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  • Chatzi is a 6 month old Bengal boy. Our local cat rescue centre called us one afternoon,

  • to see if we’d be interested in him, as they thought he needed an experienced owner

  • as he’d recently arrived unwanted, and they’d been flooded with inappropriate people to

  • adopt him.

  • He’s not a bad boy, but without firm and consistent discipline, he’d be very to likely

  • develop many bad behavioural traits. He’s very intelligent and boisterous like many

  • Bengal cats, so hell need careful supervision being introduced to our two cats, Freya a

  • 7 year old rescued Bengal former breeding queen, and Teego a 2 year old Mixed Breed

  • and also a rescue. The first thing is to keep him safely locked

  • away in his own special room for the first 3 daysoops! Well, at least try to!

  • The reason for keeping a new cat locked away for the first three days is to allow the resident

  • cats time to get used to his smell through the door, and to allow supervised introductions.

  • Teego was first, as he was fascinated by this visitor, often sitting outside his door for

  • long periods of time. The escapee is caught and returned, and runs

  • over to meet his new brother. Fortunately, there are no big problems with the first introduction

  • - Teego very uncharacteristically hisses a few times at Chatzi, just to assert dominance

  • early. This is Teego’s patch, and Chatzi’s a trespasser…. And he’s too close!

  • Chatzi adopts a classic submissive pose, with a low down head, no to be confused with lying

  • on your back which is more of a defensive pose.

  • A tense standoff then happens, with both cats looking at each other. Fortunately there are

  • no flat ears or flicking tails to indicate possible confrontation

  • Incredibly confident as he is, Chatzi is somewhat knocked off his stride here, Teego moves around,

  • doing this amazing slow motion walk avoiding making any sudden gestures that might escalate

  • matters. Chatzi is frozen to the spotnot necessarily

  • by fear, just surveying the situation safely without creating any trouble

  • We break up the first introduction to let both cats calm down and relax again although

  • Teego wasn’t really showing any signs of wanting to go!

  • A few hours later, we bring Freya in - she’s a very timid middle aged Rescue Bengal. You

  • can see straight away that she doesn’t want to stay. Weve no intention of keeping her

  • in against her will, but it’s good for her to see him for a moment, and then see if she

  • shows any signs of curiosity from the other side of the door later on.

  • The Next day, Chatzi seems to be even more confidentgiving us an amazing display

  • of fluffed up back! Curiously, this is quite a half-hearted display, as I’ve seen it

  • much more pronounced, and usually the tail will double in width too. He looks a bit like

  • a miniature Stegosaurus! Teego responds with an equally half-hearted

  • display, you can see his back is arched, but minimal fluffing up. he then sets off again

  • with his slow motion walking. Chatzi is clearly nervous, running on pure

  • instinct, he’s acting defensively, but just because he thinks he shouldhe probably

  • hasn’t met any other cats before, and has no idea if he’s in danger or notso

  • better safe than sorry

  • This whole episode is tense, but with a minimum of aggression. Both are walking around, strutting

  • their stuff, saying YOU DON’T WANT TO MESS WITH ME but without actually backing it up

  • with any actions. As Teego approaches, he lets out a high pitched

  • sound a Chatzi, which doesn’t seem aggressive, but it’s unusual , as Teego is NEVER vocal

  • but it is a warning. Chatzi doesn’t really react, although he HAS got himself a little

  • cornered there. Again, Chatzi resorts to his submissive head

  • low position, maybe because he’s feeling Teego’s come a little too close, and Teego

  • IS almost twice the size of him. It always amazes me how cats can turn their

  • back on a potential adversary in a tense situation like this, but it happens so often, it’s

  • not a flukeMaybe there are unwritten rules of sportsmanship in the cat world?

  • Again, Chatzi resorts to his head down submissive pose, but keep watching, he’s not feeling

  • completely beaten! His ears go back, and he makes a semi-sudden

  • move towards Teego! But take a look at his body languagehe’s still low downhe

  • just wants to play, but doesn’t know how to instigate it!

  • And another sudden lungeIt’s almost as if Chatzi wants to start something, but

  • doesn’t want to make the first move? His ears are completely back, so he’s clearly

  • expecting or hoping something will kick off? Teego plays it ultra-cool as usual, barely

  • even reacting to Chatzi’s provocation Chatzi’s almost like that annoying kid in

  • the playground that keeps picking at people to get some attentionnot so much a bully,

  • but very mischievous! This has all become a bit too tense, maybe just

  • for us, and we cause a little distraction to break the tension

  • Notice Chatzi’s tail position as he moves away from Teego and over to us it goes straight

  • up, like a happy confident cat

  • Chatzi gets a new air of confidence, and moves over to Teego

  • Little brat! I guess he hasn’t read the rules on cat Ettiquette and turning your back!

  • This was very rude of Chatzi, and we give Teego the option to leave if he’s had enough.

  • But he makes it clear that the little Brat is much more interesting than outside!

  • All this happened on the second day of Chatzi’s life at his new homeSubscribe to my channel

  • to find out what happens later in the week!

Chatzi is a 6 month old Bengal boy. Our local cat rescue centre called us one afternoon,


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B1 中級

孟加拉小貓成年貓簡介--第一部分 (Bengal Kitten Introduction to adult cats - Part 1)

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    Peter 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日