many triple bonds in this region,
so even though I don't know
where an isonitrile function shows
up I would expect it to be in that region.
You also have cumulated double bonds.
Cumulated means where you have two double bonds connected
to the same atom.
We saw carbon dioxide showing up in that region.
Another common functional group that's often used
in synthetic chemistry are halines.
Halines show up in that region as well.
I can't name every double bond but double bonds in general have
about the same strength.
You're dealing with typically elements
like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen.
All of those elements will give you a similar reduced mass.
So this region from 1800 to 1300 has many double bonds
in other words, your carbonyl stretches are there but also
if you're doing a project with emines [phonetic]
that would be the first place you'd expect to look for emines.
If you're doing a project with nitroso groups
that would be the first place I'd expect
to look for nitroso groups.
We've seen carbon-carbon double bonds in that region as well.
All right I'm going to mention couple
of more specialized pieces of information just as examples
of things you can see with IR spectroscopy,
so aromatics you have can combination bands involving the
carbon ring at about 1650 to 2000.
Those bands are weak and they tend to be a little bit
on the fat side and they often show up in patterns.
You'll also and you can be diagnostic
by pairing things have out of plane bends CH bends
at about 675 to about 900 and I'll just show you patterns
that have been documented.
I think this is part, can you check whether this is the last
page in your handout?
Two more pages, great, so the next to the last page
in the handout, so for example, phenyl groups are very common
and you'll see this pattern of four lines here
and you'll also see, so this is your combination
and this is your out of plane.
This pattern you'll see they look very different
than a carbonyl stretch.
They're much weaker.
You'll see this come up in a couple of your homework problems
in the four page sheet.
One of the homework problems says,
"Identify the functional group present
in the carbon-hydrogen oxygen containing molecules."
One of the molecules that you will encounter there is
ethyl-benzene or toluene.
I think it's ethyl-benzene and you will see this pattern there.
Another problem you'll have
which will be an interesting one is on polymers
and you'll see this pattern show up along with some other things
in that problem on identifying polymers.
So you can pick out different substitution patterns.
You could for example, pick out ortho xylene versus meta xylene
versus para xylene based on the patterns here.
All right, let's see, a couple of other especially topics here.
One thing that's really cool and again this will come back
to that homework problem on polymers,
so for CH3 groups there's a very, very,
sharp band at 1375 that's a CH bend.
That's the CH symmetric bend for methyl groups.
And remember how I talked about coupling?
If you have two methyl groups together you get a coupled
vibration so in an isopropyl group
or a gem dimethyl group you will see two bands one at 1370,
one at 1390 due to coupled CH bends symmetric
and asymmetric types of things.
That will actually help you in determining some
of your polymers apart.
The last thing I'll just show you for the heck of it
because it's on the last page of the handout
and then I think I'll wrap up on IR just one more sort
of special topic type of thing.
So hydrogen bonding, when it's enforced can be really,
really strong and so here we have the neat IR spectra
of two different isomers of ortho hydroxy-methyl benzoate,
the methyl salicylate and of the meta isomer and the one thing
that I thought was kind of cool is the difference the
between the two OH groups, so the OH stretch is at 3190
in the ortho compound and at 3370 in the meta compound.
So these are both hydrogen bonded OHs
but in the ortho compound you'll have enforcement
of hydrogen bonding through an intramolecular hydrogen bond
and that intramolecular hydrogen bond is really strong
and so you end up being even lower in frequency
than the meta compound where you just have intramolecular
hydrogen bonding.
[ Silence ]
All right well I think that's what I want to say
about IR spectroscopy.
We'll pick up next time talking about mass spectrometry
and we'll spend three lectures.
We'll start by talking a little bit about the theory
and the instrumentation and then some of the concepts. ------------------------------fcf221440058--