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  • Disney is going woke and going broke once again.


  • The film production juggernaut refused to learn from the mistakes of Bud Light and Nike, pushing ahead with their hyper-woke remake of the Disney classic Snow White.


  • It's no longer 1937, she's not going to be saved by the prince and she's not going to be dreaming about true love, she's dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be and the leader that her late father told her that she could be if she was fearless, fair, brave and true.

    這不再是 1937 年,她不會再被王子拯救,也不會再憧憬真愛,她憧憬的是成為她知道自己可以成為的領袖,成為她已故父親告訴她的那個只要無畏、公平、勇敢和真誠就能成為的領袖。

  • The original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so.

    原版卡通片於 1937 年問世,非常明顯。

  • There's a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her.


  • Weird, weird.

    奇怪 奇怪

  • So we didn't do that this time.


  • And to no one's surprise, the move backfired on them, with the movie only bringing in $48 million during its opening weekend, despite costing a whopping $240 million to be made.

    但出乎所有人意料的是,他們的這一舉動卻適得其反,儘管影片的製作成本高達 2.4 億美元,但首映週末的票房卻只有 4800 萬美元。

  • And of those who did see the film, the ratings were abysmal, with a 2.4 out of 10 on IMDB and a 43% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, plus 1 out of 5 star rating from The Guardian.

    而在那些看過這部電影的觀眾中,評分更是慘不忍睹,在 IMDB 上的評分為 2.4 分(滿分 10 分),在爛番茄網站上的評分為 43%,《衛報》的評分為 1 分(滿分 5 分)。

  • This theatre-goer showed the extent of the flop, with hardly any seats taken in the theatre for the movie screening.


  • But it seems as though the delusion ran deep, with the lead, Rachel Zegler, adamant that there would be lines to see the film.

    但似乎這種錯覺根深蒂固,女主角瑞秋-澤格勒(Rachel Zegler)堅稱看這部電影需要排隊。

  • And to everyone who hates when I win, the winged victory came to the Louvre in pieces and people still line up to see her.


  • And I can only hope that despite my flaws, and despite my cracks and my breaks, and there people will wait in line to see.


  • And commentators are so fed up with the lead character that they're blaming the demise of the movie squarely on her.


  • We can start out with the creative bankruptcy of remaking another animated classic instead of making something new, but yes, it's all Rachel Zegler and her behaviour.


  • And if it was just one comment, it probably would have been forgotten by now.


  • But it was comment after comment, and it was pissing off everybody.


  • Pissing off old Disney fans, pissing off new Disney fans, pissing off Trump supporters, pissing off all of America.


  • And it became such a disaster that they had to shut her up, which was the smartest move they made.


  • But the onus is all on her and Disney's reaction to it.


  • And quite frankly, if she had said nothing, her movie, probably still forgettable, would have done a lot better.


  • And it seems this perspective could be right, with Rachel Zegler condemning Trump voters, pushing them away from seeing her movie.


  • She shockingly said in a statement, May Trump supporters and Trump voters and Trump himself never know peace.


  • She then doubled down, saying she deserves to be paid for every stream.


  • If I'm going to stand there 18 hours in a dress of an iconic Disney princess, I deserve to be paid for every hour that it is streamed online.

    如果我要穿著迪士尼標誌性公主的裙子站在那裡 18 個小時,那我就應該為網上流傳的每一個小時獲得報酬。

  • Commentator Michael Knowles blasted the remake, saying every change from the original Snow White was for the worst.

    評論家邁克爾-諾爾斯(Michael Knowles)對翻拍版大加撻伐,認為與原版《白雪公主》相比,每一處改動都是最糟糕的。

  • Snow White is the first American feature-length animated movie. 1937.


  • It's one of the most beloved movies of all time.


  • Even if Disney had not fallen prey to wokeness and nonsense in recent years, even if Disney still had the most talented people in the world working with the best writers, with a good sense of narrative and the cultural moment, even if everything worked perfectly, it would have been almost impossible for this movie to succeed.

    即使迪斯尼近些年沒有陷入 "無趣 "和 "胡鬧 "的泥潭,即使迪斯尼仍然擁有世界上最有才華的人和最好的編劇,對敘事和文化時刻有著敏銳的感覺,即使一切都完美無缺,這部電影也幾乎不可能取得成功。

  • Because you're comparing it to one of the most beloved films of all time and a truly groundbreaking movie.


  • And Disney was not sending its best.


  • I sat through the whole thing.


  • I don't want to say it was the worst movie I've ever seen.


  • It wasn't.


  • But every way that the movie changed the story from the original, the 1937 movie, or even from the original Grimm Brothers fairy tale, every way that Disney changed the story, it changed it for the worse.

    但是,這部電影對原著、1937 年的電影、甚至對格林兄弟童話原著的每一次改動,迪斯尼對故事的每一次改動,都是在往壞處改。

  • This was really bad.


  • It was extremely leftist on every political dimension.


  • Racial politics, sexual politics, class politics, regime politics.


  • Its narrative was cowardly.


  • It was just awful.


  • Commentator Douglas Murray agrees, saying the movie is a stinker.

    評論員道格拉斯-默裡(Douglas Murray)也認為,這部電影是一部 "爛片"。

  • Oh gosh, Douglas, this remake is reportedly to have cost more than $200 million and Disney seemed too scared to properly promote this movie.

    哦,天哪,道格拉斯,據說這部翻拍電影的成本超過了 2 億美元,而迪斯尼似乎太害怕了,不敢好好宣傳這部電影。

  • Disney has had a terrible run of it because it's still, it's still as a studio trying to pump out the sort of material which might have been briefly thought to be a good idea in, I don't know, the summer of 2020, but really looks horribly dated and actually misreading the situation.

    迪斯尼在這方面的表現非常糟糕,因為它仍然是一家試圖推出在 2020 年夏天可能會被短暫認為是個好主意的電影公司,但實際上卻顯得過時得可怕,實際上是對形勢的誤讀。

  • Now, I mean, you know, I think I've said to you before, Rita, but in general, when they do these remakes and they're done by people who hate the original, like Snow White just has to be the woman she knows she can be and the leader she believes she can be.


  • Maybe you should just invent a different story and call it something different.


  • And Disney seemed to know that they've got another stinker of a movie here.


  • I might be wrong, but they seem to know rather like they're pretty woke remake of Peter Pan a couple of years ago that bombed at the box office.


  • Disney clearly know that they've got to silence their star.


  • And that's why last week, the huge launch of the film was in the middle of nowhere in Spain at a castle that was said to have inspired the original cartoon.


  • The castle in question is far away from most people.


  • About 100 people were invited, which you can't say is the average sort of movie premiere set up.

    約有 100 人應邀出席,這可不是一般的電影首映式。

  • I mentioned in my post column that as well as sending her to a far off castle, you can't help thinking that Disney's executives must have been wishing they could also give the star a poisoned apple that would set her to sleep for many years so that she didn't appear in front of the world's press again anytime soon and diminish the movie she's meant to be promoting.


  • Oh, I'm sure they have market tested the reaction to Rachel Ziegler and found it to be enormously negative.


  • So we can understand why they're trying to hide her.


  • But you're so right.


  • If you want to have this empowering story about a woman who doesn't need a prince to save her.


  • It's all about her career and finding herself, whatever.


  • Write a new story.


  • Why do you want to trade off the Snow White title and then completely change the story that people have loved for generations?

    為什麼要把 "白雪公主 "的頭銜換掉,然後徹底改變人們世代喜愛的故事?

  • Douglas Murray, you and I need to get into Hollywood and just straighten that place out.


  • Thank you for your time tonight.


  • Thank you.


Disney is going woke and going broke once again.


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