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Hi I'm coach Collin Castellaw with Shot Mechanics.com and let's learn the Stephen Curry jab Stepback Move.
嗨,我是 Shot Mechanics.com 的 柯林凱斯特勒 教練,我們來學習 史蒂芬柯瑞 的一個動作 –– “試探後撤步”
The jab Stepback is an awesome move and the one that Stephen Curry uses all the
”後撤試探步“ 是一個很漂亮的動作,也是 柯瑞 每次用
time to get that extra separation to get of a jump shot. Now you pair that with his quick
來取得更多空間投籃的動作。 現在你把這個動作和他的快速出手組合在一起,
release and it is deadly. So let's break it down for you. So the move begins with Steph's
defender rides his hip high. So Stephen knows that the defender is caught in a little
的球員的手架在他的臀部上面,所以 史蒂芬 知道防守球員陷入
bit of a rock and a hard place because he doesn't want to let him go baseline but also
does not want to give him the open 3. So Steph gives a quick jab step but pops off of it
也不想讓他投3分。 所以史蒂芬做了一個迅速的試探步,但快速收回往後退一步
to gain extra separation moving backwards giving him a wide open look. This move is
藉此取到更多的空間而有了一個大空檔。 這個動作
great because it gets double the separation. Notice how Stephen uses a great little head
很棒,因為它可以拉大空間,注意看 史蒂芬 如何用頭
and shoulder fake to really sell that jab step to create that extra separation. And
all he has to do is to gather and make sure his shooting elbow is pointing towards the ground
and release. And that's how to do the Stephen Curry Jab Stepback. Thank you so much for
然後投籃,這樣就是如何做出 史蒂芬柯瑞 試探後撤步。 非常謝謝你
watching and if you liked what you saw feel free to hit the subscription button in the
bottom right hand corner or leave a comment, like this video, favorite it, and share whatever you want
to do to help us out. We would very much appreciate it. If you want to watch more of our newest
move tutorials, feel free to hit the annotations up here and check them out. Also if you have not go
take a look at our website Shot Mechanics.com where we have even more moves, drills, and
看過我們的網站 Shot Mechanics.com,那裡有更多關於動作、運球的
videos that are not on YouTube. We are really trying to ramp up the website and make it
影片沒放上 YouTube。我們正在努力做好我們的網站,把它
the best, highest quality, free basketball website on the planet and we want you to come
along for the ride. So go ahead and hit the annotation and sign up if you have not already,
and it's free! Again I'm Coach Collin Castellaw with Shot Mehchanics.com. Thanks for watching
全都是免費的。我是 Shot Mechanics.com 的 柯林凱斯特勒 教練。 謝謝你的觀看,
and go splash one in someones eyeball.