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  • So in this first part, I'm going to show you how to create a project using Juice's built-in project manager called the ProJuicer.

    在第一部分中,我將向你展示如何使用 Juice 內置的項目管理器 ProJuicer 創建一個項目。

  • The way that you get started, if you've downloaded Juice and you've installed it, then you should have an app called the ProJuicer.

    如果你下載了 Juice 並安裝了它,那麼你就可以開始使用一個名為 ProJuicer 的應用程序。

  • So you go ahead and click on that to open it.


  • And this will bring you to your project manager.


  • So on the left hand side here, we see that we have some different templates that we can create.


  • There's also a great section where you can open examples of Juice projects.

    還有一個很棒的部分,您可以打開 Juice 項目的示例。

  • There's all different types of example code.


  • That's fantastic.


  • So I highly advise you to check that out.


  • What we're going to do is we're going to create a plugin project.


  • So if you go down here to the section that's called plugin and go to basic, then I'm just going to click on that.

    所以,如果你點擊這裡的 "插件 "部分,轉到 "基本",我就會點擊它。

  • And now I just need to give my project a name.


  • So I will just call this test plugin.

    是以,我將把這個測試插件稱為 "測試插件"。

  • And I will just give you a very brief overview of some of the most important sections of this ProJuicer parts that you need to know for now.

    我將非常簡要地概述一下 ProJuicer 部件中你現在需要了解的一些最重要的部分。

  • So the section down here called modules is a set of different libraries that Juice will be using to create your plugin project.

    下面名為模塊的部分是 Juice 用來創建插件項目的一系列不同庫。

  • So Juice is really a collection of libraries.

    是以,"果汁 "實際上是一個圖書館集合。

  • So these are the libraries that we'll be using, and you don't need to do anything there.


  • And then down here, you have what's called exporters.


  • So exporters are the different types of IDEs that you use.


  • IDE stands for integrated development environment.

    IDE 代表集成開發環境。

  • And that is essentially where you're going to write your code.


  • For Mac, that would typically be Xcode.

    對於 Mac,通常是 Xcode。

  • Or for Windows, you would have Visual Studio.

    如果是 Windows 系統,則需要 Visual Studio。

  • And then you have other different types of IDEs that you can use.


  • And that is essentially all you need to know for now about creating your project.


  • So down here on the bottom right, you have this create project button.


  • I'll go ahead and click that.


  • Now it asks to save it to a location.


  • We'll save it to the desktop.


  • And now we see that we have our project here on our desktop.


  • So in this first tab, you have what's called the file explorer, where you see your actual source files.


  • And there are four files here.


  • A plugin processor.cpp and .h, and a plugin editor.cpp and .h.

    一個插件 processor.cpp 和 .h,以及一個插件 editor.cpp 和 .h。

  • Down here, once again, you have your modules, which is the collection of libraries from Guice that you're actually going to use, or that Guice is actually going to use to create this plugin project.

    在這裡,你會再次看到你的模塊,這是 Guice 庫的集合,你將使用這些庫,或者 Guice 將使用這些庫來創建這個插件項目。

  • Then down here at the bottom, you have your exporters.


  • And in this case, we're going to be using Xcode since we're on Mac.

    在本例中,我們將使用 Xcode,因為我們使用的是 Mac。

  • Another very important section here in the producer that is often overlooked is where you can actually decide or tell the plugin whether you want it to be an instrument, or an audio effect, or a MIDI effect.

    製作者這裡還有一個非常重要的部分經常被忽視,那就是你可以在這裡決定或告訴插件,你是想讓它成為樂器、音頻效果器還是 MIDI 效果器。

  • And also set the plugin name and some of the basic information for your plugin.


  • The way that you do that is using this menu that's right above file explorer.


  • You see this little settings sprocket here.


  • And we just click into this.


  • And in here, you have a whole bunch of other options.


  • So if you wanted to change the project name, your company website, your company email, you would fill all of that in here.


  • Then here, you can also select your plugin formats.


  • So in this case, we're doing VST3 and AU.

    是以,在這種情況下,我們使用 VST3 和 AU。

  • You need some special permissions from Avid in order to build AAX.

    您需要從 Avid 獲得一些特殊權限才能構建 AAX。

  • And then you have down here, plugin characteristics.


  • So currently, what we're building is an audio effect because none of these are selected at the moment.


  • But if we wanted to build a synthesizer or a sampler, then we would want to select plugin MIDI input.

    但如果我們想製作合成器或採樣器,就需要選擇 MIDI 輸入插件。

  • And if it was a synthesizer, plugin is a synth.


  • Okay, so that's what we would do if we wanted to create those types of plugins, an instrument plugin.


  • If you wanted to create a plugin that has MIDI output, you would select this, of course.

    如果您想創建一個具有 MIDI 輸出功能的插件,當然要選擇這一項。

  • If you wanted to create a MIDI effect plugin, then you would select this last option here.

    如果您想創建一個 MIDI 效果插件,就可以在這裡選擇最後一個選項。

  • Down here, a little bit further, you have some important information like your plugin name.


  • You can also write a description for the plugin.


  • And you can put yourself as the manufacturer in this section.


  • And there are some other sections in here as well.


  • But what we're going to do is we're going to go over here to the center, and we're just going to click this button that says save and open in IDE.

    但我們要做的是,我們要到這裡的中心,然後點擊這個寫著保存並在 IDE 中打開的按鈕。

  • And now we've opened up Xcode.

    現在,我們已經打開了 Xcode。

  • And what I'm going to do is sometimes Xcode just opens up these random things over here on the left-hand side.

    而我要做的是,有時 Xcode 會在左手邊隨機打開一些東西。

  • I like to just close all these down, just keep things nice and simple.


  • And what I'll show you here is that here in test plugin, this is your project.


  • And then here's where your source files are.


  • So the ones that we saw just now in the producer.


  • And now what I'm going to do is try to build this, make sure that it's actually building properly.


  • So one thing that I'll show you is here in the center section is what is called our targets.


  • This is our target window.


  • As you can see, here it is.


  • It says that our current target is standalone plugin.


  • Then it has a one that's called shared code.


  • And then you have, I'll skip manifest helper.


  • And then you have AU, VST3, and all.

    此外還有 AU、VST3 等。

  • So typically for an audio plugin, you would be building typically an AU and a VST3, possibly an AAX plugin if you're doing that for Pro Tools.

    是以,對於音頻插件來說,你通常會製作一個 AU 和一個 VST3 插件,如果是為 Pro Tools 製作,可能還會製作一個 AAX 插件。

  • But that's a different story for another tutorial.


  • What I like to do is first start out by trying to make sure that it builds using a standalone plugin mode, which means that we don't need to open a DAW or anything to just make sure that this works.

    我喜歡做的事情是,首先嚐試確保它使用獨立插件模式構建,這意味著我們不需要打開 DAW 或任何東西,只需確保它能正常工作。

  • So now I'm just going to go ahead and build this using command R or by hitting this arrow key here in the top left.

    現在,我將使用 R 命令或點擊左上角的方向鍵來創建這個程序。

  • So it's something very similar for Microsoft Visual Studio.

    是以,Microsoft Visual Studio 也有類似的功能。

  • If you're on Windows, it's not too different.

    如果您使用的是 Windows 系統,情況也不會有太大不同。

  • And now we see that we have build succeeded.


  • We'll wait for a test plugin.


  • So it's just a blank window that says hello world.

    是以,它只是一個寫著 hello world 的空白窗口。

So in this first part, I'm going to show you how to create a project using Juice's built-in project manager called the ProJuicer.

在第一部分中,我將向你展示如何使用 Juice 內置的項目管理器 ProJuicer 創建一個項目。

由 AI 自動生成

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