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  • Hey there from CNN, I'm Christa Bo with the five things you need to know for Monday, March 24th.

    大家好,我是來自 CNN 的克里斯塔-博(Christa Bo),我將為您帶來 3 月 24 日星期一的五件大事。

  • Two senior administration officials tell CNN.

    兩位高級政府官員告訴 CNN。

  • President Donald Trump is holding a cabinet meeting today.


  • It comes as the administration faces legal challenges over deportation flights and prepares to unveil new tariffs beginning next month.


  • Trump has been hyping up April 2nd as liberation day, a moment where he has said sweeping reciprocal tariffs would take place.

    特朗普一直在渲染 4 月 2 日是解放日,他說在這一天將全面徵收對等關稅。

  • But now, Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal is reporting the Trump administration is dialing back on that, and the stock market's pretty happy to hear that.


  • The White House told CNN no final decisions have been made and negotiations with trade partners like the EU, Mexico and Canada are ongoing.

    白宮告訴 CNN,尚未做出最終決定,與歐盟、墨西哥和加拿大等貿易伙伴的談判仍在進行中。

  • CNN's Elizabeth Buckwaltz here to explain another tariff plan Trump just announced this morning.

    美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)記者伊麗莎白-巴克瓦爾茲(Elizabeth Buckwaltz)將為您解讀特朗普今早剛剛宣佈的另一項關稅計劃。

  • So, Christa, just as we were starting to get comfortable with the idea that there might be some delays on tariffs, Trump posted on Truth Social this morning that any country purchasing Venezuelan oil can face a 25% tariff.

    是以,克里斯塔,就在我們開始對關稅可能會有所延遲的想法感到欣慰時,特朗普今早在 "真理社交 "上發佈消息稱,任何購買委內瑞拉石油的國家都將面臨25%的關稅。

  • It's not clear exactly what it would be, but the US does purchase a whole lot of oil from Venezuela, so we could start to see gas prices move up here.


  • The US quietly dropped terrorism charges against an alleged high-ranking MS13 gang leader and deported him to El Salvador.

    美國悄然撤銷了對一名被指控為 MS13 高級幫派頭目的恐怖主義指控,並將其驅逐回薩爾瓦多。

  • It's part of a controversial deal between the Trump administration and El Salvador's president.


  • To send migrants accused of crimes in the US to the country.


  • US investigators believe the alleged gang member could have information linking Salvadorian officials to secret deals with the violent gang.


  • One former federal agent who spent years working on MS13 and other gang cases called the transfer a quote historical loss.

    一位曾多年負責 MS13 和其他幫派案件的前聯邦特工稱,這次移交是一次歷史性的損失。

  • An attorney for Cesar Umberto Lopez Larios and Salvadorian officials didn't respond to requests for comment.

    塞薩爾-翁貝託-洛佩斯-拉里奧斯(Cesar Umberto Lopez Larios)的律師和薩爾瓦多官員沒有迴應置評請求。

  • Court documents show Lopez Larios was deported on one of those controversial flights under the 1798 Alien Enemies Act.

    法庭文件顯示,洛佩茲-拉里奧斯是根據 1798 年《外敵法案》在一次有爭議的班機上被驅逐出境的。

  • Today, the Trump administration is trying to get an appeals court to overturn a federal judge's ruling that temporarily blocked the deportation flights.


  • Russia and Ukraine have traded attacks overnight as high-stake ceasefire talks have started between US and Russian officials in Saudi Arabia's capital today.


  • It comes as US foreign envoy Steve Witkoff has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and echoed Kremlin talking points in a podcast interview with Tucker Carlson.

    此前,美國外交特使史蒂夫-威特科夫(Steve Witkoff)在與塔克-卡爾森(Tucker Carlson)的播客訪談中讚揚了俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾-普京(Vladimir Putin),並附和了克里姆林宮的談話要點。

  • And speaking to Fox News yesterday, Witkoff said this about parts of Ukraine illegally annexed by Russia, there is a view within the country of Russia that these are Russian territories, that there are referendums within these territories that justify these actions.


  • I simply have said that I just don't see that he wants to take all of Europe.


  • This is a much different situation than it was in World War II.


  • In World War II, there was no NATO.


  • CNN has previously pointed out that voting in those territories has been carried out at gunpoint, with one resident saying the results were a foregone conclusion.

    CNN 此前曾指出,這些地區的投票是在槍口下進行的,一位居民說投票結果已成定局。

  • Today, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments over Louisiana's congressional districts.


  • It's been a years-long messy legal battle that could have nationwide implications for how race is considered in congressional maps.


  • In 2022, a federal court ruled Louisiana needed to create a second majority black district, but a group of self-described non-African-American voters sued in 2024.

    2022 年,聯邦法院裁定路易斯安那州需要設立第二個黑人佔多數的選區,但一群自稱非非洲裔美國人的選民於 2024 年提起訴訟。

  • Arguing the state violated the Constitution by relying too much on race in the court's 2022 ruling.

    辯稱州政府在法院 2022 年的裁決中過分依賴種族,違反了憲法。

  • Congress has a narrow Republican majority, and any decision could be a factor in deciding who controls the House of Representatives after the midterms.


  • The White House Easter egg roll is for sale, apparently.


  • That's next.


  • The White House is soliciting corporate sponsors for this year's Easter egg roll.


  • A decision that's shocking ethics experts and former White House officials from both major parties.


  • The sponsorship offers range from $75,000 to $200,000 with the promise of logo and branding opportunities, according to a document seen by CNN.

    根據 CNN 看到的一份文件,贊助費從 75,000 美元到 200,000 美元不等,並承諾提供徽標和品牌宣傳機會。

  • The Easter egg roll has been privately funded for many years, but what's different about this year is the explicit promise of branding visibility.


  • And this goes against long established regulations which ban the use of public office for private gain.


  • All right, that's all for now, I'm Christa Bo and our next episode drops at 3:00 p.m. Eastern.


  • Till next time.


Hey there from CNN, I'm Christa Bo with the five things you need to know for Monday, March 24th.

大家好,我是來自 CNN 的克里斯塔-博(Christa Bo),我將為您帶來 3 月 24 日星期一的五件大事。

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