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  • The nation of the Gambia sits here on the west coast of Africa, entirely surrounded by Senegal.


  • As the name suggests, the country's borders follow the river Gambia and not much else.


  • And in spite of it being a European colonial invention, its people having a lot in common with the Senegalese.


  • And both nations leaders at one point actively wanting to unite, the Gambia are still an independent nation.


  • Which raises the question, why?


  • Why does the Gambia exist as an independent state?


  • To begin, what's now the Gambia was in the 15th century a part of the Mali Empire.

    首先,現在的甘比亞在 15 世紀曾是馬裡帝國的一部分。

  • Like many other African states at this time, Mali was visited by Europeans.


  • In this case, it was the Portuguese who quickly became an important trade partner.


  • However, Portugal was soon troubled with a spot of non-existence when it was conquered by Spain.


  • The Portuguese royal family in exile quickly sold the rights to trade with Gambia to England.


  • Which promptly began exploring the area and they built some forts along the mouth of the river, but the English presence there was minimal until the 18th century.

    英國人迅速開始探索該地區,並在河口沿岸修建了一些堡壘,但直到 18 世紀,英國人在該地區的存在一直微乎其微。

  • At this point, England was now a part of the United Kingdom and the UK had a long-standing rivalry with France.


  • Which was also trying to monopolize trade in the region.


  • When the Seven Years War started, the British seized all of French Senegal.


  • This was reversed after Britain's defeat during the American Revolutionary War and Britain only retained the lands either side of the river.


  • And after the Napoleonic Wars were done, Britain was slightly confused about what to do with the region.


  • It had primarily been used for the export of slaves to the new world.


  • But since that was on the decline, it seemed that the only reason for keeping the Gambia would be to annoy France.


  • As such, new plan, get rid of it.


  • In the late 19th century, Britain and France discussed what Gambia would be swapped for.

    19 世紀末,英國和法國討論用什麼來交換甘比亞。

  • In return for Britain abandoning the Gambia, France would renounce its claim to the north of Sierra Leone.


  • This never happened though, because France soon found itself at war with Prussia.


  • This mattered because one, the French were kind of busy and so didn't have much time to negotiate the transfer of these lands.


  • And two, giving France a valuable port whilst it was at war with Prussia would be seen by those in Berlin as Britain giving its support to France.


  • As such, no deal.


  • After France's defeat and its changing government, another proposal was put forward.


  • The Gambia would merge with Senegal in return for France giving up the Ivory Coast.


  • This was a much better deal for Britain and so obviously the government was for the trade.


  • The problem was that France was still seen as a potential enemy and importantly, many feared that setting the precedent of just giving away a colony would mean that no one would want to invest in them.


  • As such, the Gambia remained under British control until its independence in 1965, half a decade after Senegal.

    是以,甘比亞一直處於英國的控制之下,直到 1965 年才獲得獨立,比塞內加爾晚了半個世紀。

  • The new governments of these nations sought to build close ties and in the early 1980s, both formed the Senegambian Confederation.

    這兩個國家的新政府尋求建立密切聯繫,並在 20 世紀 80 年代初成立了塞內加爾聯邦。

  • The problem was that while Senegal saw it as a bridge to unification, the Gambians saw it as an easy way of not having to pay for their own defense.


  • Both sides discussed further integration, but the Gambian government didn't want to lose their own power or give up their economic policy.


  • And in 1989, Senegal withdrew from the Confederation.

    1989 年,塞內加爾退出了聯盟。

  • And thereafter, the Gambia remains an independent nation.


  • I hope you enjoyed this episode with a special thanks to my patrons.


  • James Bizanette, Kelly Moneymaker, Sky Chappelle, Kautska, Andy McGee, Alex Schwinn, AF Firefly, Marcus Arsner, Spencer Lightfoot, Y and Hockey, Marvin Cassau, Captain Sidog, Boogaly Woogaly, Kamun, Winston Kewood, Gustav Swan, Khalid Al-Dawood, Maggie Patkowski, the McWapper, Anthony Beckett, calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard, Coppertone, Shuenin, Spinning Three Plates, Words About Books Podcast, Rod D. Martin, Jim Stromberg, Miss Izette, and Charles I.

    James Bizanette、Kelly Moneymaker、Sky Chappelle、Kautska、Andy McGee、Alex Schwinn、AF Firefly、Marcus Arsner、Spencer Lightfoot、Y and Hockey、Marvin Cassau、Captain Sidog、Boogaly Woogaly、Kamun、Winston Kewood、Gustav Swan、Khalid Al-Dawood、Maggie Patkowski、the McWap

The nation of the Gambia sits here on the west coast of Africa, entirely surrounded by Senegal.


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