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They hear a lot of people these days talking about introverts and extroverts.
But the fact is not everyone knows which one they are.
So I've put together a little quiz that you can ask yourself to determine if you might be an introvert.
If you were sitting by yourself and someone comes up to talk to you.
And you consider that to be interrupting, then you might be an introvert.
If you've ever dialed someone's phone number and thought to yourself, "Come on, voicemail. Come on, voicemail.".
如果你曾經打給某人,然後一直自言自語說:拜託是語音信箱,拜託是語音信箱 。
Then you might be an introvert.
If small talk is more complicated to you than trigonometry, then you might be an introvert.
If you consider two hours sitting still very productive, then you might just be an introvert.
If you don't have to scroll down on your Facebook friends list, you might be an introvert.
如果你臉書好友列不需要往下滑,那麼你可能是個內向的人 。
If you're getting married and struggling to find three bridesmaids, you might just be an introvert.
If your child doesn't learn to talk until they're about twelve, you might be an introvert.
如果你的小孩 12 歲才學會講話,那麼你可能是個內向的人 。
If you've ever crossed a busy street to avoid saying "Hi" to a stranger, then you might be an introvert.
如果你曾經繞過熱鬧的街道,只為了避免跟陌生人打招呼,那麼你可能是個內向的人 。
If treating all your friends to dinner starts with saying, "Ah yes, a table of two, please.", you might be an introvert.
If the best conversation you've had all day is with your inner voice, then you might be an introvert.
If you're watching this video and laughing by yourself, then you might just be an introvert.