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Hey, guys. I'm Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this vocabulary lesson on:
嗨,又見面了,我是 Alex,歡迎你的收看,今天要帶來的課程是:
"5 Verbs to Sound Smart". Now, you may have already checked out my lesson on five nouns
「5 個讓你聽起來很聰明的動詞」,你們可能已經過同系列的 「5 個名詞...」
to sound smart, five adjectives to sound smart; and today, we're looking at the verbs.
或 「5個形容詞...」,而現在我們要講動詞了
So, from the top, we have the verb: "ostracize". All right? So repeat it after me: "ostracize".
好,從最上面開始,第一個動詞是 "ostracize",跟著我念一次:"ostracize"
Okay. So what "ostracize" means is to exclude someone, generally from a social group like
"ostracize" 代表把一個人,從一個社群團體中排除在外
a family, or a team, or any kind of religious group as well. So to exclude, shun, or snub
them from a specific group. So, for example: "He was ostracized for his beliefs." So this
舉例來說:"He was ostracized for his beliefs."
person had different beliefs than the other people in his social group, and the other
people in his social group basically pushed him away and didn't allow him to return. They
looked at... They looked down on him like he was less than them. He was ostracized;
he was excluded from the group. So, again, you can be ostracized for your beliefs, you
can be ostracized for something you say, you can be ostracized for something you do. So,
for example, if you follow, you know, a system of faith, a religion that tells you that you
have to act a certain way, if a person doesn't act that way, they could be ostracized by
members of their religious community. Okay?
The next one: "garner". So think... Look at my hands. "Garner", which means to get, to
下一個 "garner",想一下,看我的手,"Garner" 代表去獲得
acquire, to earn. You can also think of it as to collect. So, the example we have on
the board is: "They garnered a poor reputation." So this group of people basically acquired
"They garnered a poor reputation." 所以這個團體基本上信譽很差
a poor reputation for their beliefs or their actions. You can also, for example, garner
可能是因為他們的理念或者是行為舉止,你也可以造句像:garner evidence 蒐集證據
evidence. Like if you're a police officer, you can also garner information. So you can
say: "We have been trying to garner, collect, or get, or acquire as much information as
possible." Or: "The police haven't garnered enough evidence to, you know, send the suspect
to jail."
Next, we have: "contemplate". Now, some of you might be familiar with this word because
it's similar to something, you know, in a Spanish language, for example. And: "to contemplate"
因為這個字有些字很像,像西班牙文類的,"to contemplate"
means to consider or to think about something. So, for example: "We have contemplated moving
代表你去考慮或思考某樣東西,舉例:"We have contemplated moving to a new city."
to a new city." So this could be a family or a boyfriend and girlfriend, or a couple
and, you know, they have: "Hmm, okay, we have talked about it, we have thought about it,
we have considered, contemplated moving to a new city." So if you're having a difficult
time making a decision or it takes you a long time to think about the process of decision
making, you can use the word: "contemplate". Okay?
你就可以用 "contemplate"
Next one is: "differentiate". So you might already see the word or hear the word: "difference".
下一個是 "differentiate",你應該已經知道 "difference" 這個字(差異)
Right? In this word. "Differentiate" is the verb form of: "difference". So to be able
而 "Differentiate" 就是動詞版的 "difference"
to tell the difference, you can differentiate between two or more things, or people, or
objects. For example: "I can't differentiate between my twin cousins." An important thing
舉例說明"I can't differentiate between my twin cousins."
to remember about differentiate is if you want to talk about and mention the two things
有一件重要的事是當你使用 differentiate 去說你要比較的兩件事物時
you are comparing, you can use the preposition: "between", so you differentiate between "A"
你可以用介系詞 "between",所以你可以說 differentiate between "A" or "B"
or "B", or "A" and "B". Okay? So to be able to tell the difference. My twin cousins look
或是 differentiate between "A" and "B",你可以造句說:
the same, I can't differentiate between the two of them.
“My twin cousins look the same, I can't differentiate between the two of them.”
And finally, we have the verb: "fluctuate". This comes from the noun: "fluctuation". So
最後是 fluctuate,它是名詞 "fluctuation" 的動詞形態
"to fluctuate" is to change or vary, usually at regular intervals. So the sentence we have
"to fluctuate" 就是去改變或變動,一般來說都是在一定的區間內,而我們在白板上的例句是
on the board relates to the stock market. For example: "The dollar has been fluctuating"-has
been going up, going down, changing, hasn't been stable-"a lot this month." So if something
is constantly changing; going up, going down, going left, going right - it is fluctuating.
So what are some things that can fluctuate? We can talk about the economy, you can also
talk about the weather. So you can say: "The weather has been fluctuating a lot this week."
You can also talk about, you know, your beliefs or the things you say if they're inconsistent
with one another.
Okay, guys, so from the top, let's just listen and repeat for the pronunciation of these
words. "Ostracize", "garner", "contemplate", "differentiate", and "fluctuate".
"Ostracize", "garner", "contemplate", "differentiate", 和 "fluctuate"
Okay, guys, so again, if you want to test your understanding of how to use these words
in a sentence, how to spell them correctly, and just, well, how to use them correctly...
I mean even if you know what the word is, it's a different story to be able to use it
and incorporate it into your everyday vocabulary. All right, guys, as always, check out the
你可以像以往一樣,上 www.engvid.com 去獲得一切資訊
quiz on www.engvid.com and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'll see
還有別忘了去訂閱我們的 youtube 頻道
you guys later. Take care.