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Hi, my name is Maile Oye.
I'm a senior support engineer at Google.
Have you ever wondered where the ads that appear on the websites you visit come from?
In this three-part video series, I'll explain how ad-serving technologies, like DoubleClick's Dart and others, serve the display ads you see online, and how they tailor those ads to make them as relevant to users as possible.
在這個由三部分組成的視頻系列中,我將解釋廣告服務技術(如 DoubleClick 的 Dart 和其他技術)是如何為您在網上看到的展示廣告提供服務的,以及它們是如何調整這些廣告使其儘可能與用戶相關的。
In this first video, I'll focus on helping you understand why many companies use third-party ad servers.
Let's start by looking at a fictitious newspaper, the New York Journal.
Like the printed paper, the New York Journal website gets its ads from a lot of different sources, including many different advertisers.
But unlike a newspaper, whose ads don't change once the ink is dry and the paper is printed, ads that appear on websites like the New York Journal's site are constantly changing, because which ads appear on a webpage is influenced by lots of factors, like who's viewing the ad and what content is on the page.
Because these factors can change pretty quickly, the ads shown on webpages change as well.
Say the New York Journal wants to feature display ads on its website, and that a sports company, SportsGear, wants to advertise there.
假設《紐約日報》希望在其網站上刊登展示廣告,而一家體育公司 SportsGear 希望在網站上刊登廣告。
The New York Journal would have to build ad-serving technology to determine when it displays SportsGear's ads, how often, and to whom.
紐約日報》必須建立廣告服務技術,以確定何時、多長時間、向誰展示 SportsGear 的廣告。
And SportsGear would have to come up with systems to track which ads were shown and when.
此外,SportsGear 還必須建立系統,跟蹤廣告的播放時間和內容。
That's a lot of work, which is why publishers like the New York Journal and advertisers like SportsGear would outsource this work to third parties, called third-party ad servers, who serve ads on their behalf.
這是一項繁重的工作,是以像《紐約日報》這樣的出版商和 SportsGear 這樣的廣告商會將這項工作外包給第三方,即第三方廣告服務器,由它們代表自己提供廣告服務。
Outsourcing this ad-serving work frees up publishers to focus on other things, like writing articles and creating content for their sites.
And it frees up advertisers to focus on developing compelling ads for their target audience.
Using third-party ad servers also helps publishers and advertisers better manage their campaigns.
Publishers have a central place to see and measure the performance of the different advertisers on their sites, helping them to better manage ads inventory and simplifying reporting.
And advertisers have a central place to track the performance of their ads across different sites, allowing them to compare results.
To learn more about third-party ad serving, check out the next video in this series at YouTube.com slash GooglePrivacy.
要了解有關第三方廣告服務的更多資訊,請訪問 YouTube.com slash GooglePrivacy 查看本系列的下一個視頻。