字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 My name is Aaron Kyro 我的名字叫艾倫凱羅 I'm a skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay Area 我是一位來自舊金山灣區的贊助滑手 I've been skateboarding for a very long time 我在滑板這個領域已有很長的一段時間了 And today I'm going to teach you How to 360 Flip 今天我將要教你如何做360翻板 So before you get started on your 360 flips 在你做360翻板前 Make sure you're very comfortable riding your board 你必須對於你的基本滑行有一定的水準 You've been pushing around a lot, you've learned some of the basic tricks 確定你已經完全學會並熟悉了基本的滑板技巧 You know how to ollie, you pop shove-it, you've got your kickflips 像是豚跳、pop shove-it、腳尖翻板 You've got all those down to a point 對於這些招式有一定程度的熟悉 Where you can do them pretty well every time 無論到哪你都可以隨心所欲地做招 And then you're ready to move on to your 360 flips 之後,才開始學習如何做360翻板 The first step of this, I suggest finding a nice crack 首先,我十分建議你先找個有小裂縫的地面練習 Put your back wheels in the crack and put your feet in a position like this 將後輪移至隙縫中,腳步位置如我所示範的 Your back foot is really on the side 你的後腳放在板的後側方 You're going to need that to be over there 如同我畫面所示範的 To be able to scoop the board and flip it to the full 360 這樣一來你才能完整地將板鏟起並旋轉360度 And your front foot is going to be in the kickflip position 你的前腳位置也必須與腳尖翻板時的位置一樣 I put my foot the exact same position as a kickflip 我的腳步位置基本上和我在做腳尖翻板時一樣 Maybe a little more on the board 或許腳在板上面積會多一些 But yeah it's cocked at that same 45 degree angle 前腳一樣和2螺栓形成之直線保持45度 Now here's the main part of the 360 flip is that scoop that you saw right there 接下來,鏟起板身的步驟是整個360翻板的重點 Now that back foot I want you to have your toe 我要你的後腳腳趾 Off the edge of the board like this 如畫面所示,放在板的邊緣 And you really s-- It's called a scoop 這就是所謂鏟板的步驟 Because how my toe literally goes under the board and flips it around 我的腳趾很直接地鏟起板後讓板翻轉 And you've got to flip that back foot across that board 你須確保後腳不會阻擋到板的翻轉 Scraping it on the ground and flipping it really hard. The harder the better 後腳用力鏟起板身並配合前腳的腳尖踢翻,力道越大越好 Because the harder you flick it right there, the faster it's going to flip around 因為你的施力若越大,你就能越快速將板以360的方式翻轉回定位 And the easier time you're going to have landing it 如此你也會有更充裕的時間讓雙腳回到板上 On the motion with your front foot isn't all that much 前腳的位置不僅僅如此 You really just kick the board just a little bit 你的前腳必須確實做到小踢板的動作 Just to make it flick and then you mainly just keep it there to catch it 讓板的翻轉範圍控制在你腳所能及之處 As is done right there and land on it with both feet 若你的動作正確,你應能讓你的雙腳著板 The board shouldn't be really moving underneath you that much 在鏟板時不要鏟得太深 Don't get this idea that it flies out 因為你的板可能會因此飛出你的雙腳所能及之處 You see how I almost take off and land in the exact same spot there 你可以看到我在做360翻板時的開始和完成幾乎都在原地 So the main point is just that back foot again 所以重點還是落在後腳 And that scoop that goes right there 以及我所做的鏟板動作 If you get that scoop down to a point where you can push it really hard 若你能完美地做出鏟板的動作 And you're popping your board properly 並適當地使力彈起板身 The board's going to flip right underneath you 你只需做出一個小跳躍 You just jump up a little bit 讓板順利地在你的腳下做出翻轉 Catch it with your front foot and then you just land 之後抓準時機以前腳先著板後後腳再跟上 The other thing that I want to let you guys know 另一個我要提醒你們的是 Is you don't have to jump high to do these tricks 你們不需要為了做360翻板而使勁全力跳高 I get a lot of question about how high do I have to jump? 我常被問到:為了做360翻板我必須跳得多高? Do I have to jump really high? You don't 我真的需要跳得很高嗎? 答案是:不需要 You have to flick your board properly so it goes underneath you 你只需要適當並確實地讓板在你腳下完成翻轉 Now notice my front foot doesn't do anything 注意看我的前腳,幾乎是保持不動 It just stays right there in the air waiting for that board to flip to catch it 我的前腳僅僅等待板翻轉完成後再著板 After you give that first little flick with your toe 當你的腳指給予板小輕彈後 Which makes your board flip, all you do is leave it there in the air 你的板翻轉,之後你需做的僅需是將腳保持在空中 And wait for the board to come around so you can catch it with your front foot 接下來等板翻轉回定位,以前腳著板 On 360 flips, you catch it with your front foot 在做360翻板時,你是以前腳先著板 On regular kickflips, you usually catch it with your back foot 但若是腳尖翻板,你則是以後腳著板 And the main point as I made before is just that flick of the back foot 我先前所提的重點是關於後腳的翻彈 I wanted to show you guys many different 360 flips 我會給你們看看不同的360翻板 So you could get the idea here 以便你們了解其中的概念 I guess they all kind of look the same, but I hope it makes sense 我認為他們的技巧都一樣,希望你們能融會貫通 I want you to notice really how hard I push my back foot 我要你們看我的後腳有多用力鏟起板尾 The back foot does all the work, notice that right there 注意看,後腳是關鍵 Also notice the position of my knees 也仔細看我的膝蓋 So you can really see how that foot scoops 這樣你能清楚地看到鏟板的過程 It doesn't slide across, it really cocks underneath and scoops over 我的後腳是以鏟起的方式將板挖起後在腳下完成翻板 If you're scooping your board correctly 你想要你的板正確地被鏟起並翻轉 You're back knee is going to be real bent 你的後膝就必須彎曲 So watch my back foot right here as it scoops under, scrapes across 看看我的後腳動作當我鏟板時 And look at how fast and how hard my back foot of -- 仔細看我的後腳翻轉的有多快 -- The toe of my back foot right there scraped around and that lifts up 我的後腳指鏟起板並順勢將板往上帶 My front foot has just basically been staying in the same position 我的前腳則是保持同個動作 Now it's going to drop down, it's going to catch on top of that board 接著雙腳騰空於板之上 Right there and then land 之後下降著板 I pretty much literally landed in the same spot that I started 我的起步點和我的結束點幾乎沒變 Right back into that crack 最後落在原來的小隙縫上 So you can see how much control you can get on this 你可以試試你能否真正駕馭360翻板 So you can do it kind of in lines or wherever you want 試著在直線或是任何地方做360翻板 This is a good like 'into tricks' 'out of tricks' once you get it 一旦你學會了,360翻板會是一個很適合在做其他招式前或之後的招式 I don't want to give you the idea that this is the easiest trick 我不會說360翻板是個容易的招式 It's not, it's going to take a lot of practice and a lot of dedication 這確實不容易,如同其他的滑板招式一樣 Which most all of skateboarding tricks do 你必須花許多時間和精力去練習 So don't give up, keep practicing 所以,別放棄儘管練習 If you need help, come to me, message me, upload your videos 如果你需要幫助,留下你的疑問、訊息或是上傳你的滑板影片給我 You know what to do 你知道怎麼做 Check out the website brailleskateboarding.com 歡迎到我的網站brailleskateboarding.com And check out some of these other videos 看看其他的滑板影片 I'm always down for your guys' feedback 你們的意見是我進步的原動力 And looking for better ways to interact with you so let me know 所以有任何問題或意見請讓我知道 Thanks a lot 十分感謝!
B1 中級 中文 滑板 後腳 翻板 前腳 動作 用力 如何360度翻轉最簡單的方法教程。 (HOW TO 360 FLIP THE EASIEST WAY TUTORIAL) 551 37 Bruce Lan 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字