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In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over the pronunciation of...
The word 'mountain', 'sentence', and other similar words.
I've had a few requests for words where we have the t, schwa, and n sound.
For example the word 'mountain', or the word 'curtain'. First, let's take a look at the word 'mountain'.
So here, the t is coming after the n, and before a schwa. Normally, when the t is in a consonant cluster, like 'mount'.
We would say a true t. But often, when it follows the n, we actually...
Leave it out altogether, like in the word 'center'. 'Center'. I say no t there.
But this is an exception. When we have the t sound, the schwa sound, and the n sound.
但有一個例外。就是當我們有 [t]、[ə] 以及 [n] 這三個發音的時候。
Most native speakers will make that t a stop t. So rather than 'mountain', with a true t...
大多數以英語為母語的人會讓 t 變成停頓點。所以「mountain」裡的 t 發音不是 [t]。
We get mountain, mount-n. Do you hear the stop?
So, to make this word, my tongue is coming to the roof of the mouth for the n.
所以這個要唸這個字,發 n 這個音的時候,我的舌頭會移到上顎。
Mount-n. Then I just leave it there. I stop the flow of air with my throat.
To make the stop t, mount-n, then I release and let it go again into the...
完成 t 發音的停頓,「mount-n」,接著放鬆喉嚨然後接到......
Schwa-n sound.
[ə]-[n] 的發音。
Mountain. [3x]
Mountain (唸三遍)
Let's take a look at the word 'curtain'. Now here the t comes after an r and before a vowel sound, the schwa.
接下來看「窗簾」這個字。這裡 t 在 r 後面,並在母音 ə 前面。
So normally, that would be a flap t, like in the word 'party'.
所以通常這會形成一個拍動的彈舌 t,例如「party(派對)」。
But again, because we have a t-schwa-n sound, it's an exception. So, it's a stop t. Curt-n.
但同樣的,因為我們有 t-ə-n 的發音,所以是例外。它要發成停頓的 t。Curt-n.
Cur-tain. So, to make this word, my tongue is going from the r, pulled back, cur-.
Cur-tain. 所以要唸這個字,我的舌頭要從 r 往後推發 cur-。
To a position where the front part of the tongue is touching the roof of the mouth. Then again...
I cut off the airflow here to signify the Stop t. Cur-tain. Then I don't need to move my tongue.
我阻斷氣流形成停頓的 t。Cur-tain. 接著我不需要移動我的舌頭。
It's already in position for the schwa-n sound. 'Curtain'.
它已經在 ə-n 的發音位置。「窗簾」。
The word 'sentence' doesn't end with a t-schwa-n sound, but it's the same rule.
Because we have those three sounds together, many people will say sen-tence, making a stop t there.
因為這三個音連在一起,很多人會說「sen-tence」,在 t 那裡做一個停頓。
So again, my tongue is already in the right position because it came up for the first n.
同樣的,我的舌頭因為發第一個 n 已經在正確的發音位置上。
Sen-tence. So, I just cut off the airflow, and then jump right back into the schwa-n sound.
Sen-tence. 所以,我只是阻斷氣流,然後立刻接到 ə-n 的發音。
One final example, the word 'cotton'. So here, the t is coming between two vowel sounds.
最後一個例子,「cotton(棉花)」這個字。在這裡,t 夾在兩個母音中間。
Normally, that would be a flap, like in the word 'cutting'. There, it's a flap t where...
通常,這是一個彈舌音,就像「cutting(剪)」這個字。這裡是彈舌 t 的發音。
The tongue just bounces against the roof of the mouth and there's no stop of sound.
But in the word 'cotton', it's the t-schwa-n, so we're gonna make that a stop instead.
但是在「cotton(棉花)」 這個字裡有 t-ə-n 的音,所以我們要停頓。
Cotton. So, my tongue is going up into position for the t, it's the same as the position for the n.
「Cotton(棉花)」。所以,我的舌頭為了發出 t 而往上移,跟 n 位置一樣。
I never move the tongue once it's there. I just cut off the airflow, n.
接著不要移動舌頭的位置。我只是阻斷氣流,發出 n。
And then make the n sound.
然後發出 n 的音。
Other example words with the stop t-schwa-n sound: fountain, kitten, button, written...
其他和停頓 t-ə-n 相同的例子有:fountain(噴泉)、kitten(小貓)、button(按鈕)、written(寫作的過去分詞)......
Clinton, Manhattan. So don't forget: move your tongue into position for the n, stop the sound.
And then make the n sound. That's how you should pronounce t-schwa-n.
That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.
以上,感謝收看 Rachel's English。