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  • The term "walker" is used rather than "zombie" in the Walking Dead universe because films

  • like George Romero's Night of the Living Dead and the concept of zombies do not exist in

  • their pop culture. Too bad, because they have to figure out the whole destroy the brain

  • thing on their own.

  • Though they don't need to breathe, or have all the pieces of their respiratory system,

  • Walkers have an acute sense of smell.

  • Before collaborating with Telltale Games, Robert Kirkman, the creator of the Walking

  • dead comic, had played Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, and became interested

  • in creating a Walking Dead game because he enjoyed Telltale's ability to create an engaging

  • narrative.

The term "walker" is used rather than "zombie" in the Walking Dead universe because films


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    Grothendieck 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日