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  • In this week's job search tip, we're gonna be going over advice for those of you

  • interviewing for your very first job. We're gonna go over the interview

  • question "Tell me about yourself"

  • and find out what employers are really looking for. That's coming up!

  • Hey guys, I'm Kim with Snagajob, your number one source for hourly jobs, and

  • welcome to Job Hunters,

  • our weekly advice show, where we give you everything from resume advice

  • to interview tips and everything in between. This week we're going to talk about the

  • job interview question

  • 'Tell me about yourself" and how to answer it if you've had no job experience.

  • Now this may be one of the first questions you're asked in an interview

  • so you're really gonna wanna be prepared so you don't start off on an

  • awkward note and say things like:

  • "Well, I've never really worked before but I'm pretty awesome and worth the risk."

  • "Let's see. Hmm. I'm a junior at Springfield High School. That's about it."

  • "Um, me? About me? Well, let's see here. I like TV.

  • All sorts of TV. Reality TV, sports on TV."

  • "I like dogs. I like cats. I like puppies. I like kittens. But I guess those are like dogs and cats but their cuter."

  • "One time I went to a dairy farm. I talked to a farmer. For like a week, I thought I wanted to be a farmer but

  • lactose intolerant, that wouldn't work."

  • In another video, we talked about

  • answering this question by talking about your skills, experience, and time you've

  • been doing those things.

  • But if you don't have any experience you wanna pull from what you do have

  • like volunteer work, school activities, sports, etc.

  • That show off that you're professional and a very fast learner.

  • Now remember, to keep it short and sweet. They were really don't need to hear your life story.

  • Just why you will make the best fit for that position.

  • "I'm currently a student at Springfield High School

  • where I'm very active in our Student Council Association. As a rep for my class, I've

  • gotten the chance to volunteer with a lot of fundraising events so I've gotten pretty

  • comfortable handling money.

  • That's why I think I'd be a perfect fit for this cashier position."

  • Now make sure you check out this other video we made where we talk about things you can put

  • on your resume if you've had no real job experience. So we know it's really scary

  • to find that first job but it's not as hard as you may think it is

  • and we are here to help. So if you have any concerns or questions about nailing that first job,

  • just comment below and we may even make a video about it. So thanks for joining us today,

  • if you like this video please let us know so we know to continue to make videos like this.

  • And if you have any questions you should also comment below and we'll make sure to get back to you.

  • And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking that button

  • and you'll get a new job search video every Wednesday.

  • And if you're ready to get your job search started, click the button down there

  • and it will take you to to start your job search today. Have a good one!

In this week's job search tip, we're gonna be going over advice for those of you


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A2 初級

沒有工作經驗?說說你自己吧。沒有經驗的青少年求職面試(第二部分) (No work experience? Tell me about yourself: Teen job interviews with no experience (Part 2))

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    鄭羽含 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日