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  • Now to breaking news.


  • Out of London, and Heathrow Airport.


  • Has been shut down for 24 hours after a huge fire at a nearby electrical substation.

    附近的變電站發生大火後,已關閉 24 小時。

  • The closure at Europe's busiest airport is expected to cause ripple effects for passengers across the globe.


  • A fireball erupts into the darkness.


  • An electrical substation alight as more than 75 firefighters struggled to contain the flames.

    一座變電站著火,超過 75 名消防員奮力控制火勢。

  • Widespread power cuts hit the surrounding area.


  • Heathrow Airport within the impacted zone, only two and a half kilometers away from the fire.


  • Inside, it's usually bustling terminals, darkness.


  • And as morning broke, the skies above remained empty.


  • The airport releasing a statement, Heathrow is experiencing a significant power outage, and will be closed until 23:59 on the 21st of March.

    希思羅機場發佈聲明稱,希思羅機場正在經歷一次嚴重的停電事故,將關閉至 3 月 21 日 23:59。

  • Heathrow is one of the world's busiest airports with a plane landing or taking off around every 45 seconds.

    希思羅機場是世界上最繁忙的機場之一,大約每 45 秒就有一架飛機起降。

  • The closure set to cause travel chaos for days.


  • It's a major hiccup, and really quite frankly, unforgivable.


  • A piece of infrastructure that important has to have a plan B.

    如此重要的基礎設施必須有 B 計劃。

  • Fire crews remaining at the substation throughout the night.


  • The London Fire Brigade saying a 200 meter cordon has been established with around 150 people evacuated.

    倫敦消防隊表示,已經設立了 200 米的警戒線,約 150 人已經疏散。

  • This will be a prolonged incident.


  • In London, Hannah Sinclair, 9 News.

    在倫敦,9 號新聞的漢娜-辛克萊爾(Hannah Sinclair)。

  • And Hannah Sinclair joins us now from Heathrow Airport.

    漢娜-辛克萊(Hannah Sinclair)正在希思羅機場與我們連線。

  • Hannah, how have Australian travelers been impacted?


  • Good evening, Georgie, several Qantas flights have been impacted as a result of the all day shutdown here at Heathrow Airport.

    晚上好,喬治,由於希思羅機場全天關閉 澳洲航空的幾個班機受到影響

  • A Singapore to London service and a Perth to London service have both been diverted to Paris with some of the passengers from those flights being told they'll be put on buses to get them here.


  • We spoke to one of them.


  • Take a look.


  • I'm on the flight tracker, the location changed to Paris, once we got on the ground, they told us that some buses would be picking us up in a couple hours.


  • There are another two Qantas flights scheduled to depart London today, which will also largely be impacted.


  • It's just after 7 o'clock in the morning here with travelers on this side of the world waking up to what is going to be a chaotic 24 hours of air trouble, Georgie.


  • Hannah Sinclair, thank you.


Now to breaking news.


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