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  • I have one question for youhow you like Them Apples?


  • What about Them Apples, or Them Apples?


  • Warning if you like Them Applesgrowing them costs $100 a year, plus a dollar for every tree you buy, 20 cents per tree in the fourth through tenth years you have them, and 30 cents per tree every year thereafterassuming you're a commercial grower, otherwise you cannot plant Them Apples.

    如果您喜歡他們的蘋果,請注意:種植他們的蘋果每年需要 100 美元,每買一棵樹需要 1 美元,在第四年到第十年,每棵樹需要 20 美分,之後每年每棵樹需要 30 美分--前提是您是商業種植者,否則您不能種植他們的蘋果。

  • Them Apples are evercrisps, which are what's known as a club apple—a variety whose growing, picking, packaging, and sales are meticulously managed by MAYAno, MAYA, the Midwest Apple


  • Improvement Association.


  • Yep, this apple, as a grocery store product, has more in common with this abomination than this one.


  • It might have even more in common with its distant second cousin.


  • Look at these apple products' websites side-by-side and you'll see a lot of the same stufftrademarks, camel case, use of the word innovate.


  • The big difference?


  • This apple cranks out new models every year.


  • The evercrisp, from crossbreeding to market, took 19 years.

    Evercrisp 從雜交到上市,歷時 19 年。

  • But why all this hoopla?


  • How did apples, unlike any of their neighbors in the produce aisle, become such a branded business?


  • The answer, in a way, is that honeycrisps hit the scene and were so dang delicious that the entire business shifted around them.


  • But to understand exactly how that happened, we gotta head back to tree school.


  • Welcome to Tree School, where today's lesson comes to you via Dr. Susan Brown, the head of Cornell University's apple-breeding program, who was kind enough to respond to our emails.

    歡迎來到 "樹木學校",今天的課程由康奈爾大學蘋果育種項目負責人蘇珊-布朗博士為您帶來,她非常友好地回覆了我們的電子郵件。

  • Apples grow on treesno, not like that.


  • Roughly none of the apples you've ever bought grew like that.


  • Why?


  • Well, because delicious apple seeds may not make delicious apple trees for the same rough genetic reason that you're not an identical clone of your dad or your siblings.


  • Instead, it'll make a tree with half the genes of your delicious apple, and half from whatever tree's pollen happened to flow by, and those genes may, or critically, may not, produce an apple that tastes anything like yours.


  • Rather than take that chance, apple growers graft branches of proven trees onto rootstock in the ground, resulting in genetic clones of their best apples.


  • But what if you want better than your best?


  • You want crispier, sweeter, redder, bigger?


  • Maybe you want it to ripen earlier in the season, or later?


  • Maybe you want it more tolerant of cold or heat?


  • Maybe you want it more resistant to disease, or for its trees to produce more apples at a time?


  • To create a new variety, you hand-pollinate the flowers of one good tree with pollen from another, then bag the flower so no other pollen sneaks in.


  • You collect the seeds that grow there, plant them in a nursery, then graft seedlings onto rootstock to grow a tree.


  • You'll make many, many thousands of trees out of this crossbreed, and in four or five years, you'll have apples to test.


  • You'll propagate the best of the best to make a new generation while terminating the rest, then rent and repeat this process for several more generations to weed out any that turn out to be susceptible to disease, or sunburn, or storing badly, or any other of a number of, quote, fatal flaws.


  • Of tens of thousands of trees sampled over multiple decades, you might end up with one commercially viable apple.


  • In 1960, in Minnesota, they did about 30 crossbreeds, including one that created a tree called MN1711, which struggled in the winter of 1976.

    1960 年,他們在明尼蘇達州進行了約 30 次雜交,其中一次雜交培育出了一棵名為 MN1711 的樹,這棵樹在 1976 年的冬天陷入了困境。

  • Nevertheless, the UMN staff cloned it to try again.

    儘管如此,UMN 工作人員還是克隆了它,再次嘗試。

  • By 1982, those clones hadn't impressed and were set for termination, but a horticulturalist named David Bedford gave them another shot because he felt they grew in bad conditions.

    到了 1982 年,這些克隆人並沒有給人留下深刻印象,是以被終止,但一位名叫大衛-貝德福德(David Bedford)的園藝家認為它們的生長條件很差,是以又給了它們一次機會。

  • Under better ones, he discovered, they made pretty great apples.


  • Those apples, as we know them now, are Honeycrisps.


  • Honeycrisps were released in 1991, and really took off in 2007.

    Honeycrisps 於 1991 年發佈,2007 年才真正興起。

  • What sets them apart is their large cells that literally burst when you bite into them, while lesser apples' smaller cells just cleave off.


  • It's the titular crisp.

    它的名字叫 "清脆"。

  • The University of Minnesota got a US patent for the tree, and for as long as that patent exists in, they got $1.30 for every Honeycrisp tree sold, for a total of over $6 million brought in before the patent expired in 2008—not to mention a few million more in sales rights in other countries.

    明尼蘇達大學為這種樹申請了美國專利,只要專利有效,每賣出一棵蜜柑樹,他們就能獲得 1.30 美元的收益,在 2008 年專利到期之前,他們總共獲得了 600 多萬美元的收益,更不用說在其他國家的幾百萬銷售權了。

  • Now, an important thing to know is that a Honeycrisp tree is a finicky creature.


  • For starters, it's wood breaks easily, it needs hand thinning, it's susceptible to black rot and fire blight, and like many Minnesotans, it doesn't handle heat easily.


  • Also, the apples have pointy stems and thin skin, so if you pick a bunch and throw them in a box, they'll poke holes in each other.


  • All this makes growing Honeycrisps, well, pretty expensive.


  • You need to buttress the tree, trim, treat for diseases, pray for good weather, and snip all those stems.


  • UMN patented the Honeycrisp and got royalties off it, but it was what's called an open variety, meaning anyone could buy it and plant it and grow it and sell it however they want, which creates a branding problem.

    UMN 為 Honeycrisp 申請了專利,並從中獲得了專利使用費,但這是一種所謂的開放品種,也就是說,任何人都可以購買它,種植它,想怎麼賣就怎麼賣,這就產生了一個品牌問題。

  • If you invented the Honeycrisp, and now some percentage of the apples being sold under that name are grown suboptimally, lack its signature texture, or taste like nothing, that's not great for your apple.

    如果你發明了 Honeycrisp(蜜脆蘋果),而現在以這個名字銷售的蘋果中,有一定比例的蘋果種植不合理,缺乏其標誌性的口感,或者吃起來毫無味道,這對你的蘋果來說並不是好事。

  • In the wake of the Honeycrisp's success, many an apple breeder sought an apple as good as the Honeycrisp or better, a way to maintain that apple's consistency and keep making money off of it after the patent expired.

    在 "蜜柑 "獲得成功之後,許多蘋果育種者都在尋找一種和 "蜜柑 "一樣好的蘋果,或者更好的蘋果,以保持這種蘋果的一致性,並在專利到期後繼續從中獲利。

  • Enter the Club Apple.


  • See, patents expire.


  • Trademarks don't.


  • If I cook up a variety called Half-as-Apple and throw down a patent and trademark, I don't just charge you a royalty for buying a tree, I can also charge a royalty for selling the apples under the name Half-as-Apple.

    如果我發明了一個叫 "半邊蘋果 "的品種,並申請了專利和商標,我不僅可以向買蘋果樹的人收取專利費,還可以以 "半邊蘋果 "的名義向賣蘋果的人收取專利費。

  • And in order to let you buy the tree in the first place, I can require you pay into a


  • Half-as-Apple Growers Cooperative that ensures my standards of tree and apple care in exchange for the right to use the name.


  • So many, many of the Honeycrisp 2.0s floating out there aren't just slightly tastier or more heat-resistant, they're managed with the intensity of a budding K-pop star to raise money and keep the brand steady for their breeders and growers.

    是以,很多很多漂浮在市場上的 Honeycrisp 2.0 不僅僅是口感稍好或更耐熱,它們的管理力度就像一個嶄露頭角的 K-pop 明星,目的是為其育種者和種植者籌集資金並保持品牌的穩定。

  • Clubs also set new varieties up for success.


  • We asked Dr. Brown whether she prefers her new varieties to hit the market as open or managed varieties, and she mentioned that a Club Apple centralized marketing budget does wonders to actually get it off the ground.


  • Cornell's Snapdragon variety partnered with the Buffalo Bills, making them the only Apple-NFL partnership out thereat least until my deal with the Bengals go through.

    康奈爾的 Snapdragon 綜藝節目與水牛城比爾隊合作,使他們成為蘋果公司與美國橄欖球聯盟的唯一合作伙伴--至少在我與孟加拉虎隊的交易通過之前是這樣。

  • She also said this was a great question, which means my writer gets to keep her healthcare this month.


  • Congrats, Amy!


  • To celebrate, she headed out to support her local apple growers on My Dine.

    為了慶祝,她參加了 "我的美食 "活動,支持當地的蘋果種植者。

  • This farm had plenty of open varieties, but over to the side, they had a cool kids table for club varieties.


  • We've got the Evercrisp, the Snapdragon, the Rubyfrost, and the Ludacrisp.

    我們有 Evercrisp、Snapdragon、Rubyfrost 和 Ludacrisp。

  • Like the Evercrisp, and Amy herself, Ludacrisp hails from the greater Columbus metro area towards the end of the 20th century.

    與 Evercrisp 和艾米本人一樣,Ludacrisp 也來自 20 世紀末的大哥倫布市區。

  • It has the same subscription and royalty costs as Evercrisp.

    它的訂閱和版稅成本與 Evercrisp 相同。

  • Both Rubyfrost and Snapdragon were bred at Cornell, and are now managed by Crunch Time

    Rubyfrost 和 Snapdragon 都是康奈爾大學培育的,現在由 Crunch Time 管理。

  • Apple Growers, a New York State grower cooperative with exclusive rights to these two apple plants.


  • Growers pay a fee for every tree they purchase, every acre they plant, and every bushel they sell.


  • So to grow this table's worth of apples, the farm had to pay co-op fees to two different orgs in two different states, one of whom passed those fees on to Cornell University.


  • But the question remains, are they good?


  • And, well, yeah.


  • The Evercrisp is like a perfect Honeycrisp, in a way.

    從某種程度上說,Evercrisp 就像是完美的 Honeycrisp。

  • The Snapdragon was tangy and gave Amy the brute strength of a linebacker.


  • Rubyfrost was a bit tougher, but good and good looking.


  • Ludacrisp kinda tasted like a pineapple.

    Ludacrisp 吃起來有點像菠蘿。

  • It's no wonder it takes decades to invent these.


  • I just tried a half-as-apple, and I'm worried it's a cricket ball.


  • But while you're waiting for half-as-apple to drop, why not check out this video's sponsor, Nebula.


  • Nebula is a creator-owned streaming service home to many of your faves' ad-free videos, bonus content, early releases, and more.


  • It's also home to Nebula Originals, our slate of creator-led passion projects that are frankly too expensive and or risky to make for YouTube.

    這裡也是 "星雲原創"(Nebula Originals)的發源地。"星雲原創 "是由創作者主導的激情項目,這些項目在 YouTube 上製作成本太高,風險太大。

  • Now, usually I would talk about the wide swath of originals from so many creators Nebula has on offer, but today I'm going to talk about me!


  • The comedic minds behind this very channel have just premiered a Nebula-exclusive comedy debate show called Abolish Everything.


  • It's fun, it's dumb, it includes lines like this


  • The only way to stop a bad guy with a speakerphone is a good guy with a speakerphone.


  • We're all really proud of it, and you can only see it on Nebulawhich, by the way, is also the only place to get early Jetlag episodes and our Jetlag recap podcast, The


  • Layover, or our entirely separate game show, The Getaway.


  • So what are you still doing here?


  • Head to slash HAI for 40% off an annual subscriptionjust $36 for the yearand watch Abolish Everything right frickin' now!

    前往 slash HAI,每年訂閱可享受 40% 的折扣--全年僅需 36 美元--現在就觀看《廢除一切》!

I have one question for youhow you like Them Apples?


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