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  • Well, this has been the first time we've seen each other in quite a long time, so it's been

  • nice actually. To bump into each other, fill each other in on what we've been doing.

  • Fear not, Directioners. Harry Styles has assured fans that One Direction are not splitting

  • up anytime soon. Did you hear that? Not splitting up. Oh phew.

  • At the Brits on Wednesday, Liam Payne let slip that he hadn't seen his bandmates for

  • three months, but Harry says the band needed a long break after their 122 day world tour

  • last year.

  • Hazza told a newspaper:

  • We're not breaking up. We've spent everyday together for months, and I forgot what my

  • mum looked like. It's just holidays.

  • And Liam says that although the boys have been apart, they've been working very hard

  • on their fourth studio album.

  • We have been writing away for the next album, and rehearsals are just about to start for

  • the tour. We're not splitting up. We're on WhatsApp messaging each other all the time,

  • talking about song ideas and just funny stuff from our day. I miss the boys, but if you

  • don't see your family, you would go mad.

  • So guys, we can all breathe a sigh of relief now. One Direction aren't splitting up anytime soon.

Well, this has been the first time we've seen each other in quite a long time, so it's been


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我們沒有分手"。哈里-斯泰爾斯為單向樂隊三個月的解散辯護 ('We aren't splitting up': Harry Styles defends One Direction's three month break)

  • 217 13
    Nina.Tyler.H 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日