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  • MRIs use protons, which are abundant in the human body. All protons spin creating a small

  • magnetic charge. When a strong magnetic field is introduced, as is the case in an MRI machine,

  • the protons align with that field. The MRI technician then introduces a radiofrequency

  • pulse that disrupts the proton and forces it into either a 90 degree or 180 degree realignment

  • with the static magnetic field. Since the radiofrequency pulse pushed the proton against

  • its nature, once this pulse is turned off, the protons realign with the magnetic field,

  • releasing electromagnetic energy along the way. The MRI is able to detect this energy,

  • and is able to differentiate various tissues based on how quickly they release energy after

  • the pulse is turned off.

MRIs use protons, which are abundant in the human body. All protons spin creating a small


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B2 中高級

核磁共振是如何工作的? (How Does an MRI Work?)

  • 202 20
    Cheng-Hong Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日