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I went to a Chanukah in middle school one time.
I have never seen or eaten Jewish food before.
I've been to delis.
*hora melody*
It's like a cold sausage with sour paste on the top.
That weird pickle flavor to it.
I'm not quite sure what meat it is
It's like if they-- If tuna got like pushed into like a ball
Yeah if you like compressed it for like hundreds of years maybe
Tastes like how a grocery store smells.
I don't mind it though.
*deep sigh* I don't know if it's for me. Maybe it's an acquired taste.
This is just gross.
*hora melody*
It's like an apple pie pasta.
This is what I call some white people food.
The noodles are really weird.
Delicious. Absolutely delicious.
It's not like especially bad and it's not good.
I like this one.
I feel like it wants to be macaroni and cheese and it also wants to be a cake. It just doesn't know which one it is yet.
When do you think someone would eat this?
When they realize that family members are coming that day and they have is pasta and cinnamon in the pantry.
*hora melody*
Matzah ball soup! I'm excited for it.
I've never had this.
Looks like a big ball of potatoes.
That's insane.
So you just break off a piece?
I would eat this. All day. I would have sex with this.
I'm not surprised that bread goes well with soup though.
Right. But this has like egg and some other sh*t in it.
It's like a bunch of like noodles mashed together and like put into a big ball.
Yeah! Again with the condensed.
Again with the condensed.
This is like the gateway drug to Jewish food.
It just seems like a weird thing to want-- to crave.
I want like a little bit of broth and a giant sponge in a bowl, please?
*hora melody*
This is poop.
This guy has to be poop.
That seriously looks like diarrhea.
*mushy sound*
The consistency is exactly like Fancy Feast.
This is the worst.
That's not bad.
I would classify that as a pate.
I don't get it. I'm sure it's based in some like beautiful tradition, but just as a plate in front of me, it's a little gross.
*hora melody*
This looks like dessert.
These all look good.
Ooo! This one has like poppy seeds in it or something.
F*ck yeah this is great
Mmmm! Oh my God.
I like the flaky pastry outside and then it has a lot of fun on the inside.
This is firm.
It's real packed in just like the-- um,... what did we have? The gefilte fish or whatever?
Ohh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's got the same consistency.
Everything is packed in in Jewish food.
Get it, Jewish grandmas.
Here ya go! Cookies!
They got it right.
*hora melody*
This is "manny-sche-vitz."
Looks like we're getting turnt.
Smells good.
Smells like white wine.
A little vinegary.
A little strong.
Oh that's delicious!
It's like a sweet wine.
This is sangria.
Yeah, it's grape juice.
This is incredible.
This tastes like a hangover.
I feel like I could drink like a whole bottle of this.
I feel like you'd drink so much of it that you wouldn't realize how much you've drunken of it.
I could get wasted off this at a nice uh...
Bar Mitzvah?
Passover or bar mitzvah or rosh hashanah or something.
*hora melody*