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♪ (punk rock music) ♪
(school bell rings)
- ♪ When I wake up in the morning ♪ -- - It's Saved by the Bell!
Saved by the Bell!
I love this show!
♪ By the time I grab my books ♪
This [bleep] show, man.
- ♪ ...just in the to see the bus fly by ♪ - Should I be thrilled about this?
- ♪ It's alright ♪ - - Aw, oh my god! The chair spin.
Nooo, he didn't!
♪ If the teacher pops a test ♪
- ♪ And I know I'm in a mess ♪ - Oh my gosh! Mario Lopez.
Oh no! It's so embarrassing! Nooo!
♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow, it'll be alright! ♪
(singing along) It's alright, 'cause I'm saved by the bell!
(laughs) Look at that perm.
♪ (guitar solo) ♪
Yeah, I don't know who any of these people are.
I always wonder what happens to all these people.
Thank goodness graphics have improved.
- ♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the ♪-- - Why don't we have intros like this anymore?
(singing along) It's alright, 'cause I'm saved by the bell.
TV shows from the '90s were the best.
I love how they had the title at the beginning of the titles
and at the end of the titles, just in case you forgot
what you're watching. You're watching Saved by the Bell!!
♪ (punk rock music) ♪
(Finebros) So that was the opening for a show called Saved by the Bell
that soon will be celebrating its 25th anniversary since it debuted.
- Have you ever seen it before? - No.
No, I haven't.
No, I've never seen it.
It's like Gilligan's Island. I've heard of it, but I've never seen it.
Yeah! Every episode.
It was on reruns and stuff.
I was scrolling through the channels, bored, and just clicked on something.
I love Saved by the Bell so much.
(Finebros) So here's a picture of the cast...
That '80s hair, though.
Oh, I'm pretty sure that's the classic '90s look right there.
The girls, first of all, have perms.
If anyone got a perm today, people would be like,
"What are you doing?!"
Everyone tries to act thug nowadays.
These guys are just happy kids.
We're kind of coming back to this fashion now.
Everyone is wearing this stuff again.
Some of the stuff we wear today is fricking crazy.
Look at this! I have peacock sleeves.
In ten years from now, they're gonna like, "That fool looks like an idiot."
(Finebros) Back then, every boy had a giant crush on Kelly Kapowski.
That's understandable.
She's good looking.
It's creepy 'cause she's 10, 20 years older than me.
At least she's got brown hair. That all I'm gonna say.
Hey, that's her! On the shirt.
I almost bought that shirt.
Yeah, I'll make her my Next Woman Crush Wednesday.
I got you, Kelly.
(Finebros) Saved by the Bell also was one of the first instances
of a show that had two male leads that all the girls would choose sides over.
It was--who do you pick--Zack or Slater.
I knew it! I knew those were gonna be the two.
They're so average looking.
Okay, they're attractive men, you know. But they're not hot.
What's up with the haircut, bro? Is that a perm or what?
(Finebros) So who would you pick? Zack or Slater?
I'd pick Zack.
Zack Morris!
Probably Zack.
I'll go with Slater. You know, I feel so weird saying that.
I'll have to go with Mario Lopez.
I'm not really digging Slater's hair.
Zack, 'cause he can stop time and break the fourth wall!
Do you know how cool that is?
(Finebros) I'm now going to tell you real plots of Saved by the Bell,
- and you'll see what you think. - Okay.
(Finebros) After a chemistry accident causes a cream to be created
that seems to get rid of pimples, Zack gives it to Kelly
to get rid of her pimples before the Homecoming Dance,
and it works!
But after a period of time, it turns your face maroon
everywhere you put the cream, so Kelly's face turned entirely maroon.
I saw that one!
(Finebros) But she still won Homecoming queen
- because maroon was the school colors. - (laughs) What?
That's so lame.
That's awesome!
It's ridiculous, but it works.
TV's not supposed to be realistic. It's supposed to be
a fun distraction from realism.
Everyone is horrible and no one would vote her if she had a maroon face.
I'm sorry, Kelly, but your dreams are crushed in the real world.
(Finebros) Another story. Zack uses subliminal messaging
in songs to make girls fall in love with various guys, including himself,
so he actually was brainwashing other students into liking him.
This is turning really weird.
That's really creepy.
What? (laughs) That wouldn't work!
(gasping) Oh my god! It's just like a cartoon.
The mixed tape was a big '90s thing,
so they just wanted to make it more creative.
(Finebros) So now I'm actually gonna show you a couple of clips
- from the show. - Okay, cool.
Let's hear your new business ideas! Gentlemen?
He ties a piece of cardboard to your bike,
peddle to the beach, and then...show 'em, dude.
I don't think surfers actually act like that.
Ride the waves! (canned laughter)
They make them seem so dumb!
That's so mean!
Here's your $100 seed money.
They're probably gonna spend it on pot.
- Okay, Mr. Poindexter. - Mr Poindexter? So typical.
- (canned laughter) - Geeze.
Now, as we all know, this is a pocket protector.
- It gives-- - Hey, these are the hipsters now.
This is the new look!
Revolutionize active wear with... pocket protector protector!
(canned laughter)
It's so stereotypical, it's insane.
It's kinda like racism, but with stereotypes.
If this was being fed to teenagers, that's not great.
They're exaggerating it much, but it's funny.
Everything has to be politically correct. Back then, you can do whatever you want.
Now everyone's just a bunch of over-sensitive people, man.
(Finebros) So this show would also cover serious issues sometimes.
So now we want to show you the most infamous scene
in the show's history, where Jessie, to balance school
and an opportunity to be a singer/dancer, abuses caffeine pills.
I remember this one.
One, two, three, Hot Sunday! (cheering)
What is she wearing? Oh my gosh!
- Right? Right? - Someone's hyped.
The first time I watched this, I cried.
- Come on, we gotta go to The Max. - He's so cute.
What time is it?
I need to take my Geometry test.
You already took the test.
Where're we going?
Where're we going? You're singing tonight.
- I gotta wash my hair! - No, there's no time!
No time! There's never any time.
I don't have time to study, I let everyone down.
- I'm so confused! - (laughs)
- Hey, hey, just calm down. - It's kinda funny. I feel bad,
but it's kinda funny.
- It's okay. - Everything wil be okay.
- Yeah. - I just need more of these.
Pills?! You mean you really are taking drugs?
- I need them! - (cracks up)
- I have to sing! - Jessie! You can't sing tonight!
Yes, I can!
(singing) I'm so excited!
I'm so excited.
- (laughs) - I'm so...
- (sobbing)...scared! - Aw, that's horrible.
(Finebros) So thoughts on how that was presented?
It's very funny.
I mean, it belongs on stage, not on a sitcom.
Her acting was fake as hell.
Like...I'm breaking down!
I'm so excited!
It was a little bit over the top, but it wasn't too far off
with what can actually happen.
From the other clip to this clip, a complete change of things.
This was a serious clip.
(Finebros) So many people consider that to be this joke of a scene.
Are you serious?! No! I took that so seriously.
It's wrong! It's not a joke.
It really touched me.
Watching it, it was kinda over the top, but it grabbed your attention.
And you're still talking about it.
(Finebros) Does this surprise you to hear just how popular the show was
- after seeing some of this? - Yeah.
Looking back, it's ridiculous that people watched those shows
and were entertained by them.
I knew it was popular, but I didn't know it was THAT popular.
No. 'Cause that's kids TV today
That's So Raven, Hannah Montana, is not that far.
There were shows like Full House and stuff like that
where they had teenage role models and characters in them,
but this one is entirely focused on the teenagers and their problems
and their life and things that they're going through.
(Finebros) Do you think the show would be popular today
- if it was exactly like this? - No! No. (laughs)
No. No way.
The color scheme...(laughs)
I don't think so.
Now they wanna see teen pregnancy and all this "real" stuff
that "happens", but not really.
When we're watching something about high school,
I want it to be more...like how high school actually is.
High school's nothing like that.
TV's changed in general.
So I think being that over the top now would kind of be laughed at
and people wouldn't take it seriously.
I think if there was a channel that this could go on
and be 100% what it already was and be marketed well
towards people, not just another kids show,
then yeah, this would be insanely popular.
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