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  • Today, we'll be talking about gel electrophoresis.

  • What is gel electrophoresis, you might ask.

  • Well, it's a lab technique usually used

  • in the biochemistry lab for separating out DNA or proteins

  • based on their size.

  • And let's talk about how it works.

  • So first, you need to have the gel.

  • This can be made out of different kinds of substances,

  • such as agarose and polyacrylamide, both of which

  • I'll discuss later.

  • And the electrophoresis part of it

  • means that you need to have an electrical field passing

  • through the gel to get the bands to move.

  • So to create an electrical field,

  • we have to have a cathode and an anode.

  • The cathode is on this side.

  • Remember from general chemistry that at the cathode,

  • reduction takes place, so you'll have a negative charge.

  • But on the other side, where the anode is,

  • you'll have a positive charge, because this

  • is where oxidation is taking place.

  • And to power this, you'll need some kind of battery

  • to connect them.

  • And these are both usually also connected

  • to a big box that contains the gel electrophoresis apparatus.

  • In order for charge to flow across,

  • you need something that will conduct electricity,

  • so you have a buffer that's usually

  • composed of different ions.

  • So this is completely covering this entire gel.

  • And remember that it's always there,

  • but I'm going to erase it just because it's

  • going to get a little messy for what I need to show you next.

  • So next, you'll load a sample of DNA.

  • In order to load your sample, you'll need to take a pipette

  • and put it into one if these wells.

  • So usually you'll want to make sure

  • that you have a dye mixed in with your sample

  • so that you can see it as it's running.

  • So I'll show that as a pink line here,

  • so I've filled that well, followed by yellow here,

  • and green here.

  • So that's just the color of the dye.

  • It can really be any color you want.

  • This will just help you track the movement of the bands later

  • on.

  • Once you have these bands, what will

  • happen once you turn on the electrical field?

  • Remember that DNA has a negatively charged backbone

  • because of all the phosphate groups,

  • so what you'll actually observe is

  • that they'll travel towards the positive end.

  • So maybe after a short period of time, what you'll see

  • is that-- it'll look something like this.

  • Maybe the pink will have split up into a few bands,

  • indicating that there's a few different sized

  • fragments in there.

  • With the yellow, you might only see one band.

  • And with the green, you might actually have two bands,

  • but they're so close together still

  • that it's kind of hard to tell.

  • So how can you really see what's going on?

  • The solution is to let this run for a longer period of time.

  • And eventually, what you'll see is shown here at the bottom.

  • You'll see that whatever sized fragments

  • were in your original samples have effectively

  • split up by their size.

  • And note that in pink, you'll always

  • want to load something known as a DNA ladder.

  • A DNA ladder is like a standard.

  • This is something that you buy from a company,

  • and they tell you exactly what sizes their fragments so

  • that you can match them up to your unknown samples.

  • So this could be 400 base pairs, 200 base pairs, and 100 base

  • pairs.

  • And as you'll note, the smallest fragments travel the furthest.

  • This is because the smallest things are really

  • easy to push with the electrical field.

  • But when you have such a big molecule, or rather a big DNA

  • fragment, it can be hard to move.

  • So you can see that the 400 base pair

  • doesn't move too fast or too far.

  • And what's this tell us about our unknown yellow and green

  • samples?

  • This shows us that the yellow sample

  • has a band that's 200 base pairs long.

  • And the green sample actually was

  • composed of two different fragments, one

  • that was 100 base pairs and another

  • that was 200 base pairs.

  • So what would we do with this information?

  • If you needed a particular size of DNA,

  • say for the next step of your experiment,

  • if you wanted to insert it into a plasmid or a vector,

  • you could cut this out of the gel and use it for that.

  • Now let's talk about the two kinds

  • of gels that are most commonly used.

  • The first is agarose, and the second is SDS-PAGE.

  • So agarose is a gel that's usually

  • used for separating big pieces of DNA.

  • So if you think about the pore size in the agarose,

  • it has pretty big pores, so imagine

  • it looking kind of like this.

  • The gel is pretty big.

  • There's big holes here, so that you'll

  • be able to separate out the big pieces of DNA that

  • come through.

  • However, if you're trying to separate out little pieces,

  • it won't be that obvious, because they'll all just

  • race through these giant holes.

  • So remember that this is for big DNA fragments.

  • Usually, this is for DNA that's bigger than 50 base pairs.

  • SDS-PAGE, on the other hand, can be used for very small things.

  • So imagine that being a much finer weaving with smaller

  • pores.

  • Although this can be used for small pieces of DNA,

  • it can also be used for proteins.

  • You might be wondering, what does SDS-PAGE even stand for.

  • The SDS part is Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate.

  • This is a chemical agent that denatures proteins,

  • disrupting any non-covalent interactions they may have.

  • This makes it so that the charge of the proteins

  • isn't a factor when they're separating out onto the gel,

  • and they're only being separated strictly by size.

  • The PAGE part is PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis,

  • or we'll just leave it at GE.

  • So polyacrylamide is the substance that gel's made out.

  • So how can we remember the difference

  • between these two types of gels?

  • Remember that SDS-PAGE is for small DNA or protein cells.

  • S for small, and S for SDS.

  • And agarose is for bigger fragments of DNA.

  • So today we've talked about how you would setup a gel

  • electrophoresis, why it works, and how

  • you would want to pick the substance

  • but your gel's made of.

  • If you were really doing this in the lab,

  • now that you have your fragments of known size of DNA

  • or protein, you could either sequence them or use them

  • in other molecular techniques.

Today, we'll be talking about gel electrophoresis.


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B1 中級

凝膠電泳 (Gel Electrophoresis)

  • 65 7
    Cheng-Hong Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日