字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Because it's all about that bass, 'bout that bass. Hahaha...... yes. 因為你知道我擁有天賦般的低沈嗓音,就愛低音。哈哈哈,幹得好 Hi there. It’s Marie Forleo and this is MarieTV, the place to be to create a business 大家好,我是 Marie‧Forleo,歡迎收看 MarieTV,一個創造你喜愛的事物 and a life that you love and this today is Q&A Tuesday. And today’s question, it comes 與生活的地方,今天是星期二的問答時間。今天的問題是來自 from Laura and she writes: Laura,她寫道: “Hello Marie, I could go on forever about how much your work gives me little soul bumps 「哈囉,Marie,我永遠說不完妳做的一切給了我這渺小的靈魂多少衝擊, that make me wanna change. And while change usually comes along with pain, your advice 這也讓我想要做出改變。但改變往往會伴隨痛苦,妳的建議 creates a state in which I feel comfortable, alive, and just willing to live my adventure.” 讓我處於一個狀態是,我感到很愉快、充滿活力,而且很樂意活出我自己的故事。」 Awesome! “Here’s my Q. I consider myself a highly intuitive and caring person. People 太棒了!「這是我的問題,我認為我自己是個直覺很強、很謹慎的人,人們都相信我。 trust me. I’m passionate about my life and my work and I’m currently back at uni for 我對生活與工作都充滿熱情,現在我正回到學校為我下個職涯準備 my next career. While studying I still have my full time office job where people are constantly 雖然在唸書,我還是有個全職工作,那裡的人常常顯得很焦慮、壓力很大 stressed out. It’s like they’re at war. They’re getting sick and often treat each 就好像他們正在戰爭,他們感到不快,而且經常 other in a grumpy, unloving, and uncooperative way. My problem is I can only take negative 用暴躁、無情、不合作的態度對待其他人。我的問題是,我一直以來只有感受到 vibes for so long, then I lose contact with my fearless and loving self. My stomach hurts 負面氛圍,我找不回無畏、受人喜愛的自己。我會胃痛 and my breathing stops feeling natural. What can I do to not let a bad atmosphere get me 呼吸會不自覺停止。我該怎麼做才能不讓不好的氛圍影響我的身心? out of balance? Meditation, good food, and enough sleep just don't seem to do it. Thanks, Laura.” 冥想、美食、充足睡眠似乎都不管用。萬分感謝。Laura。」 Laura, this is an awesome question. You know, there is a lot of pain in the world and sometimes Laura,這是個好問題。妳知道世界上總是不盡人意,而且有時候是自己的事 it’s our own. We can get angry, we can feel disappointed, we can feel like things are 我們會生氣、感到失望,我們會感到所有事都分崩離析 falling apart. You know, and other times it’s other people’s pain, like the pain that 妳知道的,有時候是其他人的痛苦。就像妳在職場經歷的痛苦 you’re experiencing at work or maybe you watch the news and you see all of the war 或是妳可能從新聞上看到,妳看到世界各地的戰爭 and injustice in the world. So pain and suffering is a part of our life. Now, the good news 那些不公義的事。所以痛苦與折磨是我們生活的一部分。現在,好消息是 is that you don't have to let it overwhelm you and it doesn't have to force you to lose 妳不需要讓那些情緒把妳打倒,不要讓它迫使妳 contact with the core essence of who you are. So I wanna teach you this very simple and 失去真實的自我。所以我要教妳這個非常簡單 profound practice that I learned in my yoga class and it’s something that you can do 又深奧的方法,這是我從瑜珈課學到的,而妳在任何時間都可以做 on the spot any time that you feel like the pain gets to be too much. 當妳覺得自己承受太多痛苦時,就可以馬上實行 It’s the Buddhist meditation practice called Tonglen. This is super simple and super powerful. 這是佛教徒的冥想練習,稱為自他交換法。這非常簡單也非常有用 Plus it’s dual action, so it can help you heal your own pain and simultaneously heal 加上這有相互作用的效果,所以可以幫助妳治癒妳自身的痛苦,同時也能治癒 the energetic vibe around you. 周遭精力旺盛的氛圍 So here’s how it works. When you’re feeling pain or you’re witnessing pain around you, 所以現在就來說說怎麼做吧。當妳感到痛苦或是妳看到周遭的人正處於辛苦的狀態時 you breathe in the pain, you inhale it. So if it’s your own pain you want to remind 妳在這痛苦的環境中深呼吸,將這樣的氛圍吸入體內。所以如果是妳自我的痛苦,妳想要提醒自己 yourself, millions of other people are experiencing this right now just like you are. So whether 有成千上萬的人也跟妳一樣正在經歷相同的痛苦。所以不管妳 you’re afraid, you’re insecure, you’re upset, remember millions of other people are 害怕、不安、心煩意亂,記得還有成千上萬的人 experiencing that same pain as well. 也在經歷相同的痛苦 Now, if it’s other people’s pain that you’re witnessing, same thing applies. 現在,如果是妳目擊其他人的痛苦,一樣的做法 You wanna remind yourself that tons of people all around the world are experiencing that 妳想要提醒自己,這世上的芸芸眾生也在經歷這樣的痛苦 pain as well. The point is you wanna inhale the pain for everyone, you wanna breathe it in. 重點是,妳想要為所有人吸納這些痛苦,妳想要把它吸入體內 Now, when you exhale you say something really simple like, “May we all be free of this 現在,當妳呼氣時,妳只要說些簡單的話,像「願我們都能從折磨中解脫。」 suffering.” And the exhale is really about breathing out and sending everyone a sense 而呼氣是真的吐出一口氣,向每個人發送 of comfort and happiness and well being. What I love about this practice is that it’s 舒適、快樂與福祉。我喜歡這個自他交換法的地方是 so simple and you can do it anywhere and you can do it as many times as you need to. 它非常簡單,妳可以在任何地方進行,而且可以視妳所需來決定要做幾次 So if you find yourself on the street overwhelmed with pain, you can do it right there. You 所以如果妳發現妳自己走在街上被痛苦淹沒,妳可以馬上做自他交換法 can do it in your office and you can even do it in your home. It really, really helps. 妳可以在辦公室裡做,甚至妳在家也可以。這真的真的很有幫助 First because it’s a way to be fully present with the pain and the suffering that actually 首先,因為這是要妳完全呈現自己與世界上實際存在的苦痛於眼前 exists, yours and the world’s. You’re not denying it, you’re not ignoring it, 妳不是在否定、也不是在無視那些苦痛 and, most importantly, you’re recognizing that it’s universal. And the second reason 還有,最重要的,妳認清那是普遍存在的。第二個喜歡的理由 I love it is because it helps you to keep your heart soft and deepen your compassion 因為自他交換法幫妳保有溫柔的心,加深妳的同情心 and stay connected to your humanity. And I really love what the Dalai Lama says about 並讓妳保有人性。我真的很喜歡達賴喇嘛說的一段話 it, because he does this practice every day. 因為他每天都做自他交換法 “Whether this meditation really helps others or not, it gives me peace of mind. Then I 「不論這個冥想法是不是真的有幫到別人,至少給了我心靈平靜, can be more effective, and the benefit is immense.” 我也能更充滿力量,這樣的效益是相當巨大的。」 Finally, if you want to take this to the next level here is some advanced Tonglen. Do this 最後,如果妳想要進到更進階的自他交換法 meditation on people that really trigger you, people that you don't like, or people that 對那些真的踩到妳地雷的人、妳不喜歡的人 piss you off, or people that you feel have caused you pain. Just imagine them having 或是讓妳發火的人、或是讓妳感到痛苦的人做自他交換法。想像他們 the same type of confusion and upset that you sometimes have. So you breathe in that 也有跟妳相同的困惑與心煩意亂。所以妳吸入那些痛苦 pain and you breathe out a genuine hope for their peace and well being. 然後吐氣,真誠的希望能為他們帶來平靜與福祉 You know, I think the thing that I love about this most, besides the fact that it’s so 妳知道嗎,我覺得我最喜歡自他交換法的地方是,除了它很簡單這件事之外 simple, is that it trains us to do the opposite of what most of us want to do, which is to 它訓練我們做大部分我們不想做的事 get over our pain or get away from it or not look at it. It actually helps us to be courageous 我們都想要熬過痛苦、逃離、無視痛苦。自他交換法確實幫助我們具備勇氣 and compassionate, especially when we need it most. 具備同情心,特別是當我們非常需要的時候 So let’s land this plane on a Tweetable. 好了,讓我們把結語放上推特吧 “When you wish you could turn off the pain, tune into it instead.” 「當妳希望妳能關掉痛苦時,妳反而該讓自己與痛苦同調。」 That was my A to your Q, Laura, I really hope it helps. Now I would love to hear from you. Laura,這是我的回覆,我真的希望我的回覆能派上用場。現在我想要聽到你們的故事 Do you have a personal practice that helps you deal with pain and suffering in a more loving and compassionate way? I would love to know about it. 你們會用什麼有愛、富同情心的方法來幫助你們處理痛苦與折磨呢?我很想知道你們的訣竅 As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at MarieForleo.com, so go 一如往常,最棒的討論內容都在影片播出後, MarieForleo.com 上就可以看到 there and leave a comment now. 所以馬上去看看,並留下評論吧 Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to my channel and it would be amazing if you 你喜歡這支影片嗎?如果喜歡,訂閱我的頻道 shared this with all of your friends. I would so appreciate it. And if you want even more 如果妳能跟朋友們分享這支影片就太棒了。我會非常感激。如果你想要 resources that’ll help you create a business and life that you love, plus some personal 更多能幫助你開創喜愛的事物與生活的建議,加上一些我的個人見解 insights from me that I only talk about in email, come on over to MarieForleo.com and 我只會在電子郵件中談論,快來 MarieForleo.com sign up for email updates. 註冊以獲得定期的電子報 Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special 繼續完成你的人生遊戲,並保有自己的夢想,因為世界上需要 gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time on MarieTV. 只有你才有的特殊才能。感謝你的收看,下次 MarieTV 見
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 痛苦 想要 吸入 同情心 折磨 苦痛 【MarieTV】正向思考的力量!負面想法滾開 (How To Turn Negative Vibes Into Positive Fuel) 15050 953 Adam Huang 發佈於 2018 年 11 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字