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  • And now we get to the final part of the training which are related to the jams, the jam sessions or the sessions.


  • And essentially we're getting together as a group, preferably groups of five, six, seven, eight at most.


  • The reason that is it just allows for a faster rotation because if you're going to be jamming for 20 or 30 minutes there's only so many songs really that you're going to be playing.

    原因是這樣可以加快輪換速度,因為如果你要即興演奏 20 或 30 分鐘,你只能演奏這麼多首歌曲。

  • There's only so many amount of times that you're going in.


  • If you're going to be a group of 30 people and everybody's going one after another people are going to have to wait a long time before they go in.

    如果你的團隊有 30 人,而每個人都一個接一個地去,那麼人們就得等很長時間才能進去。

  • It also allows for those who are let's say less inclined to take space or a bit more shyer or a bit more overwhelmed by these certain things.


  • It gives them the space to kind of gradually go in and you know feel like they're participating in this thing but now it's their turn to also participate.


  • So for me it's inclusive but also you're pushing people a little bit to come in.


  • So it's a little tough love as well in a certain way, right?


  • You get me.


  • Of course we have to, some people can go through these sessions and never go in and that's fine and that's okay but for the most part I think it's very important if you want to improve as a dancer yourself that you kind of push yourself because we're now working on the mental and the mental block is people think I'm bad.


  • People think I suck or I think I suck but really what you're saying is when you say oh I think I'm bad or I don't think I have enough material to show or I don't think I'm ready for this or I don't think this and that.

    人們認為我很差勁,或者我認為自己很差勁,但其實你的意思是,當你說 "哦,我覺得我很差勁",或者 "我覺得我沒有足夠的素材來展示",或者 "我覺得我還沒準備好",或者 "我覺得我還沒準備好"。

  • What you're really saying is I think that people think that I suck.


  • I think that people think that I'm bad.


  • I fear that people are going to judge me because I'm not good enough and that's unfair.


  • That's unfair to the people around you.


  • People aren't asking for you to put those horrible thoughts into their heads that are projected back at you.


  • Okay so just get into a group that you feel you can trust and just let go.


  • Kill that ego of yours.


  • Yes, ego.


  • It's egocentric to think that.


  • Yeah, it's almost like some form of selfishness to not go in and I say this a lot it's a you know you're hold your you're holding back yourself you're holding something that my people might find actually very captivating interesting and inspiring and for the most part the people that I learned best from were those who were the shyest because when they came in they didn't come in with all the flashy steps and all this high energy that I had.


  • They came in with something very different very fresh and something very a quality that I had to inspire to and so they helped me improve a lot as a dancer because I was like oh wow this calm energy this is what I need and this thing is this this is this is beautiful so you know so the mental game is something you need to train as much as anything else if not more because it's going to help you be able to step on stage with confidence it's gonna be able to step into a competition with confidence it's gonna be able for you to just simply if you're dancing for yourself to let go to let go so this is why I recommend a jam sessions even at the end of classes if you give it a regular class put put a jam session at the end of class for students to learn from day one what it is just to just to get loose to let go to not care and and yeah and yeah so there you go make that make sure that you do it at the end it's also a very it's a it's a part where you can encourage each other it doesn't need to be vocal right it doesn't need to be like this big party mode it can just be a simple like clap applause you know our acknowledgement like hey that was that was dope that was really cool what you just did thanks for sharing and then the other person goes in now one of the things that we look for when we're doing jams is really we need to stay and the reason is is that you just go in for a half chorus or a chorus no no no you need to stay for two three four choruses whatever it's just for a minute to a minute two minutes and the reason is is because after about 20 seconds you'll run out of steps and that's when you tap into your most creative self because now you're going to have to do things that you that you're less automatic to fall into remember we were talking about falling out of that comfort zone well this is going to allow you to really train that part and feel confident with that part about where you're you're now tapping into this letting loose and getting creative and just letting things flow right and that's when also the things that get most interesting for people outside the circus it's not like okay Charleston squat Charleston fall off the log if you oh what's that I never seen that before oh wow the way they're moving the way they're doing this oh wow music will always be your friend it will be home make sure to always come back to the music this so if you lose just when if you forget with your steps or something just go to the music and just let go and just feel trust trust yourself that's getting loose right nobody's gonna care this is this is a jam session at the end of a training that's it okay make sure to put that in your trainings it's really going to up everybody's game really and you'll see the difference gradually after a couple of weeks and then especially after a couple of months and years like 100% you will see the difference


And now we get to the final part of the training which are related to the jams, the jam sessions or the sessions.


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