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  • UPenn? Who's applying?

  • Not me, 'cause I'm to community college!

  • She just missed the early admissions deadline.

  • Hey, you don't need early admissions. You're a Hastings.

  • Give me a hint.

  • I will not give you a hint. We made a deal.

  • You'll see my costume tonight at the party.

  • But what if we end up wearing the same thing?

  • We are not going to be wearing the same thing, I promise you.

  • Look, I'll give you a hint if you give me a hint.

  • No hints, okay?

  • We said we're gonna pick somebody from a movie and we're all gonna surprise each other.

  • Whose stupid idea was that?

  • - Yours. - Yours.

  • You are such a tremendous loser!

  • You know, this is why nobody will go out with you!

  • You make it so hard to be a modern post-feminist

  • when you get so Alpha-male.

  • Well, you want me to stop?

  • No.

  • I know. I just... Really wanted you to see my costume.

  • Well, I can see it tomorrow.

  • Playing dress-up for your man on Halloween is one thing.

  • You do it any other night you end up on an afternoon talk show.

  • And besides, I've got a little bit of time now.

  • Trick or treat!

  • - Great. - Early birds.

  • Night of the living preschoolers.

  • Ezra had to cancel on me.

  • Great! Well, I mean...

  • Now I'm not the only one without a date, so...

  • They look like a wedding cake from outer space.

  • She told Hanna that she's better now. Better at what?

  • I'll tell you what. She sneaks in my house past midnight,

  • I'm sleeping with a crowbar under my pillow.

  • The only question is: do we ignore her?

  • Um, here's a hint: yes!

  • Where's Mrs. Grizzuti?

  • Uh, I'm guessing she had her baby.

  • And now Meredith's her replacement?

  • Please stick a fork in my neck.

  • Wait, someone stole that from the bio lab?

  • They have cow brains up there?

  • - I didn't even think... - That's because you got excused

  • from dissection based on vegetarian grounds.

  • Guys, people are gonna think that we put that in her locker.

  • It wasn't vegetarian, it was humanitarian.

  • - Are you still hating on me? - Possibly.

  • Guys, pay attention.

  • Something's definitely going on between Mona and Lucas.

  • - Why is he limping? - Maybe she kicked him.

  • What'd you do with the basket?

  • I trashed it. Why? Did you want the jelly beans?

  • Aria's right, Hanna.

  • You were the one who told me to give her a second chance.

  • Yeah, that was before I saw her campaigning.

  • Right now, I think Mona may be the best argument we got

  • against human cloning.

  • ...and what's been done to you, and then you have to learn to forgive...

  • She shoots, she scores.

  • Un-freakin'-believable.

  • We will begin in three minutes.

  • Excuse me. Who's singing the national anthem?

  • - We really didn't plan on... - I'll do that.

  • Are you sure that Emily can't meet us?

  • Yeah, unless she can escape "Fort Fields".

  • Why is your grandmother singing?

  • Because she can.

  • This isn't working.

  • That's because it's a paper clip. You have to use a bobby pin.

  • Come on, have I taught you nothing?

  • - Soy? - Unsweetened, no foam.

  • You deserve a medal.

  • Weirdly, both of them ended with my teeth falling out.

  • Anxiety dreams.

  • In mine, usually there's always a piece of gum in my hair,

  • and I just keep pulling and pulling until I'm bald.

  • Academic decathlon.

  • I show up to state finals with my underwear on the outside.

  • - Hey. - Hey.

  • They were all out of "The Times", but I got you lots of copies of "The Observer".

  • Thank you for helping my freshmen to remember that TMZ is not the only source for current events.

  • You guys have history.

  • That's rough.

  • Yeah, if you're downplaying it.

  • All those in favor of Mona as team captain.

  • I had so time to campaign.

  • And Spencer?

  • A tie. Unbelievable.

  • So I guess we have a quiz-off.

  • Back of the study guide in the by-laws.

  • You read the by-laws.

  • Of course.

  • Tomorrow then.

  • Good luck!

  • So, put on your Hastings face and spank her tomorrow night

  • like I know you can.

  • Good pep talk.

  • I can come with you and I can rub your shoulders

  • between rounds, and wrap your knuckles, and hold your spit bucket.

  • This is not a prize fight, but I would like to punch her.

  • You look terrible.

  • Thank you.

  • I brought over everything that helps me when I'm sick.

  • Trash...

  • Ginger ale...

  • And... three seasons of "Saved by the Bell".

  • Thank you, Hanna.

  • Which one screams "young and hot" without being too trendy?

  • You're asking me?

  • Hanna, I've had this hoodie since I was twelve.

  • Caleb, come on, this is important. I have to impress Corin.

  • It's a job interview. You're not walking the runway.

  • She's the hottest designer in Philly.

  • It'd be a privilege to get her a cup of coffee.

  • She wants you to do it in five-inch heels?

  • Yeah, at least.

  • Alright, go with the dress.

  • But just to be sure, you should probably try it on for me.

  • I'll be right back.

  • Hey! Sorry to interrupt.

  • I have to borrow Emily for some girl talk.

  • Not girl-on-girl talk, just... girl talk.

  • Um, right now?

  • If you really want to surprise Toby, have on five-inch heels and

  • nothing else when he walks through the door.

  • What? I've heard guys like that.

  • Thanks for the tip.

  • I have no problem opening a can of whoop-ass on that woman.

UPenn? Who's applying?


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B1 中級 美國腔

漂亮的小騙子 - 有趣的時刻12 (Pretty Little Liars - Funny moments part 12)

  • 28 3
    姚易辰 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日