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  • So, one question to ask ourselves is,

  • what is engineering? How do we define,

  • what is engineering? Well, the definition I like to

  • use is one put forth by Steve Senturia, one of our professors

  • who is now retired. He defined engineering to be

  • the purposeful use of science. All right, so what is 6.002

  • about? So, 6.002 is a first course in

  • engineering. And I like to view 6.002 as the

  • gainful employment of Maxwell's equations.

  • Many of you have seen Maxwell's equations before.

  • Most of you should have. And they are hard stuff.

  • 6.002 is all about teaching you how to simplify our lives,

  • make things simple. So, if you can gainfully employ

  • Maxwell's equations, gainfully employ the facts of

  • nature to build very interesting systems.

  • So let me show you how the transition is made.

  • So, there's a world around us, nature, so we made some

  • observations in nature. We make measurements,

  • and we can write down large tables of measurements.

  • So, for example, we can take objects and measure

  • the voltage across them, and look at the resulting

  • current through the elements. So, we may end up getting a

  • bunch of values such as [CHALKBOARD].

  • So, we start out life with making measurements on what

  • exists. And we build a bunch of tables.

  • Now, we could directly take these tables,

  • and based on observations of these tables,

  • we could go ahead and build very interesting engineering

  • systems that help us out in day-to-day lives.

  • But that's incredibly hard. Imagine having to resort to a

  • set of tables to do any kind of useful work.

  • So what we do as engineers, we first layer a level of

  • abstraction. We look at all the data,

  • and somehow layer abstraction such that we can simplify or

  • much more succinctly put in a simple equation or a simple

  • statement what these numbers are telling us.

  • OK, so for example, our physics laws,

  • so laws of physics for example are simply abstractions,

  • the laws of abstractions. So, these sets of numbers can

  • be codified by Ohm's law, for example,

  • V is equal to RI, the voltage current,

  • relates to the resistance of the object.

  • So, V is equal to RI is a law that succinctly describes a set

  • of experiments, and replaces a large number of

  • tables with a very simple statement.

  • You could call this the law, or you could call it an

  • abstraction. OK so you see laws of physics,

  • call them abstractions of physics if you like.

  • Similarly, there are Maxwell's equations and so on and so

  • forth. So, this is what is.

  • This is what's out there. OK, and a law as an abstraction

  • describe the properties of nature, as we see it,

  • in some succinct form. Now, if you want to go and

  • build useful things, we could take these

  • abstractions, take Maxwell's equations,

  • and go and build things. But it's hard.

  • It's really, really hard.

  • And what you learn in, at MIT is this place is all

  • about simplifying things. Take complicated things,

  • build layers of abstraction, and simplify things so that we

  • can build useful systems. Even in 6.002 we start life by

  • making a huge leap from Maxwell's equations to a couple

  • of very, very simple laws. OK, I'm going to show you that

  • leap that we will make today. So, the first abstraction that

  • we layer is called the lump circuit abstraction.

  • OK, in the lump circuit abstraction, what we do is we

  • make a set of simplifications that allows us to view a set of

  • objects as discrete or lumped elements.

  • So, we may, I will define voltage sources.

  • We'll define resistors. We'll define capacitors,

  • and so on. OK, and I'm going to make the

  • jump, and show you how we make the jump in a few minutes.

  • So, on that sort of abstraction, we then layer yet

  • another abstract layer. And let me call that the

  • amplifier abstraction. OK, remember,

  • here we are absolutely down and dirty.

  • We are setting the probes, measuring objects,

  • and building huge tables. We abstracted things into

  • simple laws, and life got a little better.

  • OK, I'm going to show you can abstract things further out and

  • build discrete objects, and, you could build even more

  • interesting components called amplifiers and begin playing

  • around with amplifiers. OK, so when you are using

  • amplifiers, you don't really have to worry about the details

  • of Maxwell's equations. OK, I'll give you some very

  • simple abstract rules of behavior for an amplifier,

  • and you can go build very interesting systems without

  • really, really knowing how Maxwell's equations applies to

  • that because you will be working at this abstract layer.

  • However, since you're engineers, and you are good at

  • building such systems, it's very important for you to

  • understand how we make this leap from the laws of physics into

  • some of our very primitive engineering abstractions.

  • So, once we make the amplified abstraction in 6.002,

  • by the way, 6.002 starts here. We start from the laws of

  • physics and then proceed all the way out.

  • So, once we talk about amplifiers we will take two

  • pads. On the amplifier,

  • you will build the next abstraction called the digital

  • abstraction. OK, and with the digital

  • abstraction, we will build new elements such as inverters and

  • combinational gates, OK?

  • So, notice we are building bigger, and bigger things,

  • which have more and more complicated behavior inside

  • them, but which are very simple to describe, right?

  • So, following the digital abstraction, we will superimpose

  • the combinational logic abstraction on top of that,

  • and define functional blocks that look like this:

  • some inputs, some function,

  • some outputs. The next abstraction on top of

  • that will be the clock digital abstraction, where we will have

  • some notion of time introduced into the system.

  • There will be a clock, and this will be some function.

  • And there will be a clock that introduces time into the sort of

  • logic values that functions operate upon.

  • Following that, the next level of abstraction

  • that we build is called instruction set abstraction.

  • OK, now you begin to see things that consumers get to look at.

  • Can someone give me an example of, or name an instruction set,

  • or instruction set abstraction? Bingo.

  • So, x86 is one set of abstractions.

  • And in fact, in many universities,

  • education could well start just by saying, OK,

  • here's an abstraction. These are the x86 instructions,

  • OK? Some MIT gurus have designed

  • this awesome little microprocessor,

  • OK? So you just worry about,

  • you take this abstraction layer here, the assembly instructions,

  • and you go and build systems on top of that.

  • OK, so this is an abstraction layer called the x86 layer.

  • There are other abstraction layers.

  • In 6.004, you will learn about, I believe, the alpha or the

  • beta, OK, and various other abstractions at this point.

  • So, 6.002 kind of goes until here.

  • 6.002 takes me from the world of physics all the way to the

  • world of interesting analog and digital systems.

  • OK, 004, the course on computation structures,

  • will show you how to build computers all the way from

  • simple digital objects all the way to big systems.

  • Following that, you learn about language

  • abstractions, Java, C, and other languages,

  • and that's in 6.002. And there are several other

  • courses that will cover that. Following this,

  • you learn about software system abstractions,

  • and software systems, you will learn about operating

  • systems. Any example of an operating

  • system abstraction that people know out there?

  • What's that? Linux.

  • What else? I'm just wondering how long

  • I'll have to go before I hear what I want to hear.

  • [LAUGHTER] OK, so we have a bunch of software

  • systems. So, if we have a bunch of

  • software systems, these are nothing but

  • abstractions. Linux simply implies a set of

  • system calls that the programs must adhere to.

  • Windows is another set of system calls.

  • That's it. And see how much money they

  • made out of it? OK, it's all about abstraction

  • layers, that all start from nature.

  • All right? Build abstraction upon

  • abstraction upon abstraction upon abstraction,

  • and someone out here are lots of dollars.

  • OK, so based on these abstractions,

  • we can then build useful things for human beings.

  • We can build very useful things, video games,

  • so we can send space shuttles up, and a whole bunch of other

  • systems. But it's based on these

  • abstraction layers. What's unique about education

  • at MIT? What's unique about 6.002 and

  • EECS? Is to my knowledge,

  • there are not many other places in the world where you will get

  • an education in everything going all the way from nature to how

  • to build very complicated analog and digital systems.

  • OK, we will show you layer upon layer upon layer upon layer,

  • peel away the onion until you are down to raw nature,

  • OK, through Maxwell's equations.

  • So, 6.002, 004, this is 033,

  • OK, 6.170, and so on. OK, the whole EECS is about

  • building abstraction layers, one on top of the other.

  • So that's one path. There's the analog path.

  • The analog path would take an amplifier, and build an

  • abstraction layer called the op-amp.

  • See how similar they all look? You know the amplifier,

  • the inverter of the digital world, and the operational

  • amplifier in the analog world, just different ways of looking

  • at the same devices. So, to build an analog system,

  • to build an operational amplifier, and then,

  • here we go end up building a whole bunch of different

  • interesting analog system components.

  • OK, and these components might look like oscillators.

  • They might look like filters. OK, they look like power

  • supplies, a whole bunch of very interesting abstract components,

  • which pulled together can then give you the next set of

  • systems. And these systems might be

  • toasters, or say for example other analog systems like the

  • various control systems for various power plants and so on

  • and so forth, and ultimately,

  • fun and dollars. OK, so 6.002 is about going

  • from physics all the way to this point.

  • We will build interesting analog systems,

  • and take you up to interesting digital system components,

  • from which 004 will take you all the way to building computer

  • architectures. So that, in a nutshell,

  • kind of gives you a feel for the space of EECS.

  • OK, this chart here is almost a vignette of what EECS at MIT is

  • all about. And this is the world according

  • to Agarwal, because he's teaching 002.

  • OK, so this is 6.002, and the rest of EECS is

  • somewhere out there. OK, so I'm going to do now is

  • throughout this course; I want you to think about which

  • part in this vignette we are in. So, right now,

  • I'm going to start here and take you here.

  • OK, and as you get closer and closer, things get simpler,

  • and simpler, and simpler.

  • Still, the final abstractions are pedal, brake,

  • steering wheel. I mean, that's the abstraction

  • to play a game, right, four or five very simple

  • interfaces, and that's all you need to know.

  • And everybody in the world can play stuff.

  • So remember, this stuff is complicated.

  • This stuff is very, very simple.

  • OK, and the more we build abstractions and come to this

  • side, things get simpler and simpler.

  • So, a large part of what I'll cover today is make the biggest

  • simplification. The biggest simplification we

  • will make his go from Maxwell's equation to some very,

  • very simple algebraic rules. OK, I did Maxwell's equations

  • myself. And I tell you,

  • they were very interesting stuff but complicated.

  • I can't imagine building efficient systems using

  • Maxwell's equations. So, let's take an example,

  • OK? So, let's say I have a battery.

  • Just switch to page three of your course notes.

  • And let's say I connect that to a bulb.

  • OK, and this is a wire. And, the battery supplies some

  • voltage, V, and I ask you a simple question.

  • What is the current through the bulb?

  • OK, so here is something that I can build using objects.

  • I can pick a round from stores and so on.

  • And I can collect them up in this way, and ask the question,

  • what is the current, I?

  • Now, if all you've done is learn about Maxwell's equations,

  • you can roll up your sleeves and say, ah-ha!

  • The first step is to write down all of Maxwell's equations,

  • and you can say, del cross E is minus del and go

  • on, and on, and on, OK, and write out all of

  • Maxwell's equations and say, now how do I get from there to

  • here? OK, it's very good.

  • You can do it. OK, you can do it,

  • but it's very complicated. OK, so instead,

  • what you're going to do is take the easy way.

  • So, what I want to remind you is that this course is actually

  • very easy. OK remember,

  • we're going to be building abstraction upon abstraction to

  • make your lives easier. If you think your lives are

  • getting more complicated, then you are not using

  • intuition enough. OK, just remember the big I

  • word. It's all about making things

  • simple. OK, so let me give you an

  • analogy. So, suppose you have an object.

  • OK, and I apply a force to the object.

  • It's an analogy, OK to get some insight into how

  • to do this. So, I say here's an object.

  • I apply a force, and I ask you the question.

  • What is the acceleration of the object when I apply a force,

  • F? So, how would you do it?

  • OK, and eighth, or ninth, or tenth grader can

  • do this. OK, they would ask me,

  • what's the mass of the object? OK, I ask you what is the

  • acceleration? You would turn around and ask

  • me, what is the mass of the object?

  • I tell you, the mass of the object is M.

  • And then you say, oh sure, A is F divided by M,

  • done. It's as simple as that.

  • OK, I could have gone into all kinds of differential equations

  • and so on to figure that out, but you asked me for the mass.

  • And you gave me the answer, A is F divided by M.

  • So, you ignored a bunch of things.

  • You ignored the shape of the object.

  • You ignored its color. You ignored its temperature.

  • OK, and you ignored the soft or hard or whatever.

  • OK, you ignored a whole bunch of things.

  • You were focused on one thing. OK, you're focused on its mass.

  • And, it turns out that the process really was developed

  • from a set of simplifications. That is called,

  • does anybody remember this? Point mass simplification.

  • OK, so, in physics, you've done this before.

  • OK, you've simplified your lives by viewing objects as

  • having a mass at a point, and force is acting at that

  • point. OK, M is that property of the

  • object that is of interest to you.

  • This process is called, in physics, point mass

  • discretization. OK, now using an analogy,

  • and I'm going to show you a similar simple process to do the

  • problem with the light bulb. OK, so take my light bulb

  • again,

  • And I focus on the filament of the light bulb.

  • OK, all I care about is the current flowing through the

  • light bulb. OK, I don't care about whether

  • the filament is twisted, whether it's hot.

  • I don't care about its shape. I don't care about its color.

  • All I care about is the current.

  • OK, so to do that, what we can do here at a very

  • high level is since we just need the current and don't care about

  • a bunch of other properties, we will simply replace the bulb

  • with a discrete object called a resistor.

  • So the discrete object is a resistor, much like the point

  • mass simplification that we did earlier that replaced the bulb

  • filament with a object called a resistor, a discrete object

  • called a resistor. Or a lump object called

  • resister, and put a value next to it just like the mass for the

  • object, a resistance value, R.

  • OK, now what I can do is in the same manner, replace the battery

  • with an object called a battery object, and connect that here,

  • the voltage, V, applied to it.

  • V falls across the resistor, and I get my I simply from

  • Ohm's law as we divide by R. So, notice here,

  • to replace this complicated bulb, this really twisty,

  • weird old thing with this discreet thing called a

  • resistor, and its only property of interest was its resistance

  • value, R, direct analogy to what we did there.

  • So, since R represents the only property of interest,

  • we can simply ignore all the other things.

  • So, notice here, we've done things the simple

  • way. And remember,

  • in EE, in the electrical engineering, we do things the

  • simple way. OK, we could go the hard route

  • and do Maxwell's equations, and get PhD's in physics,

  • and so on. But out here,

  • we are looking to do useful, interesting systems in the

  • simplest way that we can. OK, we do things a simple way.

  • All right, so we just did this, and boom, I found out what the

  • current was. Now, I cheated a little bit.

  • I've cheated a little bit. R is a lumped abstraction for

  • the bulb. So, you look at this resistor

  • here. That is simply a placeholder.

  • It's a stand-in for this complicated thing called a bulb.

  • It's a discreet object. It's a lumped object,

  • and represents the bulb. Now, so most of 6.002 will take

  • off from here, OK, and that's it.

  • To very simple stuff, like V is equal to IR,

  • it's a simple high school algebra to take off in that

  • direction. But before we go there,

  • it's important to understand, why was it that we were able to

  • make the simplification? OK, we did something else.

  • Something's going on under the covers here.

  • On the one hand, I say let's use Maxwell's,

  • and then I jump out and say, hey, we can just use this

  • simple thing. I did something that allowed me

  • to go from here to here. And you need to understand why

  • I did that and how I did that. Understand it once,

  • and then you won't have to need that information again.

  • You just need to understand it. So, let's take a closer look at

  • the bulb filament, and look at what we really did.

  • So, here's my filament, A, and let's say that the

  • surface area here, I label that SA,

  • and the one down here SB, my voltage, V,

  • applied there, and this is what I call my

  • black box that I've replaced with a resistor.

  • Notice that, in order for this to work,

  • V and I need to be defined. So I needs to be defined,

  • and V needs to be defined. OK, if I give you a random

  • object, and I don't tell you anything else about the object,

  • it's not clear I can do that. OK, if it's a much more general

  • situation, I have to write down Maxwell's equations,

  • and this is what I would write down.

  • Write down J dot dS as a function of the coordinate here

  • integrated over the area minus, OK, I would have to start from

  • there from one of Maxwell's equations.

  • All right, notice that this becomes IA, and this becomes IB

  • in our simplification. But, if I don't tell you

  • anything else, you have to start from here.

  • You will have some varying current here by point.

  • You might have some other current coming out here because

  • I may have some charge buildup happening inside.

  • If charge is building up inside the filament;

  • then I would have to put del q by del t out here,

  • right, the current in minus the current out must equal charge

  • buildup. Whoa, where is this and where

  • is that? So this is reality.

  • This is really, really what I have to do.

  • But how did I get there? How did I get there?

  • The key answer is, as engineers,

  • when in doubt we simplify. Remember, we are engineers.

  • Our goal in life is to build interesting systems.

  • OK and some are motivated by money.

  • OK, so our goal is to build interesting systems and do good

  • to humanity. So, as long as we can build a

  • good light bulb, we are happy.

  • So what we can do is we can say, look, all I care about is

  • building interesting systems. So I can say,

  • hey, this stuff is too hard. Let's make the assumption that

  • all the systems that we will consider will have this thing be

  • zero. OK, in other words,

  • if I take a complete object, if I take an element like a

  • resistor or a capacitor, the box around the entire

  • element, OK, and I want to just deal with those systems in which

  • this thing is zero. You can come and beat me up and

  • say, but why? Why not?

  • Why am I doing this? And I am saying the world is

  • arbitrary. I'm an engineer;

  • I want to build good systems. By making this simplification,

  • I eliminate this squiggle thing, and so on.

  • I don't want to deal with it. I want to make my life simple.

  • So this is gone to zero because, why?

  • Because I have said that in the future I will only deal with

  • those elements for which this is true.

  • I'm going to discipline myself. I'm going to discipline myself

  • to only deal with those systems. OK, Maxwell is turning around

  • and, you know, mad at me and all that stuff,

  • but tough. So this, what I've said about

  • making a simplification here, and this is one of the

  • simplifications I'm making. And I give a name to the

  • simplification. And that's called the lumped

  • matter discipline. OK, so I'm saying I will only

  • deal with elements for which if I put a black box around it,

  • this is going to be true. And if this is going to be

  • true, then notice, there is no charge buildup.

  • Current in must equal current out.

  • Ah-ha! So this becomes IA.

  • This becomes IB. Yes.

  • OK, I can now deal with IA's and IB's.

  • And IB and IA are equal because this is zero.

  • Notice that there is a whole bunch of depth here in the jump

  • from here to here. As MIT graduates,

  • you really, really need to understand why it is that we

  • made that jump, and then go and use that,

  • and do cool things. All right, this allows us to

  • define I. We have a unique I associated

  • with an element for the current through the element.

  • We still have to worry about B, and I won't go through that in

  • detail. The course notes have some

  • discussion of that and so does the textbook.

  • So V, AB is defined when del phi B, the rate of change of

  • magnetic flux is zero. So, if I take the element and I

  • take any region outside the element, this must be true.

  • And you say, why should that be true?

  • That's not true in general. Absolutely.

  • It's not true in general. But I, because I choose to,

  • I going to deal with only those elements.

  • I will discipline myself. But these are only those

  • elements for which this is true, and this is true.

  • I'm going to limit my world. I'm going to create a play

  • field for myself. You want to play;

  • follow my rules. OK, and that's called the

  • lumped matter discipline. So once you say that I'm going

  • to adhere to the lump matter discipline, and this is true

  • inside your elements. This is true outside the

  • elements. You can define VA and VB,

  • and good things happen to you. OK, let me show you a few

  • examples of lumped elements. But remember,

  • a large part of what we're doing is based on these two

  • assumptions. And to just go through the

  • background on that, I would encourage you to go to

  • chapter 1 of your course notes and read through just as how

  • this came about, that comes about.

  • So, by doing that by adhering to a lumped matter discipline,

  • we can now lump objects. We could lump a bulb into a

  • resistor. OK, so to be clear,

  • a certain number of lumped objects, and now,

  • the universe is going to be comprised into lumped objects.

  • OK, so before this, when he went home,

  • we talked about eggs, and omelets,

  • and light bulbs, and switches,

  • but once you come to MIT, and after you've taken 6.002,

  • you begin talking about lumped elements, you know,

  • resistors, voltage sources, capacitors, little inky-dinky

  • objects that follow the lumped matter discipline.

  • OK, they stick to very simple rules, and the math that you

  • have to do to analyze them is incredibly simple.

  • What could be simpler than V is equal to IR?

  • So, let me give you an example of interesting lumped elements,

  • and then show you a couple of really nasty lumped elements.

  • OK.

  • OK, so what you see out here, so we characterize lumped

  • elements by the VI characteristics.

  • OK, you apply voltage, measure the current.

  • OK, so what I can do is I can plot I here, and V here,

  • and see what it looks like. OK, I can characterize elements

  • by their VI relationship. And there are a bunch of

  • elements that I can create based on the VI relationship.

  • So let me show you a few examples.

  • So for the resistor, since V is directly

  • proportional to I, and R is a constant,

  • I get a straight line. That's the I axis,

  • the V axis, and this is the resistor.

  • What I actually have is a variable resistor,

  • so I'm going to change the resistance value,

  • R, and the curve will also change slope.

  • OK, I changed the value of R because it's a variable

  • resistor, and the changes slope because my R is different.

  • OK, next, let me go to a fixed resistor, and this guy here on

  • the screen to your left is a fixed resistor.

  • And you see that its IV characteristic is a line of a

  • given slope, 1 by R, and that's it.

  • I can't change it. Number three,

  • I have another lumped element called a Zener diode that you

  • will see in the fourth week of this class, and the

  • characteristics for the Zener diode look like this:

  • IV. If my voltage goes across the

  • Zener diode goes up slightly, the current shoots up.

  • But if the voltage becomes negative I don't have any

  • current flowing into it until the voltage passes on the

  • threshold, at which point my current begins to build up.

  • OK, so I can increase the voltage a little bit,

  • and it can show that the current starts building up

  • again. So that's another interesting

  • lumped element called a Zener diode.

  • Let's switch to the next one called a diode.

  • So a diode looks like this: IV.

  • As the voltage across the diode becomes positive,

  • around .6 volts, or thereabout,

  • the current begins to shoot up. But when the voltage is below

  • that threshold of .6, then my current is almost zero.

  • It's another lumped element called a diode.

  • And you will begin using these elements in your 002 lives to

  • build interesting systems. The next example is a

  • thermistor. A thermistor is a resistor

  • whose resistance varies with temperature.

  • OK, so this is a very expensive little hairdryer,

  • and what I'm going to do is blow some hot air at my

  • resistor, and you're going to see that its value is going to

  • change depending on how much I heat it.

  • So as it cools down, let me cool it down,

  • so you can see it's coming down.

  • I can zap it again. I could do this all day.

  • This is so much fun. OK, so that's another

  • interesting lumped element. As the temperature rises,

  • its resistance changes. The next thing is called a

  • photo resistor. It's a resistor.

  • It used to be a resistor; Lorenzo?

  • Oh OK, that's fine. So this is a photo resistor.

  • And notice that it almost behaves like an open circuit.

  • But what I'm going to do is shine some light on it.

  • When I shine light on it, it begins to conduct and

  • becomes a resistor of some value.

  • There you go. OK, so that's a photo resistor.

  • So now I'm going to show you a battery.

  • Notice we did talk about batteries before.

  • I'll show you a battery. So before you show a battery,

  • just thinking your own minds, what should the IV

  • characteristic of a battery look like?

  • IV. A battery supplies a constant

  • voltage. You know your little cell,

  • the AA battery, 1.5 volts?

  • So, think of what the IV characteristic of a battery

  • should look like for three seconds before it shows you.

  • This is the one I showed, Lorenzo?.

  • It's a straight line. This is a good battery.

  • It's a straight, vertical line,

  • but says that the voltage is 1.5 volts, or thereabouts.

  • No matter what current it supplies as an ideal voltage

  • source, it has a fixed voltage, V, and no matter what the

  • current going through is. Now, I'll show you a dud,

  • a bad battery, and this is what the bad

  • battery looks like. So, many of you have had your

  • car batteries die on you. When you go to the store,

  • they check your batteries. They use exactly this

  • principle, that dead batteries have resistance.

  • By the way, you see slopes here.

  • You're thinking of resistance. OK, they can use this property

  • to figure out that your battery is dead.

  • So that's a dead battery. And finally,

  • let me show you a bulb. We started with a bulb,

  • and so I need to end, OK, we started with a bulb,

  • so I need to end with a bulb. And what you will see is that a

  • bulb simply behaves like a resistor.

  • Its IV curve is going to look like this.

  • OK, notice this is my bulb. And guess what,

  • it behaves like a resistor. It's a very interesting kind of

  • resistor, so I won't go into details for now.

  • But notice its IV characteristic behaves like a

  • resistor. OK, so those are some pretty

  • standard lumped elements. You deal with a lot more sets

  • of lumped elements, switches, MOSFETs,

  • capacitors, inductors, a bunch of other fun stuff.

  • But before we do that, what I wanted to tell you,

  • don't go berserk on this abstraction binge.

  • Too much of anything is bad for you.

  • So what I'm going to show you is, abstractions or models are

  • only valid provided you work within a set of constraints.

  • Notice, we have already had this tacit handshake which said

  • that we follow the discipline. Even after we follow the

  • discipline, there are ranges to how well physical elements can

  • behave like ideal lumped elements.

  • OK, for example, what we will do is show you the

  • resistor. And it's going to look like a

  • resistor. And I'm going to keep

  • increasing the voltage around it.

  • OK, what's going to happen at some point?

  • I just keep doing that. If it's an ideal element,

  • if you're a theorist, you say, oh yeah,

  • the curve will keep extending until I reach infinity.

  • But this is a practical resistor, so people out here can

  • cover your eyes or something. OK, so you're abstraction can't

  • predict that. All it says is the current is

  • an amp. It can't predict the heat,

  • light, or the smell. In the laboratory,

  • even, you get the smell. You know what somebody has just

  • done. So that's one example of the

  • lumped abstraction breaking down.

  • So, if I really believe that my own BS, anything is a lumped

  • element. So here's a pickle.

  • A pickle is a lumped element. I can choose it as a lumped

  • resistor. But this is a very interesting

  • lumped resistor. Don't try this at home.

  • This is a standard pickle into which you are pumping 110 V AC.

  • I promise you, this is a standard pickle.

  • So, it has a fixed resistance, but your lumped abstraction

  • cannot predict the nice light and sound effect.

  • OK, so the last two or three minutes what I want to do,

  • so remember, don't get carried away by

  • abstractions. There are limits.

  • OK, you can't predict everything.

  • OK, that's the smell of a pickle.

  • OK, so let me give you a preview of some upcoming

  • attractions, and show you one more quick simplification in the

  • last few minutes. So what we can do,

  • once we build these lumped elements, we can connect them in

  • circuits. OK, so I can build a circuit,

  • of the sort. So here's a voltage source with

  • a bunch of resistors. I can connect them with wires

  • and build a circuit of the sort. One interesting question we can

  • ask ourselves is, under the lumped matter

  • discipline, what can we say about the voltages?

  • OK, if I go around the loop, provided my world adheres to

  • the lumped matter discipline, what can I say about the

  • voltages around this loop? Ah-ha, Maxwell again,

  • right? So, I can write Maxwell's

  • appropriate equation to solve that.

  • OK, voltages have something to do with E and your integral of E

  • dot dl and all of that stuff, right?

  • So this is the appropriate Maxwell's equations to use.

  • And I want to find out what happens here.

  • Now remember, under LMD, I made the

  • assumption. OK, my world,

  • my playground, has del phi B by del t being

  • zero. The rate of change of flux is

  • zero. So, under these circumstances,

  • I can write this. I can break up this line

  • integral into three parts across the voltage source and across

  • the two resistors and write that down.

  • OK, and then when I can do, is now that the right-hand side

  • is zero, I can simply take this. And I know that E dot dl across

  • this element is simply VCA. This is VAB,

  • and this is VBC equals zero. OK, so when I make the

  • assumption that del phi B by del t is zero, and I go around this

  • loop, apply Maxwell's equations, what do I find?

  • I find that the sum of the voltages, VCA plus VAB plus VBC,

  • is zero. That's fantastic.

  • So now, I could say hasta la vista to this baby here.

  • And I can focus on this guy and say, Maxwell's equations,

  • this thing with squiggles and dels and all that stuff,

  • can be simplified to the sum of the voltages across a set of

  • elements in a loop in a circuit is zero.

  • OK, and this is called Kirchhoff's first first law,

  • KVL. OK, similarly,

  • in recitation section, you'll see the application of

  • Kirchhoff's current law, which comes from this be equal

  • to zero, and all the currents coming into a node being zero.

  • So, KVL and KCl directly come out of the lumped matter

  • discipline. And you can use those to solve

  • circuits like this.

So, one question to ask ourselves is,


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B1 中級 美國腔

Lec 1 | 麻省理工學院 6.002 電路與電子學,2007 年春季。 (Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007)

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