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  • The music in my heart

  • What I felt from the start

  • All of the lyrics I tried hard to hide

  • They burst out of my heart

  • And with a text to you

  • Filled with my feelings true

  • Yet again I can't help but throw away

  • For these words just won't do

  • Hope the time hurries fast

  • For another chance to see you and ask

  • No matter the hurdles faced

  • All the days displaced

  • I won't let anything hold us back

  • And with a step we'll move on instead

  • No matter every obstacle ahead

  • With every piece we found, from all around

  • With you hand-in-hand, I now understand

  • For now we have to let go

  • Of precious little things we once held close

  • Leave every doubt behind,

  • With you I know I'll find

  • What we've been waiting for

  • Another step once more

The music in my heart


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A2 初級 美國腔

二世同堂開場白2英語由[tyer]高清無信用。 (Nisekoi Opening 2 English by [TYER] HD creditless)

  • 492 35
    ツインテール 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日