字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 People think that California Asians are all the same. They do. - 大家覺得加州的亞洲人都一樣 - 不是嗎! Bro. Cali Asians are all the same. They're either only the geek Asians or street Asians. 那些亞洲人都差不多啦,不是天才怪胎就是街頭少年 School Asians or Cool Asians. And at the end of the day, they just gonna hang out with a bunch of other Asians. 不是乖乖好學生就是校園風雲人物,反正他們晚上都是和一堆亞洲人混 So who cares? 有什麼好說的? And between the Asians of Northern California. Aka NorCal. And the Asians in Sourthern California. Aka SoCal 北加州的亞裔美國人,簡稱:北加亞裔;南加州的亞裔美國人,簡稱:南加亞裔 They've been very influential in shaping the image of young Asians in America. 塑造了美國的年輕亞洲人形象 Will that be insane? NorCal Asians and SoCal Asians are actually very different from each other. 北加亞裔和南加亞裔其實很不相同,是不是非常不可思議呢? So to figure out the differences, we brought the NorCal representative Ellen. 為了一探究竟兩地差異,我們請來北加州代表愛倫 Bay area. Born and raised. 我是土生土長的灣區人 And SoCal representative Michelle. Proud LA girl! - 還有南加州代表蜜雪兒 - 驕傲的洛杉磯女孩! So which one of California is better? 南北加州哪個好? NorCal. SoCal. - 北加州 - 南加州 Uh. Dah. - 是嗎? - 那還用說 Let's just talk about the differences. 我們還是談談兩邊有何不同吧 NorCal Asian versus SoCal Asians. Let's go. 北加亞裔對上南加亞裔! Which side are you? 你喜歡南加州還是北加州? A lot of people consider NorCal and SoCal two separate states. 很多人把南北加州當成兩個獨立的州 The drive long is six hours long. And that is… 開車也要六小時,這種距離… Hellllla far. 踏馬的遠 I hate that word. 我最討厭那種說法 Wait. Why does SoCal people hate it when NorCal people uses "hella" 等等,為什麼南加州人不喜歡北加州人說「踏馬的」 Just sounds stupid. 因為聽起來很蠢啊 SoCal is jealous because they don't really have a exclusive slang. 他們只是忌妒,南加州人沒有自己的俚語 Yeah, We do. We have sick, fool, legit, sketch, stoked. 才不是,我們也有特別的字! 「超ㄅㄧㄤˋ」、「呆瓜」、「正港」、「怪胎」、「嗨翻天」 That's a little bit off reach. 這些應該不算吧 - ABG. - Okay. I'll give you that one. - 亞洲甜心女孩! - 這還差不多 First difference between NorCal and SoCal are the jobs they're known for. 首先要來看看兩邊的產業生態 A lot of people in NorCal work in the tech industry. Aka, Silicon Valley 北加州有許多人選擇科技業,也就是所謂的矽谷 Which is Google, Facebook, Apple and a bunch of other computer stuff. 那裡是谷歌、臉書、蘋果和其他電腦公司的大本營 In Socal, everybody think it's cool to work in the entertainment industry. 南加州人則嚮往進入娛樂產業 Hollywood, TV, even YouTube. 好萊塢、電視圈,甚至 YouTube 都是個好選擇 The coolest thing you can be doing in the NorCal 北加州最讓人稱羨的職業 is working at a tech startup and creating a world changing mobile app. 就是在科技新創上班、開發具世界影響力的手機應用程式 And the coolest thing to be doing in SoCal 南加州最讚的則是 is working in acting, film, media or just anything in the entertainment industry. 演戲、拍片、媒體或任何娛樂界的工作 Because SoCal is the number one place to do entertainment in the world. 南加州擁有全球最發達的演藝事業 And NorCal is the number one to do Tech in the world. 北加州則是科技業的重鎮 Everybody in the world moves there to work in those industries. 想在這兩個領域一展長才的人全都慕名而來 And that has a huge rapid effect on the culture of those regions which you can feel even if you're not in those industries. 這些遷移活動為文化帶來了急遽、重大的改變,就算你沒在科技或演藝圈打滾也一定能注意到 Guess what. I just saw Mark Zuckerberg at Philz coffee. 你猜怎麼著?我剛在 Philz(註:美國連鎖咖啡廳)看到馬克祖克柏 No I didn't ask him for a job. 沒有,我沒跟他要工作 Guess what. I just saw Khloe and Kim at Urth café. 你猜怎麼著?我剛在 Urth(註:美國第一家有機咖啡店)捕獲野生克蘿伊和金恩 And no, they do not look as good in person. 但本人看起來不怎樣 But actually for Asians in SoCal. They're more likely to be in the import and export or the health industry. 其實大部分的南加亞裔多從事進出口貿易或在醫療部門上班 And while Asians are not be in the Hollywood. We have fob media and new media. Youtube. 雖然好萊塢不常見亞洲人身影,新移民仍有自己的娛樂產業和新興媒體,例如:YouTube The next big difference between NorCal and SoCal is the Asian food. 再來要比較兩個地方的亞洲食物 Alright, we gonna see who has better food country by country. Cuisine by cuisine. 我們要用國家和食物做為評分標準 Who's got better Chinese Food? Go. 哪邊的中國食物比較好吃?開始! I know there's more Cantonese people in NorCal than SoCal. 北加州的廣東人比南加州多 And maybe the barbeque and the sea food is better. But it's kind of hard to say. 烤肉和海鮮可能也比較美味,但還滿難說的 Well. there are a lot more new Chinese immigrants in SoCal than the NorCal. 南加州的華人移民比北加州多 So they might want more authentic Chinese food. 所以道地的中國食物應該更多 So NorCal or SoCal? Umm… SoCal. - 北加還是南加? - 南加 Korean food. 韓食 There aren't a lot of Koreans in NorCal and as a result, there's not a lot of legit Korean food. 北加州的韓國人不多,所以正統的韓國菜餚自然滿少的 - There are tons of Koreans in SoCal. And therefore, they bring really good authentic Korean food. - SoCal. - 南加州的韓國人多到爆 韓式料理店也真的很道地 - 南加州 Who has better Thai food? 哪邊的泰國菜好吃? - SoCal has way more Thai food. - We even have a Thai Town. - SoCal. - 南加州的泰國料理比北加州多太多 - 我們還有泰國城 - 南加州 Vietnamese food. We got San Jose. - 越南佳餚 - 聖荷西的越南菜很有名 We got… garden grove Westminster. …威斯敏斯特!那裡的越南菜也很棒 It's a tie. 平分秋色 Indian food. 印度菜 There are a lot more Indian people in NorCal. Probably because of the tech industry. 北加州印度人更多,可能跟科技業有關 We have a little Indian here but it's not in the same level as NorCal. Norcal. - 南加州也有印度菜,但比不上他們 - 北加州 Japanese food. We have a lot of people from Japan in SoCal. - 日本料理 - 南加州日本人很多 But the fish is way more fresh in the bay. So the SuShi is better 但灣區的的魚更新鮮,所以我們的生魚片比較好 - We got better ramen, yakitori, shabu shabu, curry … - Okay, okay, I'll give it SoCal. - 我們的拉麵、雞肉串、涮涮鍋、咖哩都比較好吃… - 好啦好啦,南加州 Filipino food. Okay. Socal has a lot of Filipinos but the bay has way more. NorCal. - 菲律賓食物 - 南加州有很多菲律賓, 不過沒有北加州多 - 北加州 Okay guys. I love NorCal but when it comes to different types of authentic Asian food, I have to give it to SoCal. 我愛北加州,但南加州的亞洲味更棒 Thank you. But NorCal is the second best. 謝謝啦,北加州第二名也不賴 Differences in fashion between NorCal and SoCal. 來看看南北加州時尚品味的差異 Because SoCal is always warmer than NorCal. 因為南加州比較溫暖 We're here wearing summer clothes all year around. 整年都可以穿夏裝 We're having a lot more flip flops, clubbing attire, cropped shirts and cropped shorts. 很多夾腳拖、派對服裝、短版 T 恤和熱褲 All cropped everything. 越清涼越好 In NorCal, we wear more boots, scarves, hoodies, and North Face. 北加州人則常穿戴靴子、圍巾、連帽衣和 North Face What's a North Face? Is it like a puffy jacket or something? North Face 是啥?是胖胖的夾克還是什麼? Where's the bar? 好冷,酒吧在哪? Something I notice about Asian guys in NorCal is that they dress more hip hop 我發現北加的亞洲男孩多走嘻皮路線 and they like to get liner at the urban barber shop. 他們喜歡去城市理髮廳剃頭髮 Basically, they like to dress like Filipino DJs. 基本上,他們喜歡把自己打扮的看起來像菲律賓 DJ Another big difference between NorCal Asians and SoCal Asians is how they party. 南北加州辦派對的方式也差很多 Partying in SoCal is way different than NorCal. Way different. - 兩個地方的派對是天壤之別 - 超級不一樣 Different because our night clubs are fancier and our parties is bigger. 差在我們的俱樂部比較炫、派對也比較大 I think you mean you guys are more bougie and more cliquey. 妳是說比較愛裝上流、搞小圈圈吧 Partying in LA is like partying in Vegas. 洛杉磯的派對跟賭城有得比 Is that even a good thing? 這算優點嗎? We like that the bay is way more chill. 灣區的人跳舞總是酷酷的 Come on. We're suppose to be on. Hurry up! Wait, where're you going? Jessica. 快點,輪到我們了,趕快!等等,妳要去哪?潔西卡! Always have to pee. 每次都要尿尿! Basically, SoCal Asians like EDM and festivals more. 基本上,南加州人偏好電子舞曲和節慶狂歡 And Asians in NorCal probably like hip hop and R&B more. 北加州人則更愛嘻哈和節奏藍調 And this difference can be seen in the hand shake that Asian guys greet each other with. 這種差異也能從亞裔男生握手時看出端倪 This is called the dap. And this is the way Asian guys in the bay do. 灣區的亞裔男生見面時打招呼的方式稱為「DAP」 - Hey, what's up. Erica dude. Nice to see you. - What's up bro. Yeah, pleasure to meet you, man. - 嘿!艾瑞卡,近來如何?見到你真好 - 嘿老兄,看到你真開心 This is slide and pound. Most Asian guys in SoCal do this. 南加州人打招呼的方式則稱為「slide and pound」 Hey, what's going on, bro. 嘿,老兄 So from what I've heard and what I've seen in SoCal clubs. 我從別人和自己的經驗中,發現南加的俱樂部裡 Girls and guys are not really dancing with each other. 男女生不太會一起跳舞 If you're referring to grinding very few SoCal Asian girl do this. 如果你是指貼身舞的話,沒錯 And usually because it's viewed as ratchet or they just don't know how to do it. 大部分是因為覺得這樣會被當成賤女人,或是只是因為不會跳 In NorCal, Asians grew up dancing this way so it's a lot more accepted and it's a more of having fun. 在北加州,亞洲人從小就這樣跳舞所以比較不會惹來異樣眼光,就是好玩而已 So this is how SoCal girls dance with guys. 南加州女生是這樣跟異性跳舞的 And then in the bay is way more ratchet. 而在灣區的話,跳舞方式就會更加的下流 Alright, Michelle, if you have to describe SoCal Asians in four words, they would be... 好的蜜雪兒,如果要用四個單字概括南加亞裔,你會用... Hollywood, FOB, trendy and glamorous. 好萊塢、新移民、時髦、迷人 Ellen, if you have to describe NorCal Asians in four words, they would be… 艾倫,如果要用四個單字概括北加亞裔,你會用... Chill, brainy, cultured, hip hop. 冷靜、聰明、文雅、嘻哈 So in the comments below, let us know if these descriptions were accurate and which one you would prefer. 在下方留言,說說哪些形容很中肯、或哪些描述你覺得更貼切 Now, we are not saying that one is better than the other. 我們沒有要把南北加州分個高下 We're just saying that they're kind of different. 只是說這兩個地方有點不一樣 So get in where you fit in. 那兒適合你,就往哪兒去吧 Look. SoCal is pretty where all the flowers you might have. But I give a thing, this is the place to be. 南加州雖然不是十全十美,卻是我的家 And NorCal is not. So, there's that. 而北加州不是,就這樣 Alright everybody, thank you for watching that video. Thank you to Michelle and Ellen. 謝謝大家的收看,也感謝蜜雪兒和愛倫 Michelle is from LA. Ellen grew up in the bay. 蜜雪兒來自洛城,愛倫是灣區人 Follow them on their social media right below. We'll put their little links up here. 可以去社群媒體關注她們,下方有小小的連結 Subscribe to our channel. Watch this video. Watch this video. 訂閱我們的頻道,看看左邊的影片、看看右邊的影片 And leave comments below. Let us know if you're more of a NorCal Asian or SoCal Asian. Peace. 在評論區留言,告訴我們你更像北加亞裔還是南加亞裔一些!讚!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 南加州 亞洲人 亞裔 比較 科技業 派對 南北加州華人大不同!聽聽當地人怎麼說!(NorCal Asians VS. SoCal Asians) 43314 2378 Go Tutor 發佈於 2017 年 08 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字