字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey it's me Destin. 嘿!是我,Destin。歡迎來到Smarter Every Day。 Welcome to Smarter Every Day. So today's episode's a little bit different. I have a question 所以今天這集有點不一樣。我有個關於呼吸的問題。 about breathing. It's pretty simple. See our bags are packed and we're about to go to the 它很簡單。你看我們打包好了要去醫院生我們的第三個小孩。 hospital to have our third child, and my question is this. How do you go from, 而我的問題是: this. My baby, in my baby. 你要如何從「這樣 – 我的寶寶,在我的寶貝老婆身體裡」變成「這樣」? To this. Now 72 hours ago, my son was inside 於是,72小時之前,我兒子還在我老婆身體裡,但現在不在了。 my wife, and now he's not. He's no longer in a liquid environment, he is in 他不再處於一個液態的環境中。他在氣態的環境裡面。 a gaseous environment. So something has to change, and in fact it's awesome. 所以某些東西得有所改變,而事實上,這很棒。 To learn more about this let's go talk to somebody that's smarter than me. 要更瞭解相關消息,去跟某個比我更聰明的人談談吧。 Well, my wife could do it but she's tired. Goodnight -Goodnight. 嗯,我的老婆可以,但她很累。晚安!晚安! Alright, so to figure out how babies go from living in a liquid 好吧,所以要搞清楚嬰兒如何從一個液態環境轉換到氣態環境之中, environment to an air environment we had to come to smart guy's house, so 我們必須到聰明人的家。 we came to a doctor's house. 所以我們來到醫生的家。 Spiral staircase, you know he's smart. So, let's go check him out. 螺旋樓梯,你知道他很聰明。 Hey how's it going? -Hey Destin. 所以,我們來找他吧。 So this is Dr Schuster, and Dr Schuster 嘿,你好嗎?嘿,Destin。 is, a baby delivery doctor we'll call you for the video. 所以這是Schuster醫生,而Schuster醫生是… -Alright So, he also plays music, so that lets you know that he's 在影片中我們稱你為嬰兒接生醫生。好啊。 really really smart. So we're gonna get some info from him. 那麼,他也演奏音樂,而那讓你知道他真的真的很聰明。 [music] 因此我們要從他身上得到一點資訊。 OK so my question 好,所以我的問題很簡單。我們如何從在母親子宮中呼吸液體,轉變成呼吸空氣? is pretty simple. How do we go from breathing fluid inside 當嬰兒出來時,在通過產道時受到擠壓, the mother's womb, to breathing air? -As the baby's coming out, 所有在肺部裡面的液體,也就是嬰兒的…尿液 and gets squeezed as it's coming through the birth canal. All that fluid that's been in the lungs 和嬰兒的排泄物,我是說,所有髒東西… which is the urine from the baby and the poop from the baby, I mean all the 它們一旦受到擠壓,那些東西跑了出來,而嬰兒喘了第一口氣,那吸入的氧氣, bad stuff. Once they get squeezed that stuff comes out and that baby takes that very 嬰兒所需要的東西。 first gasp, that gasp of, oxygen. 那引起了嬰兒循環系統巨大的改變, The thing that, that baby needs. That triggers huge changes in the circulation 而且就是那口氣讓所有事物開始運作。嬰兒從此靠自己呼吸。 of baby, and that's what allows everything to start working, the baby's breathing on it's own then. 所以當嬰兒第一次呼吸,真有個像開關的東西被打開還是怎樣? So there's actually like a switch that's flipped or something when the baby 有些閘門改變了心臟裡面的循環 – 改變了管線 – 如果你想這樣說。真的嗎?嗯。 breathes for the first time? -A couple of valves that change the circulation, change the plumbing 所這些閘門…這些閘門到底在心臟中的哪個位置? if you will, in the heart. Really. So where are these valves 心臟的上半部。對!有個叫做「卵圓孔」的東西, these valves are actually in the heart? -The top half of the heart, yeah. There's something 它就是個坐落在左右心房之間的大蓋子。 called the foramen ovale, which is just a big flap that sits between the right and left 一旦嬰兒得到最初一點點的氧氣 – 那第一次呼吸,它就關上了。 atrium. It closes, once that baby gets that first little bit of oxygen, that 好,所以那很神奇。所以第一次嬰兒吸一口氣… first breath. OK so that's pretty amazing. So the first time the baby takes a 那就是為什麼第一聲哭喊是這麼特別,因為其實就在那一瞬間嬰兒開始獨自生存了。 breath, and that's why that first cry is so special, becase that's actually [clicks fingers] 全都跟呼吸有關。是的。它從呼出自己的排泄物到吸入真正的氧氣, the moment where the baby's, autonomous. -It's all breathing. Yeah it goes from 生命所需的真正養分。 breathing it's own poop, to breathing real oxygen, the real nutrients that it needs 噢,那太棒了。非常感謝。別客氣。很高興能參與! for life. Oh that's awesome. Thank you very much. -Any time. Glad to do it. 好,我們這裡有個小伙子。來看看他吧。 Alright, we got a little man. 他生龍活虎的,他的肺部正在運作,而且正在呼吸空氣。 Let's check him out. He's alive and well and his lungs are 就在他出生那一刻發生了一件事情,就是這邊這個。 working and he's breathing air. One thing that happened right when he came out 在他開始發出一點尖銳的聲音之後,我能聽到那聲音…當他從液態環境來到氣態環境時,我能聽到那個改變。 is, this right here. After he started squealing a little bit, I could hear 護士將他帶到這裡,然後她把這根管子插入他喉嚨, that [clicks fingers] change when he went from fluid to, air. 開始吸出羊水。 The nurse brought him over here and she stuck this tube down his throat, 這小傢伙開始告訴我們他對每件事物的想法。 and she starts sucking amniotic fluid. This little 看看他,到這裡看看他的臉。 guy started telling us what he though about everything. So check him out. 嗯哼。那就是我所說的。看過來。 Get in there, see his face. 這是五個月以前他還在子宮裡的超音波。這是真實記錄。 Mmmhmm.. That's what I'm talking about. Check this out. 如果你靠近點看,你可以看到全部心臟的4個心室。 It's an ultrasound from 5 months ago when he was still in the womb. This is real data. 假如你再更靠近一點看,你可以看到Schuster醫生所提到的那個小東西。 If you look close you can see all four chambers of the heart. 好,我並不了解那個所以必須讓我老婆將它畫到工程圖上我才看得懂。 If you look even closer you can see that little thing that Dr Schuster was talking about. 所以,在你的心臟裡,你有4個心室,還有血,當血液離開肺部, OK I didn't understand that so I had to get my wife to put it on engineering paper 它穿過心臟回到身體中。 so I could figure it out. So in your heart you have four chambers, and the 然後離開身體之後,它回去通過心臟然後回到肺裡。 blood, as it exits the lungs, it goes through the heart and comes back to your body. 我們都了解這個。但這是在嬰兒離開子宮前心臟的情況。 And after it exits your body, it goes back through the heart and then goes back 你這裡有某種叫做「卵圓孔」的東西,而且你這裡還有個叫做「動脈導管」的東西。 to the lungs. We all know this, but here's the deal with 我聽到你了,小子。等等! the heart before the baby comes out of the womb. You have something here called the foramen 所以這裡發生的就是在出生之前,「卵圓孔」和「動脈導管」把血液從肺部引開。 ovale, and you have here something called the ductus arteriosus. [newborn noises in background] I hear you. 所以那意味著是大約7%的血流到肺部。 buddy, hold on. So what's going on here is, before birth 老爸在這裡。等等! the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus divert blood 所以基本上,在出生之前肺部非常非常小。它們還沒有膨脹起來, from the lungs, so what that means is only about 7 percent of 因為「卵圓孔」和「動脈導管」,它們就在那兒,導引開血流。 the blood flow goes to the lungs. [infrant crying] Daddy's here, hold on. 所以,它一旦翻轉過來,「卵圓孔」在大約一小時之內關閉, So, basically, before birth the lungs are really really 而且大約五天之後「動脈導管」離開變成一條繫帶。 small. They're not inflated, because the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus 我認為這真的很棒。你可以看到血液100%回流至肺部, which is right here, diverts that blood flow. So once it flips over, 還有啊…好吧,我去抱他了。你每天都變得更聰明。 the foramen ovale closes in about an hour, and the ductus arteriosus 護士走了,所以我開始亂弄他們的東西。 goes away and becomes a ligament after about 5 days. I think this is really awesome. 嘩! You can see that the blood flow goes back to 100 percent for the lungs, and the.. 看看那個。好吧。現在我打開超級手電筒了。 Alright, I'll.. [baby crying] I can get him. You're getting Smarter Every Day. 這是…這是主動追蹤。 The nurses are gone, so I started messing around with 妳睡著了嗎?現在醒囉! their stuff. Woah. 容忍我一下。看看這個。我找到一個魔法棒。 Check that out. Alright. Now we turn on a super light. 啥?好吧,看好。所以,這有個大光源, This is , this is 如果我拿著魔法棒對著光源,然後我開始閃著光離開,光線會追蹤魔法棒。 active tracking. You asleep? 它追蹤它。 -Not any more. Just bear with me. Look at this, I found a magic wand. 所以,它主動追蹤這魔法棒裡的燈泡。 What? Alright so watch this. So, there's a big light spot, and if I hold the magic wand at the light spot, and I start blinking away, the lights will follow the magic wand. It tracks it. So it's actively tracking this bulb. [ Captions by Andrew Jackson ] Captioning in different languages welcome. Please contact Destin if you can help.
B1 中級 中文 嬰兒 肺部 心臟 呼吸 動脈 閘門 【每天更聰明】剛出生的寶寶是如何活下來的? (Why You Didn't Die at Birth - Smarter Every Day 42) 2959 54 Furong Lai 發佈於 2012 年 12 月 16 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字