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  • So most people's problems, I think, when it comes to the fitness space in particular, is that we train like we're experts, even though what we want is an amateur behavior.


  • Right?


  • We go to the gym and we have the mentality that we need a trainer and fitness programs and, you know, we need to no gain, no pain, no gain, and it's got to hurt or it doesn't work.


  • I've written on this article you alluded to called Why Fitness Apps Make You Fat.


  • Because what we find is that when you take that mindset in the expert quadrant of, you know, I've got to figure out, the expert quadrant is all about figuring out your mistakes and it's got to be in some way painful in a way or you're not going to get better.


  • What that means is that people are doing exercise that they hate, which means it's not going to be sustainable.


  • Not only that, we know that when you suffer at something, there's this phenomenon called moral licensing.


  • That when we feel like we've sacrificed in one area of our lives, it's like squeezing on a balloon, right?


  • When we feel like we're being good in one area of our lives, we cheat in other areas of our life.


  • Right?


  • I squeeze on this side of the balloon, the other.


  • And we've seen this phenomenon occur time and time again, because there's this effect of moral licensing.


  • If we're good in one area, we're allowed to be bad in other areas.


  • So how does this play out in the fitness world?


  • Well, I just, you know, sweated it out on the treadmill for 30 minutes and I've, you know, it was so difficult and I, you know, I did it.

    我在跑步機上揮汗如雨地跑了 30 分鐘,我知道這很困難,但我做到了。

  • I persevered and it was so hard for me.


  • I didn't enjoy a second of it.


  • I deserve a jamba juice with 60 grams of sugar and, you know, 600 calories, even though I only burned what, like 300 calories on the treadmill, I deserve a reward.

    雖然我在跑步機上只消耗了 300 卡路里,但我應該得到一杯含 60 克糖和 600 卡路里熱量的果汁,我應該得到獎勵。

  • And unfortunately, bringing it back to the technology industry, a lot of fitness apps today only look at that side of the equation.


  • They're only about getting your step counts because they're using the expert mode as opposed to the amateur mode.


  • So what I've utilized in my life is using a technique I call progressive extremism, progressive extremism.


  • And the idea is that, um, you know, the problem with diets and the reason that diets make us fat is that they train our brains to anticipate scarcity.


  • And of course, what you're doing when you train the brain to do something is that you're, you're heightening the awareness you're making us, uh, you know, these diets train us to expect, okay, I'm suffering today, but as soon as this diet ends and I'm, you know, I can fit into my wedding dress or, uh, the graduation ceremony comes, or here's my goal by the end of the year, I'm going to, you know, be at this weight as soon as I free myself from that diet.


  • And that's, that's the problem.


  • So instead of saying, you know, a diet that has this time-based, uh, endpoint, what I advocate for is progressive extremism.


  • So pick something that, you know, you want to stop eating in this case, if, if food is what we're, is the behavior we're trying to change.


  • And the criteria is pick something that you can give up without too much trouble, but you can give it up for the rest of your life.


  • Why would I want to do something temporarily and then go back to eating the way I used to eat?


  • That doesn't make any sense.


  • Of course, I'm going to gain the weight.


  • I want to make a permanent change.


  • And so I started out with the first thing that I excised from my life was candy corn.


  • And so I just cut them out and say, I'm never eating candy corn ever again.


  • And then what happened?


  • And I kept track, I kept track of everything I gave up.


  • And then maybe like a week or two later, I'd assess and say, Hey, that wasn't so hard.


  • What else could I give up?


  • And then I would give up another thing and another thing.


  • Then I think the thing I gave up was no sugary drinks in the house.


  • Okay.


  • I could have sugary drinks outside the house, no sugary drinks in the house ever again for the rest of my life.


  • It's a rule progressive extremism.


  • So I went up this chart kind of more and more and more things that I was giving up until I gave up, you know, uh, just last June, I gave up refined sugars completely.


  • It's just not something I do now when people have no trouble saying, Oh, candy corn, easy.


  • That's great.


  • But then you say, okay, I'm going to give up all refined sugars.


  • And people say, Oh, that's not so cool anymore.


  • But of course that's, that's the natural progression.


  • And what you're doing here is you're using this, this, this of self image that went, you talked about self image earlier and how we can actually utilize how we see ourselves to boost our willpower.


  • There's been a lot of studies that show that when people identify a behavior that they, they do or don't do as part of who they are, it becomes much easier to resist.


  • For example, uh, if you're a vegetarian, you're not constantly asking yourself, should I eat the meat or should I have some beer or should I have some pork?


  • Like that's not a debate you're having on a constant basis.


  • You just don't do that because that's who you are.


  • That's just what I do.


  • If I'm a vegetarian, I just don't eat meat.


  • It's no longer a debate of should I, can I, is it okay?

    這不再是 "我該不該"、"我能不能"、"行不行 "的爭論。

  • I just don't.


  • Right.

  • Whereas many dieters, they think to themselves, well, should I, should I not, should I have the cake?


  • And what they're doing is expending this willpower resource that over time, you know, there's a lot of evidence that shows becomes depleted and it becomes very hard.


  • It's this constant struggle, but by doing this progressive extremism and saying, look, that's just one thing I just don't eat and taking it slowly.

    這是一場持續不斷的鬥爭,但通過這種漸進的極端主義,說 "聽著,這只是我不吃的一件事,慢慢來"。

  • I mean, this has to take years to, to, to, to, uh, to, to scale up.


  • You're constantly, you're, you're constantly excising things from your life, from your diet, but for the rest of your life.


  • And it's using that same principle of this is just who I am.

    這也是 "我就是我 "的原則。

  • I just don't eat those things.


  • So that that's the shift is changing your mindset of this is don't do versus something I can't do, which can't means maybe it's flexible versus something.


  • I just do not do.


  • Yeah.


So most people's problems, I think, when it comes to the fitness space in particular, is that we train like we're experts, even though what we want is an amateur behavior.


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