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  • I think we have a respectable sense of how muscles contract

  • on the molecular level.

  • Let's take a step back now and just understand how muscles

  • look, at least structurally, or how they relate to things

  • that we normally associate with muscles.

  • So let me draw a flexing bicep right here.

  • That's their elbow and let's say that's

  • their hand right there.

  • So this is their bicep and it's flexing.

  • I think we've all seen diagrams of what muscles look,

  • at least on kind of a macro level and it's connected to

  • the bones at either end.

  • Let me draw the bones.

  • I'm not going to detail where-- so it's connected to

  • the bones at either end by tendons.

  • So this right here would be some bone.

  • Right there would be another bone that it's connected to.

  • And then this is tendons, which connects the bones to

  • the muscles.

  • We have the general sense-- connected to two bones, when

  • it contracts it moves some part of our skeletal system.

  • So we're actually focused on skeletal muscles.

  • The other types are smooth muscles and cardiac muscles.

  • Cardiac muscles are those, as you can imagine, in our heart.

  • And smooth muscles are-- these are more involuntary, slow

  • moving muscles and things like our digestive tract.

  • And I'll do video on that in the future, but most of the

  • time when people say muscles, we associate them with

  • skeletal muscles that move our skeletal system around, allow

  • us to run and lift and talk and do and bite things.

  • So this is what we normally associate-- let's dig in a

  • little bit deeper here.

  • So if I were to take a cross section of this bicep right

  • there-- if I were to take a cross section of that muscle

  • right there-- so let me do it big.

  • And then it looks something like this.

  • This is the inside of this muscle over here.

  • Now I said back here, we had our tendon.

  • And then there's actually a covering; there's no strict

  • demarcation or dividing line between the tendon and the

  • covering around this muscle, but that covering is called

  • the epimysium and it's really just connective tissue that

  • covers the muscle, kind of protects it, reduces friction

  • between the muscle and the surrounding bone and other

  • tissue that might be in this person's arm right there.

  • And then within this muscle, you have connective tissue on

  • the inside.

  • Let me do it in another color.

  • I'll do it in orange.

  • This is called a perimyseum, and that's also just

  • connective tissue inside of the actual muscle.

  • And then each of these things that the perimysium is

  • dividing off-- let me say if we were to take one of these

  • things and allow it to go a little bit further-- so if we

  • were to take this thing right here-- what this perimysium is

  • dividing off-- and if we were to pull it out-- actually, let

  • me do this one right here.

  • If we were to pull this one out just like that-- so you

  • have the perimysium surrounding it, right?

  • This is all perimysium, and it's just a fancy word for

  • connective tissue.

  • There's other stuff in there.

  • You could have nerves and you could have capillaries, all

  • sorts of stuff because you have to get blood and neuronal

  • signals to your muscles of entry so it's not just

  • connective tissue.

  • It's other things that have to be able to eventually get to

  • your muscle cells.

  • So each of these-- I guess you'd call it subfibers, but

  • these are pretty big subfibers of the muscle.

  • This is called a fascicle.

  • The connective tissue inside of the fascicle is called the

  • endomysium.

  • So once again, more connective tissues, has capillaries in

  • it, has nerves in it, all of the things that have to

  • eventually come in contact with muscle cells.

  • We're inside of a single muscle.

  • All this green connective tissue is endomysium.

  • And each of these things that are in the endomysium are an

  • actual muscle cell.

  • This is an actual muscle cell.

  • I'll do it in purple.

  • So this thing right here-- I can pull it out a little bit.

  • If I pull this out, this is an actual muscle cell.

  • This is what we wanted to get to, but we're going to go even

  • within the muscle cell to see, understand how all the myosin

  • and the actin filaments fit into that muscle cell.

  • So this right here is a muscle cell or a myofiber.

  • The two prefixes you'll see a lot when dealing with

  • muscles-- you're going to see myo, which you can imagine

  • refers to muscle.

  • And you're also going to see the word sarco, like

  • sarcolemma, or sarcoplasmic reticulum.

  • So you're also go see the prefix sarco and that's

  • flesh-- so sarcophagus-- or you can think of other things

  • that start with sarco.

  • So sarco is flesh.

  • Muscle is flesh and myo is muscle.

  • So this is myofiber.

  • This is an actual muscle cell and so let's zoom in on the

  • actual muscle.

  • So let me actually draw it really a lot bigger here.

  • So an actual muscle cell is called a myofiber.

  • It's called a fiber because it's longer than it is wide

  • and they come in various-- let me draw the

  • myofiber like this.

  • I'll take a cross section of the muscle cell as well.

  • And these can be relatively short-- several hundred

  • micrometers-- or it could be quite long-- at least quite

  • long by cellular standards.

  • We're talking several centimeters.

  • Think of it as a cell.

  • That's quite a long cell.

  • Because it's so long, it actually has to

  • have multiple nucleuses.

  • Actually, to draw the nucleuses, let me do a better

  • job drawing the myofiber.

  • I'm going to make little lumps in the outside membranes where

  • the nucleuses can fit on this myofiber.

  • Remember, this is just one of these individual muscle cells

  • and they're really long so they have multiple nucleuses.

  • Let me take its cross section because we're going to go

  • inside of this muscle cell.

  • So I said it's multinucleated.

  • So if we kind of imagine its membrane being transparent,

  • there'd be one nucleus over here, another nucleus over

  • here, another nucleus over here, another

  • nucleus over there.

  • And the reason why it's multinucleated is so that over

  • large distances, you don't have to wait for proteins to

  • get all the way from this nucleus all the way over to

  • this part of the muscle cell.

  • You can actually have the DNA information close to where it

  • needs to be.

  • So it's multinucleated.

  • I read one-- I think it was 30 or so nucleuses per millimeter

  • of muscle tissue is what the average is.

  • I don't know if that's actually the case, but the

  • nucleuses are kind of right under the membrane of the

  • muscle cell-- and you remember what that's called from the

  • last video.

  • The membrane of the muscle cell is the sarcolemma.

  • These are the nucleuses.

  • And then if you take the cross section of that, there are

  • tubes within that called myofibrils.

  • So here there's a bunch of tubes inside

  • of the actual cell.

  • Let me pull one of them out.

  • So I've pulled out one of these tubes.

  • This is a myofibril.

  • And if you were to look at this under a light microscope,

  • you'll see it has little striations on it.

  • the striations will look something like that, like

  • that, like that, and there'll be little thin ones

  • like that, like that.

  • And inside of these myofibrils is where we'll find our myosin

  • and actin filaments.

  • So let's zoom in over here on this myofibril.

  • We'll just keep zooming until we get to the molecular level.

  • So this myofibril, which is-- remember, it's inside of the

  • muscle cell, inside of the myofiber.

  • The myofiber is a muscle cell.

  • Myofibral is a-- you can view it as a tube inside of the

  • muscle cell.

  • These are the things that are actually doing the

  • contraction.

  • So if I were to zoom in on a myofibril, you're going to see

  • it-- it's going to look something like that and it's

  • going to have those bands in it.

  • So the bands are going to look something like this.

  • You're going to have these short bands like that.

  • Then you're going to have wider bands like that, like

  • these little dark-- trying my best to draw them relatively

  • neatly and there could be a little line right there.

  • Then the same thing repeats over here.

  • So each of these units of

  • repetition is called a sarcomere.

  • And these units of repetition go from one-- this is called a

  • Z-line to another Z-line.

  • And all of this terminology comes out of when people just

  • looked under a microscope and they saw these lines, they

  • started attaching names to it.

  • And just so you have the other terminology-- we'll talk about

  • how this relates to the myosin and the actin in a second.

  • This right here is the A-band.

  • And then this distance right here or these parts right

  • here, these are called the I-bands.

  • And we'll talk about really in a few seconds how that relates

  • to the mechanisms or the units that we talked-- or the

  • molecules that we talked about in the last video.

  • So if you were to zoom in here, if you were to go into

  • these myofibrils, if you were to take a cross section of

  • these myofibrils, what you'll find is-- if you were to cut

  • it up, maybe slice it-- if you were slice it parallel to the

  • actual screen that you're looking at, you're going to

  • see something like this.

  • So this is going to be your Z-band.

  • This is your next Z-band.

  • So I'm zooming in on sarcomere now.

  • This is another Z-band.

  • Then you have your actin filaments.

  • Now we're getting to that molecular level

  • that I talked about.

  • And then in between the actin filaments, you have your

  • myosin filaments.

  • Remember, the myosin filaments had those two heads on them.

  • They each have two heads like that, that crawl along the

  • actin filaments.

  • I'm just drawing a couple of them and then they're attached

  • at the middle just like that.

  • We'll talk about in a second what happens when the muscle

  • actually contracts.

  • And I could draw it again over here.

  • So it has many more heads than what I'm drawing, but this

  • just gives you an idea of what's happening.

  • These are the myosin, I guess, proteins and they all

  • intertwined like we saw in the previous video and then

  • there'll be another one over here.

  • I don't have to draw in detail.

  • So you can see immediately that the A-band corresponds to

  • where we have our myosin.

  • So this is our A-band right here.

  • And there is an overlap.

  • They do overlap each other, even in the resting state, but

  • the I-band is where you only have actin

  • filaments, no myosin.

  • And then the myosin filaments are held in place by titin,

  • which you can kind of imagine as a springy protein.

  • I want to do it in a different color than that.

  • So the myosin is held in place by titin.

  • It's attached to the Z-band by titin.

  • So what happened?

  • So we have all of these-- when a neuron excites-- so let me

  • draw an endpoint of a neuron right here, the endpoint of an

  • axon of a neuron right there.

  • It's a motor neuron.

  • It's telling this guy to contract.

  • You have the action potential.

  • The action potential travels along the membrane, really in

  • all directions.

  • And then it eventually, if we look at it from this view,

  • they have those little transverse or T-tubules.

  • They essentially go into the cell and continue to propagate

  • the action potential.

  • Those trigger the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium.

  • The calcium attaches to the troponin that's attached to

  • these actin filaments that moves the tropomyosin out of

  • the way, and then the crawling can occur.

  • The myosin can start using ATP to crawl

  • along these actin filaments.

  • And so as you can imagine, as they crawl along, their power

  • stroke is going to push-- you can either view it as the

  • actin filaments in that way or you can say that the myosin is

  • going to want to move in that direction, but you're pulling

  • on both sides of a rope, right?

  • So the myosin is going to stay in one place and the actin

  • filaments are going to be pulled together.

  • And that's essentially how the muscle is contracting.

  • So we've, hopefully, in this video, connected the big

  • picture from the flexing muscle all the way over here

  • to exactly what's happening at the molecular level that we

  • learned in the last few videos.

  • And you can imagine, when this happens to all of the

  • myofibrils inside of the muscle, right, because the

  • sarcoplasmic reticulum's releasing calcium generally

  • into the cytoplasm of-- which is also called myoplasm,

  • because we're dealing with muscle cells-- the cytoplasm

  • of this muscle cell.

  • The calcium floods all of these myofibrils.

  • It's able to attach to all of the troponin-- or at least a

  • lot of the troponin on top of these actin filaments and then

  • the whole muscle contracts.

  • And then when that's done, each muscle fiber, myofiber,

  • or each muscle cell will not have that

  • much contracting power.

  • But when you couple it with all of them that are around

  • it-- if you just have one, actually, working, or a few of

  • them, you'll just have a twitch.

  • But if you have all of them contracting together, then

  • that's actually going to create the force to actually

  • do some work, or actually pull your bones together, or lift

  • some weights.

  • So hopefully you found that mildly useful.

I think we have a respectable sense of how muscles contract


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B1 中級

肌肉細胞的解剖學 (Anatomy of a muscle cell)

  • 54 9
    Cheng-Hong Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日