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  • Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be, that’s right,

  • to create a business and life you love. Don't you forget it. And this is Q&A Tuesday. And

  • today’s question comes from Andrea and Miss Andrea writes:

  • Hi Marie, I’ve been watching your videos because I was recently inspired to start a

  • business doing graphic design for life coaches. But lately I’ve been feeling discouraged

  • and unworthy. Though I have some schooling in graphic design, whenever I see another

  • person doing the same thing, it takes me down. I know you say we all have something unique

  • to offer, but how do you get around the fear that what you offer isn’t unique, especially

  • when youre a complete newbie at it? Thanks for putting out such great and inspiring material.

  • Thank you, Andrea.”

  • Andrea, I have heard this question from photographers and singers and writers and t-shirt makers

  • and yoga teachers. Everybody across the whole creative spectrum. And I’ve heard it from

  • people at every stage of the journey. From beginners to total pros. We have all had the

  • thought, “It’s all been done before, so why should I even bother?” But here is the

  • thing, Andrea, each and every one of us is born with a unique set of gifts that we are

  • here to express in this world while we are alive on the planet. God does not make any

  • extra peeps and when we hold back our gifts, we are truly stealing from those who need

  • us most.

  • So here are five tips that will hopefully keep you from being a gift thief. And number

  • one, there is more than enough to go around.

  • Youve got to get that there’s over 7 billion people on the planet. Now, I know

  • theyre not all life coaches, but, to be honest, these days it kind of feels like they

  • are. In fact, I think I just read a stat there’s like 4 life coaches born every minute.

  • My point is, we live in a big, beautiful world and there’s more than enough to go around

  • as long as you offer something that people actually want. Or in the words of Louise Hay,

  • and, yes, it’s a tweetable.

  • Somewhere someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer.”

  • Number two, you need to embrace the abbondanza. Think about Italian restaurants. Can you imagine

  • if any of them said, “You know what? The world’s got enough Italian food. Everybody’s

  • done eggplant parm.” I have several favorite Italian restaurants and I would be totally

  • heartbroken if even just one of them didn't exist.

  • Same thing goes for singers. I mean, can you imagine if Bruno Mars said to himself, “You

  • know what? There’s enough sexy guys that can sing and dance. Why even try?” Are you

  • kidding me? Then myself and the whole world wouldve been robbed of this.

  • No one has or ever will have your perspective. Youre a crucial part of the universe’s

  • abbondanza. If you were missing from it, just wouldn’t be the same, girl.

  • Number three is stop doing shots of compare-schlager. You know, in college I had some nasty nights

  • from this stuff called Goldschlager. You ever heard of it? It is disgusting and you are

  • drinking compare-schlager, which is even worse. And it leaves you with the nastiest comparison

  • hangovers.

  • Look, you are watching MarieTV right now, but if I started doing shots of this stuff,

  • you wouldn’t be. Why? Because I wouldve never gotten to episode 2. Do you know how

  • many other online shows there are that give business and life advice? If I went down that

  • comparison rabbit hole, I wouldve never got out. So my point is, you need to put down

  • the bottle, girl.

  • Number four is be the acorn. So big, beautiful oak trees start off from a tiny acorn. And

  • everything beautiful and magnificent in this world usually starts tiny, tiny, tiny. Just

  • because youre not the most experienced or the best pro right now doesn't mean you

  • won’t be. And all the people that youre looking at that have more experience than

  • you did not start off that way. Youve gotta know this, every single pro starts off as

  • an amateur, so right now youve just gotta focus on being the acorn. And if you really

  • wanna make this happen, this next step is the most important.

  • Number five, youve got to train yourself to choose love over fear. So here’s the

  • deal, in any given moment all of us have a choice of our thoughts and our words and our

  • actions. We can either align ourselves with fear or align ourselves with love. Now, when

  • were aligned with fear we all feel like ass. Right? We feel alone, we feel separate,

  • and we feel completely unworthy. We waste a lot of time, we don't get things done, and,

  • most of all, we waste this precious gift we have called life.

  • Now, on the other hand, when we align ourselves with love, everything changes instantly. We

  • feel awesome, we feel connected to ourselves and to others, and we recognize, you know

  • what, we have some genius inside and were here to contribute that genius to make the

  • world an amazing place alongside a whole bunch of other people that are here to do the same.

  • So, Andrea, those are 5 things that I really want you to remember the next time you start

  • feeling like it’s all been done before. And I wanna wrap up with one of my favorite

  • quotes of all time from the incredible Martha Graham.

  • There’s a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through

  • you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is

  • unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will

  • be lost. The world will not have it. It’s not your business to determine how good it

  • is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It’s your business to

  • keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to

  • believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges

  • that motivate you. Keep the channel open.”

  • That was my A to your Q, Andrea, I really hope it helps. Now I would love to hear from

  • you. You know, all of us can get caught up in this idea that everything’s been done

  • before. So if youve felt that way, which one of these 5 tips most resonates with you?

  • Or if you have another way to get yourself out of the, “It’s all been done before,”

  • funk, I would love to hear about it.

  • As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at, so go

  • over there and leave a comment now.

  • Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to our channel and it would be amazing if

  • you shared it with your friends. And if you want awesome resources to create a business

  • and life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only get to talk about

  • in email, come on over to and make sure you sign up for email updates.

  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world really does need

  • that special gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch

  • you next

  • time on MarieTV.

Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be, that’s right,


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感覺一切都已經過去了?看這個。 (Feel Like It’s All Been Done Already? Watch This.)

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    Adam Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日