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  • The generals who served under Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in what was so-called the Great Patriotic War were survivors of the purges of the 1930s.

    在所謂的偉大衛國戰爭中,在蘇聯獨裁者約瑟夫-斯大林手下服役的將軍們都是 20 世紀 30 年代大清洗的倖存者。

  • These led to the execution or dismissal of 720 out of 837 Soviet officers above the rank of colonel for supposed disloyalty to the regime.

    這導致 837 名上校以上蘇軍軍官中的 720 人因所謂的對政權不忠而被處決或解職。

  • From June 1941 Soviet commanders had to cope not only with the massive invasion by the armies of Germany and its Axis allies, but also with Stalin's constant interference in decision-making and the severe risks involved in contradicting him.

    從 1941 年 6 月起,蘇軍指揮官不僅要應對德國及其軸心國盟軍的大規模入侵,還要應對斯大林對決策的不斷干預,以及與他唱反調所帶來的嚴重風險。

  • Yet Stalin finally had the sense to beg generals who stood up to him, and by 1943 he was allowing them more autonomy.

    然而,斯大林最終還是有意識地乞求那些頂撞他的將軍,到 1943 年,他允許他們有更多的自主權。

  • Konstantin Rokossovsky Son of a Polish father and a Russian mother, Konstantin Rokossovsky fought for the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War and was a senior Soviet commander in the 1930s.

    康斯坦丁-羅科索夫斯基(Konstantin Rokossovsky) 父親是波蘭人,母親是俄羅斯人,康斯坦丁-羅科索夫斯基曾在俄國內戰中為布爾什維克作戰,並在 20 世紀 30 年代擔任蘇軍高級指揮官。

  • When Stalin punched the officer corpse, he was tortured and imprisoned.


  • Rehabilitated in time for the Nazi invasion, he performed brilliantly in the defense of Moscow in 1941-1942.

    他在納粹入侵前及時康復,並在 1941-1942 年莫斯科保衛戰中表現出色。

  • He commanded the Don Front Army Group that encircled German 6th Army at Stalingrad and then Central Front at the Battle of Kursk.


  • In these battles and in Operation Bagration to liberate Belorussia and Eastern Poland, Rokossovsky frequently and fearlessly resisted orders he thought mistaken, whether from Georgy Zhukov or Stalin himself.

    在這些戰役以及解放白俄羅斯和波蘭東部的 "巴格拉季昂行動 "中,羅科索夫斯基經常無畏地抵制他認為錯誤的命令,無論是來自喬治-朱可夫還是斯大林本人的命令。

  • In August 1944 he led the Soviet forces that were halted on the Vistula, not intervening as the Germans suppressed the Warsaw Uprising.

    1944 年 8 月,他率領蘇軍在維斯瓦河上受阻,在德軍鎮壓華沙起義時沒有介入。

  • His army group ended the war in North Germany.


  • Afterwards, he became a member of the communist Polish government.


  • Vasily Chuikov Born into a Russian peasant family, Vasily Chuikov fought on the Bolshevik side in the Russian Civil War and became an officer in the Soviet army.

    瓦西里-丘伊科夫 瓦西里-丘伊科夫出生於俄羅斯的一個農民家庭,在俄羅斯內戰中站在布爾什維克一邊,併成為蘇維埃軍隊的一名軍官。

  • Passing unscathed through Stalin's purges, he served as any army commander in the invasion of Eastern Poland in 1939 and the subsequent Winter War with Finland.

    他在斯大林的大清洗中毫髮無損,並在 1939 年入侵波蘭東部以及隨後與芬蘭的冬季戰爭中擔任軍隊指揮官。

  • Chuikov was fortunate to be abroad during the Nazi invasion of 1941, working as a military advisor to the Chinese nationalists, and thus avoided being implicated in the early Soviet disasters.

    1941 年納粹入侵期間,丘伊科夫幸運地在國外擔任中國民族主義者的軍事顧問,從而避免了捲入蘇聯早期的災難。

  • He did not enter combat against the Germans until 1942.

    直到 1942 年,他才參加了與德軍的戰鬥。

  • On 12 September, Chuikov was placed in command of the forces inside Stalingrad, with orders to defend the city or die in the attempt.

    9 月 12 日,丘伊科夫被任命為斯大林格勒城內部隊的指揮官,他接到的命令是保衛斯大林格勒,否則將戰死沙場。

  • Robust and ruthless, he stamped his personality on the battle.


  • Soldiers were commanded to hog the Germans amid the ruins.


  • Staying so close to them, they could not use airstrikes or artillery without hitting their own men.


  • Anyone who showed the slightest reluctance to fight was shot.


  • Contesting every inch of ground, Chuikov held Stalingrad and became a Soviet hero.


  • Chuikov subsequently led Eighth Guards Army through the campaigns that brought the Soviet forces into Germany in 1945 and was entrusted with the capture of Berlin, accepting the surrender of the city's garrison after some of the fiercest fighting of the war on May 2.

    隨後,丘伊科夫率領近衛第八軍參加了 1945 年蘇軍進入德國的戰役,並受命攻佔柏林,在 5 月 2 日經歷了戰爭中最激烈的戰鬥後,接受了柏林守軍的投降。

  • Georgy Zhukov Born into poverty, Georgy Zhukov was conscripted into the Russian Imperial Army in World War I.


  • He fought for the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War and made a successful career as a Soviet officer, avoiding death or dismissal in Stalin's purges.


  • In 1938, he commanded Soviet troops fighting a border war against the Japanese in Mongolia.

    1938 年,他指揮蘇聯軍隊在蒙古與日本人進行邊境戰爭。

  • In 1939, at Kholengol, he crushed the Japanese forces with aggressive use of tanks and motorized infantry.

    1939 年,在霍林郭勒,他積極使用坦克和摩托化步兵擊潰了日軍。

  • The prestige gained in this war earned Zhukov the post of Chief of the General Staff in January 1941.

    在這場戰爭中獲得的威望讓朱可夫在 1941 年 1 月獲得了總參謀長的職位。

  • He did not welcome the job, seeing himself as a field commander rather than a staff officer.


  • He openly disagreed with Stalin's response to the German invasion and his insistence on no retreat.


  • Zhukov was dismissed in July 1941, but remained one of the inner circle running the war.

    1941 年 7 月,朱可夫被解職,但仍是指揮戰爭的核心人物之一。

  • In September, he was sent to hold Leningrad, which looked close to falling to the enemy.

    9 月,他被派去堅守列寧格勒,那裡眼看就要落入敵手。

  • In fact, the Germans did not try to take the city, but Zhukov appeared to have saved it.


  • The next month, Stalin asked him to repeat the miracle at Moscow.


  • German forces advancing on the capital were first halted and then, in December, driven back with a well-handled counteroffensive.

    向首都推進的德軍先是被阻擊,然後在 12 月的一次反攻中被擊退。

  • In October 1942, Stalin made Zhukov Deputy Supreme Commander and ordered him to save Stalingrad.

    1942 年 10 月,斯大林任命朱可夫為副總司令,命令他拯救斯大林格勒。

  • Operation Uranus, the offensive that cut off the German army in the city, was methodically planned and rapidly and ruthlessly executed, showing Zhukov's skills at their best.

    天王星行動 "是切斷德軍在該城的進攻行動,它的計劃有條不紊,執行迅速無情,充分展示了朱可夫的高超技藝。

  • In 1943, he masterminded the great Soviet victory at Kursk.

    1943 年,他策劃了蘇聯在庫爾斯克的偉大勝利。

  • Operation Bagration, the massive Belorussian offensive of the summer 1944, showed how Zhukov and other Soviet generals had by now mastered combining all arms to smash through enemy defenses, maintaining momentum across difficult terrain and crushing resistance, whatever the cost in lives and material.

    巴格拉季昂行動是 1944 年夏季在白俄羅斯發動的大規模攻勢,它展示了朱可夫和其他蘇聯將領是如何在此時掌握了綜合運用各種武器突破敵人防禦、在困難地形上保持勢頭以及不惜生命和物質代價粉碎抵抗的能力。

  • Zhukov supervised the capture of Berlin in spring 1945 and ended the war as the most celebrated of Soviet commanders.

    1945 年春,朱可夫指揮攻克柏林,並在戰爭結束時成為最著名的蘇聯指揮官。

  • Soon, demoted by a jealous Stalin, he returned for a time as defense minister in the 1950s.

    不久,他被妒火中燒的斯大林降職,但在 20 世紀 50 年代,他又回來擔任了一段時間的國防部長。

  • Alexander Vasilevsky Vasilevsky began his military career during World War I, earning the rank of captain by 1917.

    亞歷山大-瓦西里耶夫斯基 瓦西里耶夫斯基在第一次世界大戰期間開始了他的軍旅生涯,1917 年獲得上尉軍銜。

  • After the October Revolution of 1917 and the start of the Civil War of 1917-1922, he was conscripted into the Red Army, taking part in the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921.

    1917 年十月革命和 1917-1922 年內戰開始後,他應徵加入紅軍,參加了 1919-1921 年的波蘇戰爭。

  • At the start of the 1943 Soviet counteroffensive of World War II, Vasilevsky coordinated and executed the Red Army's offensives on the Upper Don, in the Donbas, Crimea, Belarus and the Baltic states, ending his war in Europe with the capture of Konigsberg in April 1945.

    1943 年第二次世界大戰蘇聯反攻開始時,瓦西里耶夫斯基協調並執行了紅軍在頓河上游、頓巴斯、克里米亞、白俄羅斯和波羅的海國家的進攻,並於 1945 年 4 月攻佔了柯尼斯堡,結束了他在歐洲的戰爭。

  • In July 1945, he was appointed commander-in-chief of Soviet forces in the Far East.

    1945 年 7 月,他被任命為遠東蘇軍總司令。

  • He executed the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation, August 1945.

    1945 年 8 月,他執行了滿洲戰略進攻行動。

  • After the war, he became the Soviet defense minister from 1949 to 1953, a position he held until after Stalin's death in 1953.

    戰後,他於 1949 年至 1953 年擔任蘇聯國防部長,直到 1953 年斯大林去世。

  • Ivan Konev Born to a peasant family, Konev was conscripted into the Imperial Russian Army in 1916 and fought in World War I in 1919.

    伊萬-科涅夫 出生於一個農民家庭,1916 年應徵入伍,1919 年參加了第一次世界大戰。

  • He joined the Bolsheviks and served in the Red Army during the Russian Civil War.


  • After graduating from Frunze Military Academy in 1926, Konev gradually rose through the ranks of the Soviet military.

    1926 年從伏龍芝軍事學院畢業後,科涅夫在蘇聯軍隊中逐步晉升。

  • By 1939, he had become a candidate to the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

    1939 年,他成為共產黨中央委員會的候選人。

  • Following the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, Konev took part in a series of major campaigns, including the battles of Moscow and Rzhev.

    1941 年德國入侵蘇聯後,科涅夫參加了一系列重大戰役,包括莫斯科戰役和熱夫戰役。

  • Konev further commanded forces in major Soviet offensives at Kursk, in the Dnieper, Carpathian and Vistula auto-offensives.


  • In February 1944, he was made a Marshal of the Soviet Union.

    1944 年 2 月,他被任命為蘇聯元帥。

  • On the eve of German defeat, Konev's First Ukrainian Front was pitted against the armies of Georgy Zhukov in the race to Berlin.


  • Konev was the first allied commander to enter Prague, the capital of Czechoslovakia, after the Prague Uprising.


  • He replaced Zhukov as commander of Soviet ground forces in 1946.

    1946 年,他接替朱可夫擔任蘇聯地面部隊司令。

  • In 1956, he was appointed commander of the Warsaw Pact armed forces and led the violent suppression of the Hungarian Revolution and Prague Spring.

    1956 年,他被任命為華沙條約組織武裝部隊司令,上司了對匈牙利革命和布拉格之春的暴力鎮壓。

The generals who served under Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in what was so-called the Great Patriotic War were survivors of the purges of the 1930s.

在所謂的偉大衛國戰爭中,在蘇聯獨裁者約瑟夫-斯大林手下服役的將軍們都是 20 世紀 30 年代大清洗的倖存者。

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