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  • >> Kelli Sauls, Associate Director, University of Virginia, Darden School of Business: You

  • can stand out in the application process by, first, just following the directions on the

  • application. Knowing that you're a good fit for the program and being able to exemplify

  • that throughout the admissions process is really important. But also, in the interview

  • process and any opportunity that you get a chance to interact with any member of the

  • community.

  • >> Robert Chabot, Director of Admissions, Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business:

  • Something that, I think, a lot of students don't realize is, how you interact with the

  • office is something that would definitely be taken into account by the admissions committee.

  • Because every interaction with the admissions office is typically tracked, monitored, and

  • it's remembered. So, if somebody with a pleasant personality, somebody that show enthusiasm,

  • somebody who show energy is somebody who gets more consideration than not.

  • >> Jay Bryant, Director of Admissions, Thunderbird School of Global Management: The more international

  • experience you have, the more languages you speak, things like that are things that we

  • value. Others schools are going to look at, perhaps, your background as far as quantitive

  • skills, or maybe that you have really worked enough financial industry, or a certain marketing,

  • sort of, position. But, again, that's something that you're going to want to speak with the

  • school about and find out what they are looking for.

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B1 中級

如何讓你的申請者脫穎而出 (How You Can Stand Out as an Applicant)

  • 395 19
    Shao Yi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日