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Ray Super Time
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One day, while taking a walk, Pocoyo found a big, green wooden board... What could it be?
It was a door! And Pocoyo wanted to know what was behind it.
那是一扇門!Pocoyo 想知道門後面是什麼。
When he opened the door, Pocoyo got a big surprise, because there was an enormous blue sky!
打開門後,Pocoyo 大吃一驚,因為眼前是一片蔚藍的天空!
Pocoyo was so excited he ran to show the door to Pato, who was watering his plants.
Pocoyo 興奮極了,跑去給正在澆花的 Pato 開門。
But, when they opened the door, they got another surprise... Now they could see the bottom of the sea!
Pato wanted to take a closer look at what was on the other side of the door, so he flew inside.
Pocoyo had no idea where Pato had gone! How would he ever find him?
Pocoyo 不知道 Pato 去了哪裡!他怎麼才能找到他呢?
Every time Pocoyo opened the door, Pato was there.
每次 Pocoyo 打開門,Pato 就會出現。
Suddenly, Pato disappeared. Now, every time Pocoyo opened the door, he saw something different. What a strange door!
突然,帕託不見了。現在,每次 Pocoyo 打開門,看到的都是不一樣的東西。真是一扇奇怪的門!
At last, after opening and closing the door many times, Pocoyo found Pato. He was floating through space!
最後,在開關了很多次門之後,Pocoyo 終於找到了 Pato。他漂浮在太空中!
After flying for a very long time, Pocoyo found another door... What could be behind this one?
飛了很久之後,Pocoyo 又發現了一扇門這扇門後面會是什麼呢?
There were another three doors! This was all very mysterious!
Pocoyo didn't know what to do. Which door could Pato be behind?
Pocoyo 不知道該怎麼辦。帕託會在哪扇門後面呢?
Pocoyo decided to try the green door. But Pato wasn't there...
Pocoyo 決定去試試綠色的門。但是帕託不在那裡...
Suddenly, the door fell over and Pocoyo heard a noise that reminded him of somebody... Could it be Pato?
突然,門倒了,Pocoyo 聽到了一個聲音,讓他想起了一個人......會是帕託嗎?
Luckily, Elly was passing by and she was able to rescue Pato.
幸運的是,Elly 正好路過,她救出了 Pato。
Pato and Pocoyo were finally back together again when, suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. Who could it be?
帕託和 Pocoyo 終於又在一起了,突然,他們聽到了敲門聲。會是誰呢?
It was Elly! She had organized a big party! Hooray for Elly! And hooray for friends!
The end.
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