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  • Snow and Japan go hand in hand, much like milk and cookies.


  • So much snow, or should we say, Japow, falls across the resorts in Japan that they can't count it in centimetres, it has to be counted in metres.


  • Today, we're going to take a look at the top 5 snowiest ski resorts in Japan, go through how much snow falls across these resorts per winter season, and touch on a few details of each resort.


  • Keep in mind, the snow season in Japan only goes from mid-December to early March, so some of these annual snowfalls are truly mind-boggling.

    要知道,日本的雪季只從 12 月中旬持續到次年 3 月初,是以有些年降雪量確實令人匪夷所思。

  • To learn more about each of these resorts, feel free to visit our website,, plus don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that bell icon to stay updated on all of our latest adventures.


  • At number 5, we have Rizutsu Ski Resort.

    排名第 5 的是 Rizutsu 滑雪場。

  • This resort is located in the southwestern corner of Hokkaido, and is known for its wide variety of ski runs, insane powder snow, unique theme park, which is closed during the winter, however, where else in the world can you ski and snowboard beside roller coasters, and awesome facilities that cater to all riders.


  • On an average winter season, the resort will see 14 metres, or 551 inches of snowfall, which consists of incredibly light, fluffy Japanese powder.

    冬季平均降雪量為 14 米,即 551 英寸,由輕盈蓬鬆的日本粉末組成。

  • That during a season is an average of 14 centimetres, or 5.5 inches of snow every single day during the winter season.

    冬季平均每天的降雪量為 14 釐米,即 5.5 英寸。

  • The resort opened to the public in 1972, and is home to 37 marked trails that cover just under 2,000 acres of terrain.

    該度假村於 1972 年向公眾開放,擁有 37 條有標記的滑雪道,佔地面積不到 2000 英畝。

  • Whilst only having 37 marked trails, that doesn't cover all of the incredible tree skiing that can be found across the whole entire resort between each of the trails.

    雖然只有 37 條有標記的雪道,但這並不包括在整個度假村的每條雪道之間都能找到的令人難以置信的樹上滑雪。

  • The tree skiing here is some of the best in Japan, if not the world.


  • Coming in at number 4, is Ghetto Kogen.

    排在第 4 位的是 Ghetto Kogen。

  • This smaller ski resort flies completely under the radar, however, it's slowly becoming more commonly known, as riders are looking for deep snow, and an off-the-beaten-track experience.


  • Ghetto Kogen is located in the Yamagata Prefecture, and is renowned for its abundant 15 metres, or 590 inches of snowfall, which is powered by strong storms that come directly in from and just seem to dump endless Japanese powder on the surrounding mountains.

    高原冰雪位於山形縣,因其 15 米(590 英寸)的豐富降雪量而聞名,強大的暴風雪從這裡直接襲來,似乎要將無盡的日本粉末傾瀉到周圍的山上。

  • Going by the numbers, the resort looks tiny.


  • Five lifts, 14 marked trails, and only 430 metres of vertical, however, Ghetto Kogen punches well above its weight, and is home, like Rizutsu, to legendary tree skiing that will have your legs burning before lunch.

    雖然只有 5 條纜車、14 條有標記的滑雪道,垂直高度也只有 430 米,但高原貧民窟的實力卻遠遠超過了它的重量,而且和日津一樣,這裡也是傳奇的樹上滑雪勝地,讓您的雙腿在午餐前就開始發熱。

  • Number 3 on our list, is none other than the newest ski resort in Japan, Lotte Arai.


  • This resort is fast becoming the Deer Valley, or San Maritz, of Japan, and is the only major luxury ski resort in the country.

    這個度假勝地正迅速成為日本的鹿谷(Deer Valley)或聖馬裡茨(San Maritz),也是日本唯一的大型豪華滑雪度假勝地。

  • After closing down in 2006, the resort sat abandoned for 10 years, before the Lotte Group purchased the resort and gave it a base to summit on.

    2006 年關閉後,該度假村荒廢了 10 年,後來樂天集團收購了該度假村,併為其提供了登頂基地。

  • The resort is located in Myoko, and thrives on offering inbound backcountry experience. 70% of the terrain here is left ungroomed, which means when you add in the 16 metres, or 629 inches of annual snowfall, it's a recipe for incredible deep skiing or snowboarding.

    度假村位於妙高(Myoko),以提供內陸越野體驗而聞名。這裡 70% 的地形未經開墾,這意味著如果再加上 16 米(或 629 英寸)的年降雪量,這裡就能提供令人難以置信的深度滑雪或單板滑雪體驗。

  • Where else can you get over 1,000 metres of vertical, a luxury hotel, plus 15 centimetres to 6 inches of fresh snow on average, every day during the winter season?

    在冬季,您還能在哪裡享受到超過 1,000 米的垂直高度、豪華酒店以及平均每天 15 釐米至 6 英寸的新雪?

  • Many of you have probably been wondering when this resort would make an appearance on this list.


  • Yes, number 2 is Niseko.

    是的,第 2 位是新雪谷。

  • Niseko United is actually 4 different ski resorts that climb the southern faces of Mt Niseko Anapuri, and can be located in the centre of southwestern Hokkaido.

    新雪谷聯合滑雪場實際上是位於北海道西南部中心的 4 個不同的滑雪場,分別位於新雪谷阿納普里山(Mt Niseko Anapuri)的南面。

  • Thanks to this prime location, the resort gets annihilated by strong storms which come in from Siberia, collect moisture from the Sea of Japan, and then just smash into this part of Hokkaido.


  • On average, the resort will see 17 metres, or 669 inches of snowfall, and it's not often you get a bluebird day until spring.

    度假村的平均降雪量為 17 米,即 669 英寸,而在春季之前,很少有青鳥日。

  • However, people do not travel from all over the world to ride Niseko in the sunshine.


  • They come for the deep, deep powder snow.


  • This resort is home to 38 lifts, just under 2,200 acres of terrain, and 61 marked trails.

    該度假村擁有 38 部升降機、不到 2200 英畝的地形和 61 條有標記的小徑。

  • This doesn't include everything that can be found in the trees between the trails.


  • Number 1 on this list is actually two resorts, which both see the same average amount of snowfall each winter season.


  • We are curious to know if anyone watching this has heard of either of these resorts.


  • Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


  • Both Kuroro and Sapporo Kukasai will typically see 18 metres, or 708 inches of snowfall, each winter season.

    庫洛洛和札幌庫卡賽每年冬季的降雪量通常為 18 米,即 708 英寸。

  • However, in a good season, that number can go up to 24 metres, or 944 inches of snow, and the seasons in Japan normally only last 3 to 4 months, which means the resorts can typically see over 8 metres, or 314 inches of snow in a single month.

    然而,在好的季節,這個數字可以達到 24 米,即 944 英寸的積雪,而日本的雪季通常只持續 3 到 4 個月,這意味著度假村通常在一個月內可以看到超過 8 米,即 314 英寸的積雪。

  • Absolutely mind-blowing.


  • Both Kuroro and Sapporo Kukasai sit in the shadows of nearby Niseko and Rizutsu.


  • This means the resorts see lower number of riders, which means there is more powder for the adventurous skiers and snowboarders who do choose to visit.


  • Both of these resorts are smaller when compared to the other ski resorts nearby.


  • However, if you are visiting Hokkaido and you want deep snow, an authentic old-school Japanese experience, and some of the world's best tree skiing, a visit to Kuroro or Sapporo Kukasai is an absolute must.


  • Japan.


  • It's a place of legends, and when it comes to winter, that legend is deep powder snow, which can be found across many of the resorts.


  • We only touched on the top 5 in this list.


  • However, there are hundreds of incredible ski areas in Japan, and a trip to Japan should be at the top of any avid skier or snowboarder's bucket list.


  • If you want to learn more about the best ski resorts in Japan, please visit our website, where we have all of the details about each resort, trail maps, weather forecasts and snow camps, which give you a snapshot view of the conditions at your favourite resort.


  • Thanks for watching, we'll see you in the next video.


Snow and Japan go hand in hand, much like milk and cookies.


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