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  • Hey, guys! So yesterday I was having a little look

  • through my old harddrive, which--

  • (squeals)

  • I love him, Amazing Phil.

  • Of course, I found more innocent chat logs.

  • It was really interesting, jumping back into the life of 14-year-old Phil.

  • When I started dating a girl-- I'm gonna call her Loosie--

  • and we got together on MSN and we broke up on MSN.

  • Getting together!

  • Is that guy on YouTubers React?

  • -I'm jus single all the time-- -Oh my god.

  • That's uncomfortable!

  • I wanna get better at kissin. Wud u show me? ;)

  • Whoa, go Phil!

  • ship it!

  • -Um...will you be my girlfriend? -Will you be my girlfriend?

  • -I will. -I will.

  • LOL. (laughs)

  • (reads as Lucy) Alright!

  • (children cheer)

  • Hah! The achievement.

  • The breakup.

  • (reads as Kyle) Er, mate, we're at Final Destination 3 and Lucy got with James.

  • -(Phil) HEY! -(reads as Lucy) Hi, honi!

  • (Phil) So, apaperently, u were kissin another guy.

  • Apaperently...

  • The chatspeak was just so terrible!

  • (Phil) I spnt my time buying chocolates for u 2day.

  • Awww...poor Phil.

  • (reads as Lucy) Sorri bb wasn't anythin bout the bad kiss.

  • -(Phil) The bad kiss?! -(cracks up)

  • (reads as Lucy) Sorri I hurt you, hun.

  • The moral of the story is even though that seemed like

  • the end of the world back then, right now I can

  • look back on it and laugh.

  • Today's Draw Phil Naked is...

  • I hope you're all doing well and I will see you very soon.

  • What?!

  • I never understood this part of his videos.

  • Damn, he has balls for putting it out there, man.

  • Cause he looks stupid, I'm not gonna lie.

  • Hello, Internet. So how've you been recently?

  • Dan and Phil?!

  • Another British guy.

  • I unplugged a hole deep within my mind that contained

  • all the memories I have been trying to forget my whole life

  • and now these memories are attacking me when I least expect it!

  • Oh, that happens all the time!

  • This is the one I like to refer to as "a cringe attack".

  • -This is where-- -I like those.

  • you sit innocently enjoying life, when...

  • GTA.

  • (Dan) Bam!

  • (Dan) A wild repressed memory appears!

  • (laughs) Pokemon!

  • You guys are showing me all the people I love,

  • like, goodness gracious!

  • Why does this happen?

  • It's so true, it's so true!

  • It's literally impossible to have one without

  • flaming like an octopus or going--

  • -IDIOT! -(laughs)

  • My friends already think I'm insane.

  • Now they think I'm possessed!

  • Yeah, cause no one does that!

  • They don't just hit themselves in the face randomly.

  • I know, right?

  • I love it when he uses more than one Dan.

  • -(laughs) -(Phil) Dan, what's wrong?

  • -(Phil) Oh my god! Call an ambulance! -Oh my god, he's having as seizure!

  • (Phil) The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!

  • If you suffer from cringe attacks, know that it is

  • perfectly normal to regret 90% of your life--

  • It's kind of a sad life if you regret 90% of your life.

  • danisnotonfire. Oh, I've seen this.

  • I've seen those comments. Please, please, please, please, please.

  • -It's probably our noses is ready. [is this right?] -Nose what out.

  • Did you explain the theory behind the whiskers?

  • -I-- -So they're friends. Yeah.

  • How much fringe do you actually have?

  • I don't know if I've said it yet, but I really love them.

  • -Take a slow motion video. -Let's do it.

  • Sexy.

  • I watch all the Phil is not on fires 20 times everyday.

  • It's about time you had a pillow fight!

  • Whoa!

  • Make up a best friend handshake.

  • -Hey there, friend! -Hello, sir!

  • -Friendship! -Yeah!

  • Ow, my hands!

  • That happens every time I high five someone.

  • It says, "Phil, do the sexy end screen dance."

  • It's speed walk with sex Dan screen dance.

  • Click here, guys.

  • Don't be shy. Click away.

  • That's awesome.

  • No, no, no, not towards the camera.

  • They were so funny!

  • I love them so much.

  • (Finebros) So do you know who those two guys were?

  • Not at all.

  • Some British dudes?

  • (in British accent) No, but they're British. (laughs)

  • Yes, Dan and Phil!

  • Dan and Phil!

  • That was amazing Phil and danisnotonfire.

  • (Finebros) So here's a picture of them.

  • They are Amazing Phil and danisnotonfire.

  • Dan's hot! Not gonna lie.

  • Dan is on fire!

  • Their hair looks fantastic. It's really nice.

  • I feel like they're just real best friends and I love that.

  • (Finebros) So let's talk about the videos.

  • Phil's video is about his one week relationship.

  • What did you think?

  • That was amazing!

  • So relatable!

  • She kept calling him "hun". Poor thing!

  • That's so sad. It's funny though.

  • He has balls too, too put that out there.

  • I bet a lot of people who are 14 right now can relate to it.

  • When I was younger, I did the same MSN messenger chat thing.

  • You see it in school and both of you scared to even talk to her.

  • But once you go home, you're like, "big baller" her, like, "What's up, B-B?"

  • (Finebros) Now, at the end of Phil's videos, he always puts up

  • fan art of someone drawing him naked.

  • What do you think about that?

  • Honestly, I think it's weird.

  • Okay, it's definitely not the weirdest thing on YouTube.

  • What if your mom found that drawing in your room, like,

  • "Why do you have this drawing of this man naked?"

  • You're like, "Well, mom, it's for YouTube!"

  • (Finebros) And Dan's video about cringe attacks.

  • What do you think about that?

  • I agree. I love videos where you totally relate to it

  • and that happens to me a lot.

  • I do that! Like, I'll think of something and be like, "Ugh.

  • Why did I do that?"

  • Middle school Tori--worst Tori ever!

  • I went through a scene phase, not gonna lie.

  • I had the beaded bracelets

  • and my hair was not...(sighs). Uuuugh!

  • (Finebros) And then the third video was the Q and A video

  • they made together. What'd you think of that?

  • That was cute! It's cute that they're friends.

  • I didn't know they were together.

  • That's Q and A. It's the basic YouTuber.

  • Bromances make my little heart siiiing!

  • Pretty close friendship. They're probably cool. They're homies, you know.

  • What are they--"mates" in England.

  • (Finebros) At the end of Dan's video, he tends to do the sexy end screen dance.

  • The sexy end screen dance!

  • (Finebros) Do you think that's a good idea?

  • If it works, it works.

  • Not about that life.

  • The girls are probably down, you know? But me, I'm not with that.

  • It's always the same old stuff!

  • Like, subscribe, press the like button.

  • But they're like sexy endslate.

  • It's brilliant.

  • (Finebros) They are a couple of the most popular vloggers

  • on the whole site right now. What do you think is making

  • them stand out, even though their format is very similar

  • to what you see a lot on YouTube?

  • Well, I know girls like them cause they're British.

  • Well, they're British and they have accents, so there's

  • the whole entire world's girl population right there.

  • Because they have accents...

  • duh!

  • Their hotness scale is off the charts!

  • I think it's cause they're nerdy too.

  • A lot of vloggers are not that nerdy.

  • You can tell that they really care about what they're doing.

  • They're really appreciative.

  • And they're pretty cute.

  • There's some attractive looking people.

  • They're all friends somehow.

  • They do the same thing and generate views due to the same fan base

  • being a fan of those other channels.

  • You have that one fan girl, she's not only gonna be a fan

  • of that one British guy. There's gonna be the other 12 British guys, you know?

  • (Finebros) A lot of people don't understand why vlogs are so popular.

  • How would you explain to someone why people do enjoy watching vlogs?

  • I wish I could explain it cause I don't get it either.

  • But, then again, people don't like it when you watch,

  • let's say a gamer play online, so everybody has a different taste.

  • I don't get why things are popular.

  • I don't get why Teens React is so popular!

  • We're just talking about videos, but people love it!

  • You kinda feel connected to that person in a sense.

  • It's something that most people can relate to!

  • They do things--like, we've all done something like that.

  • And so we can look at them and go, "Oh my gosh!

  • There's somebody else that does that!"

  • You watch TV shows that's people living their lives

  • and you want to see what happens in their lives.

  • This is that, but with real people that are actually doing things

  • that are real and affect the world!

  • I feel like we have more of an appreciation for the simple things.

  • Adults, I feel like they kind of want to see more effort put into things.

  • Kids nowadays don't really need that.

  • We just kind of want to sit for five minutes, see something short and sweet,

  • it's okay if they're in their room.

  • And adults would rather do something else with their time.

  • (Finebros) Dan and Phil have had so much success that they actually

  • now have a radio show in the UK on the BBC.

  • What do you think about that?

  • Oh! Can I move to London?!

  • Let's go to London!

  • (Finebros) Why do you think radio stations, and even,

  • for the most part, TV networks and movie studios,

  • tend not to work with YouTube talent, despite the large audience they have?

  • YouTube really doesn't get respect.

  • Maybe TV gets jealous of YouTube's success.

  • They're like, "No! TV's ours."

  • They're scared.

  • The fact that stuff like using a vlogging camera and a Mac

  • can get you so famous, it's almost like a threat to them.

  • YouTube is slowly destroying all those other media entities.

  • So, I mean, why would they help something that's kind of

  • destroying them?

  • You have these big TV moguls who kinda look down on YouTube,

  • where it's like, "Oh, it's just these amateurs."

  • They don't understand that the Internet is this huge thing,

  • that it is the future!

  • But, honestly, I don't want YouTubers to have TV shows.

  • It's bad, but they're mine! Like, they're on my computer screen.

  • (Finebros) So, finally, when Dan and Phil go to conferences

  • like Vidcon, or even at their radio show, they tend to get mobbed by fans.

  • If you saw them in real life, what do you think you would do?

  • I'd probably say hi and walk off.

  • I don't get star struck.

  • I'd be like, "Okay."

  • And that would be it.

  • Screaming. Lots of screaming and fangirling.

  • (imitates a bomb exploding) My ovaries would explode!

  • If I ran into them randomly, then I would completely fangirl.

  • There's just a lot of freaking out and inner meltdowns.

  • Screaming, crying, and peeing my pants all at once.

  • But I'd try to stay collected and calm.

  • I'd freak out. I'd scream to my friends, and they're like,

  • "Oh my god! Go talk to him!"

  • And I'm like, "Oh my god! No, I can't!"

  • Until I get up the guts to go and talk to them

  • and then I'm like, "Oh my god! Can I take a picture with you?

  • I really love you."

  • I'll smile, but inside I'm literally dying and, like, when

  • they touch you, it's just like, "Oh my god! They're touching me."

  • And it's so embarrassing to say, but it's just the truth.

  • (in British accent) Thanks for watching this episode of Teens React!

  • Let us know what YouTubers we should react to next.

  • There's new React episodes every single week,

  • so make sure you subscribe.

  • Goodbye, internet!

  • Byyyyyeee! (laughs)

Hey, guys! So yesterday I was having a little look


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A2 初級 美國腔

青少年對danisnotonfire和AmazingPhil的反應! (Teens React to danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil!)

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