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  • Walking Dead Season 4 episode 4

  • indifference in which a very major characters watch is

  • ended at least for now maybe we'll find it again I don't know

  • I was wondering if we're going to see her again artful when will see her again

  • she'll be on handling

  • I'm artisans in the watch again actually now I'm talking all

  • so %uh that's obviously the big event is we lose carol who's been around for

  • basically for ever since the very early part of the season 1

  • we've also lost Brett oh yeah well I guess I should mention

  • I can work sir I've never let Brett Brett is not here actually

  • and because he didn't tell us that he was gonna be here I think we're going to

  • have to banish him from the group

  • perhaps you can join up with a different you did not tell them what to grab me

  • before he made that decision

  • much like Rick I know I did you need to take strong leadership okay you get that

  • link I face the harsh decisions

  • and so we can certainly start off with the care of that that was the big event

  • at work episode

  • I was not expecting her to be let go so quickly yeah

  • Rick finally stepped up and did something he did step

  • up I suppose although he did show he seemed

  • so indifferent to the entire thing through the course of the episode

  • Lake she had to keep bringing it up which leads me to believe that

  • despite how hard she tries to portray yourself as

  • it must have actually been bother her because why would she keeps saying we'll

  • I killed two people why doesn't that affect you I think she wanted someone to

  • tell her what she did was wrong I think she's having a hard time mitigating

  • on her humanity which is me its I think they all have different opinions on what

  • it means to be strong

  • and what they need to hold on to what they need to let go which was a big name

  • in a separate data showed up on it that glad it with heavy handed me my

  • literature degree at all

  • I and well trip to Hershey a bad girl

  • a lot of her compassion and in love other compassion directed elsewhere

  • to the children and I do think she did feel guilty about it yeah he

  • she understood she knows what she did was wrong even though she saying

  • you can't be a former you can't just be a farmer in

  • you gotta do things you gotta murder people who count on your

  • yet so you bring up the kids and I think that might actually be a little bit more

  • evidence of what I was saying about how she portrays herself is super hard

  • she's like this season's Carl is that she tells the girl early on in their

  • little telhami mom call me mom

  • just don't do it super cold to our this girl the dying of the flu she told you

  • that

  • but then later on when they meet the hippie couple and she's like oh I have a

  • kid

  • so i think thats wednesday her name she referred to her as a

  • well with a filmstrip in someone else's life a slight light show all I thought

  • she was referring to the

  • psychic psychopathic blonde I think she was referring to Sophie everything she

  • was

  • yeah okay I guess that's possible they have been awhile since she'd that her

  • name

  • and I think and I with I was right

  • last week when I said we were referring to when they said or what what the pic

  • Parenthood like their child

  • that most tragic thing I think that that happily ever after everything Carol does

  • a yeah yet and so what will actually this is the part where on so what we

  • want to do this let's let's get a little um

  • post-apocalyptic zombie Supreme Court going okay you are Rick

  • and you have found out that carol has a brutally murdered two people burned

  • their bodies when they were still alive

  • we didn't know they were gonna die. or be a threat to the group I

  • and you're out there do you banish her from the group

  • and its although you don't need it

  • I'm not as crazy as Rick you think he's crazy

  • he's had emotional problems for sure and his

  • he's kinda mitigating them now is doing better than he was doing

  • mean I am careless she's one of the strongest members of the group

  • she's too important to lose I think I would have told the council you think I

  • did anything

  • so it should have been democratic that the way he had said it should be before

  • I don't like them I changed his tune

  • that is a good I what will I mean we can't or speculate on why he did

  • is a possible that he thought the group wouldn't have been dashed

  • well he did say Tyrese will kill you so maybe his true character

  • maybe and it does he kinda brings up the season 2 when they had a

  • the guy from the bandit group and they were debating for I think twelve

  • episodes whether or not that she got him on the head

  • and we saw that they could not they couldn't degree

  • as a maybe he was trying to avoid a repeat of that I thought you're saying

  • that they were listening audience feedback and that they hated that may be

  • and that his

  • still yet it could be on but yes I think that

  • I don't know that I agree with it like I I do like to use or to protect you from

  • Tyreese

  • mmm-hmm utmost unconvincing argument ever made on TV shows

  • I can handle Tyreese no you can't you can't receive how did your weapon you

  • have

  • I'm hungry I he would really murder you like that they find him go crazy at one

  • time

  • yet handle Tyree he in the just on this episode he hit that woman in the face

  • how many times I'll ago Tyreese

  • exactly everybody out the Lego eventually %uh it was so

  • so so we it was generally very well at all but but in terms that the Carroll

  • the right decision I don't think he should have done it that way

  • that's why caught me so off guard yeah but when I opposed to my

  • internal logic I thought there was the possibility that once he said

  • you have to go that she would turn it in try to kill him

  • go back to the group saying that he had died the walkers I don't think arafat

  • crazy

  • yeah I mean she she'd isn't just doing what she does to protect herself she's

  • doing it because she believes it's the right thing to do

  • hmm on it is going to be a different group without I mean we're running out

  • love original people like they've been killing everyone on original person

  • well she's from very early on yet another scam last original person

  • besides reckon Carl

  • I think it's Glenn yes she heeded me going a little bit earlier than yeah

  • her yep that's true and the emeralds that

  • but okay so so we had the obviously the banishing up Carol that was a big part

  • of it

  • we had the other group going out for supplies which they eventually got

  • on and whiskey it seems and such a your favor that

  • not yeah I i'm not in favor have

  • putting the group into danger for a bottle

  • alcohol in wealth I didn't see it is somewhat returning the group in a

  • dangerous he was willing to die himself or

  • quite he put their own shown and

  • Tyrese in danger and then air go put the whole group in danger

  • forget addiction and I think another thing that a theme in this episode was

  • I leading not just letting go but letting like

  • being hurt by the thing that nor shit thats when he

  • clearly had alcoholism yep Tyrese need to let go

  • a the rage the rage from Cairns death and the first

  • you know that did nursed him with love can turn into searing range

  • I show Mangal the governor yeah and that fruitless attempt

  • which I don't think last will he'll be up

  • ice himself that he would not but you probably will be back

  • yeah yes oh okay so they each have had a sort of Lego things obviously Rick let

  • go of Carol

  • on so let's say hypothetically you are in the zombie apocalypse what do you

  • think that you would have to let go of Kim

  • and nothing I nothing would hold backed I am yet rated everything

  • him I have a sword you didn't he did you give you that infected with me show no

  • but I would not run out of bullets that's true it's great II

  • I do find a questionable that I has she sharpened thats or did you ever see her

  • shopping at

  • we might have won all but

  • and they should really invest in market on is that really seems like the zombie

  • killing weapon of choice

  • it is it is it's the best 1i feel like people shoot like a close-range

  • inning you idiot don't waste the bullet let me show you know it

  • letters the books but also on well us sucky

  • that's the guys in bob's a key right are sticky sticky the medic yet

  • he he shot one at the Walkers after the vine and yes

  • as like you totally didn't shoot gonna do that apparently no noise

  • in that area mattered I guess on I think for me personally

  • a in this has come up with some other characters the fact that you have to

  • rely on people and be in such close proximity to them

  • like obviously there's a huge difference in this world between being alone in

  • being with people in one year in great danger and the other

  • your summer danger but you have a chance I think that that would be hard for me

  • after line people that way and get the look on after some point yeah

  • to exactly its it's a double-edged sword because getting too emotionally attached

  • to people makes you

  • a what makes use of or angry and that makes you weak as Michelle explained

  • hmm said exactly it it's something you have to media and it's not something

  • that everyone doing a good job

  • at mediating so one thing we we talked about the the supply run if they went on

  • what I liked about the

  • people care tries in this episode is literally the talking that it was mostly

  • long conversations it was

  • an emotional episode it was suppose to the

  • some other airlines yet but there was there was the the incident in the

  • veterinary college and what I liked about it is that now

  • because some other walkers have the disease there they become super

  • effective at killing walkers but now they can't just kill the walkers they

  • have to run from them

  • I'm assuming next season you'll have walkers are on fire I think that'll be

  • they've got cuttings perfect I

  • so that was good because it's for me when I saw them coming through the doors

  • like

  • just turn on tune you can kill twenty of those but I like that it's that's not an

  • option anymore

  • I wonder if that will just be from here on out or fill in she go back to the

  • zombies don't have the disease

  • and I'm I think eventually like we said before they're going to leave the prison

  • and in they they have good at killing other whether the soap opera with

  • occasional zombies

  • her I think that there's all I think it's always been a vastly

  • episode episode between those two things on we also

  • we we skipped over there was that the hippie couple that they came across oh

  • yeah about that work all

  • we approach for a hear hear some delicious fruit here let me just roll it

  • against this is on be used directly into the putrid blood

  • exactly on I'll did not trust them

  • right off the bat I knew they would be dead right off the bat it's a different

  • unit and I mentioned

  • but like I love he kept his gun on them for so long and if it was me

  • how do you not shoe I mean they could pull a gun out from behind it or

  • something

  • they're hippies but hippies can be dangerous to women differently

  • I mean the rednecks in the bar back in season two were pretty dangerous

  • area on it so what we saw the girl died

  • terrifically our house she lost a foot but well you know there's already

  • injured

  • yeah I so on do you think that the guy is dead

  • probably I I was waiting for him to pick his watch after court

  • a they didn't do it yeah it was a nice watch I

  • disagree I think he's alive in the reason I think that is because our Rick

  • didn't just say

  • that a will take you back to where we are he said we're at the prison eight

  • miles up the road from

  • I don't think he would have given him directions he was about to use them

  • you like a man I still got for out yeah he's a show can be the most useful to

  • remember the group

  • I how did they survive for as long as they did come on in

  • I don't year there was a walker in the house to i mean

  • an idiot will they were in the greenhouse and he eventually went when

  • they when the house they collected by the Walker but they couldn't pull one

  • locker I don't think the

  • survived when I was nothing to demonstrate you know

  • a Carol wanted to let them go and Rick wanted to you know keep them safe

  • she was willing to heal them but then let them go yeah and I thought the shoot

  • and kill them

  • when she put them on the table shake-up kill them yeah I guess

  • with decisions they would have died anyway they would have so

  • so final thing before we go we saw that the preview for the next episode

  • well with that it seems like it so that the next episode is called internment

  • and we saw him telling the the people to stay in their cells and seems like they

  • don't want to anymore

  • from I am not super looking for this episode because it looks like it's gonna

  • be on the prison

  • and I would like to see them move on the radio message that they were getting I

  • don't think that that's coming and maybe a couple episodes from now

  • I'm rethink I want them what they're listening

  • I don't know that with the soundtrack but I was like turn on the radio while

  • you're driving you had to gather in a message

  • exactly yet he will use brooding I guess

  • and we will brood overall unmentioned points from this episode

  • feel free to go into the comment let us know what you would I have to let go

  • love

  • in the post-apocalyptic zombie else Cape and also do you agree with rex decision

  • to banish unilaterally Carol from the group

  • and and finally do you think that she's a shot in the future all I want to be

  • alive

  • will she be alive will find out the future episode of Walking Dead and we

  • will talk about it if you trip so

  • up these reviews yes I guess

Walking Dead Season 4 episode 4


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行屍走肉第四季第4集(冷漠)點評 (The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 4 (Indifference) Review)

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    趙之宇 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日