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Something very strange happened with a post that the president made about cryptocurrency.
That's like what if if this happens What else are you going to say?
This could be?
Exponentially explosive because when we go to the past and we're like, well remember when we were skeptics about Bitcoin, it's ridiculous Basically virtual currency the same that you get for blasting aliens in a video game Well, you know how Finney and all this stuff cryptocurrency and then you're like Julian Assange in 2011 2012 accepts donations in Bitcoin What why would he accept Bitcoin?
因為當我們回到過去的時候 我們會想,記得我們對比特幣持懷疑態度的時候,這太荒謬了 基本上虛擬貨幣就和你在電子遊戲裡爆破外星人得到的一樣 你知道芬尼和所有這些加密貨幣,然後你會想 朱利安-阿桑奇在2011年2012年接受比特幣捐款
He does a wink of Oz twins.
They like Bitcoin.
Yeah, those are the Facebook guys, right?
是啊,這些都是 Facebook 的人,對吧?
Yeah, Richard Branson likes Bitcoin Richard Branson Elon Musk in 2014 first time He tweeted about it then in 2020 2021.
是的,理查德-布蘭森喜歡比特幣 理查德-布蘭森-埃隆-馬斯克在 2014 年第一次在推特上談論比特幣,然後在 2020 年 2021 年。
He bought a billion and a half dollars of Bitcoin with Tesla Bill Gates initially said good things now.
他與特斯拉比爾-蓋茨一起買下了價值 15 億美元的比特幣。
He's critical about it.
Then you think about institutions when they came in 2020 micro strategy buys two hundred and fifty million dollars of Bitcoin.
然後你再想想機構,當他們在 2020 年微觀戰略中購買了 2.5 億美元的比特幣時。
What why would he buy so much Bitcoin?
Then Morgan Stanley then others started getting involved then Blackrock starts a Bitcoin ETF 150,000 bitcoins if I dude if all of these guys are now looking at this Maybe I ought to consider a little bit of my portfolio being tied to cryptocurrency And then the president puts this on truth social you ready President Trump on Sunday Announces that he wants to establish a crypto strategic reserve for the US government kind of like Fort Knox with gold We're talking crypto that will include things like Bitcoin Ethereum XRP ripple Solano and Cardano Whoa, the government wants to have a strategic reserve of cryptocurrency.
然後摩根士丹利和其他公司也開始參與進來 然後貝萊德開始發行比特幣 ETF 150、如果這些人都在關注這個問題,也許我應該考慮將我的投資組合中的一部分與加密貨幣掛鉤,然後總統把這一點放在真相上,你準備好了嗎?
They do what's left after that.
Is this a way of saying?
Confirmation at the highest level that you ought to maybe consider getting into it.
Maybe we're gonna talk about that today If You value out of this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel, let's get right into it So two weeks ago on February 16th, I ran a poll and a poll says which crypto has the best long-term technology I don't know what it was gonna come come up.
兩週前的 2 月 16 日,我做了一個民意調查,結果顯示哪種加密貨幣的長期技術最好。
I'm not a crypto guy.
Um, my audience is not a crypto community It's very neutral.
I put ripple Bitcoin Ethereum other explain why at the lowest was aetherium 9% other was 12% Bitcoin whom I thought was gonna be 70% was 35% and ripple came up at 44% this is a hundred and seventy nine thousand people voting So it's not 200 or 800 or 10,000 It's nearly 200,000 people voting then Gary Cardone retweets it and says when people run a poll like this And they don't know what they're talking about.
我把瑞波幣比特幣以太坊其他的解釋一下 為什麼最低的是以太坊 9% 其他的是12% 我以為會是70%的比特幣是35% 而瑞波幣是44% 這是十萬七千九千人的投票 所以不是200或800或10,000 而是將近20萬人的投票 然後加里-卡東轉發並說 當人們做這樣的投票時
This is why people get confused.
No problem.
Then I challenge him Why don't you run the same exact poll I run and let's see what it does on your audience.
I don't know I'm not a ripple guy.
I'm not a Bitcoin guy.
I'm not an aetherium guy.
I'm a business guy He runs it the results when he runs it is the following He said you are 50 years old or 10 million dollars and going into suspended hibernation for eight years escaping complete world chaos You are required to make a hundred percent investment in one of the following and have one hour to make a decision XRP Solano US dollar Bitcoin XRP 67% Bitcoin 30% 23,000 people voted.
我是一個生意人 他運行它時的結果如下 他說你是 50 歲或 1000 萬美元,進入暫停休眠狀態八年,逃離完全混亂的世界 你需要對以下其中一項進行百分之百的投資,並有一個小時的時間做出決定 XRP 索拉諾 美元 比特幣 XRP 67% 比特幣 30% 23,000 人投票。
I think this was taken down afterwards.
Why I don't know when you look at what Bitcoin is versus XRP You'll see one is centralized one is decentralized Bitcoin being decentralized the other one being centralized Centralized maybe faster maybe public like the Federal Reserve people know about it decentralized There is little regulation on it.
我不知道為什麼,當你看到比特幣和 XRP 的區別時,你會發現一個是中心化的,一個是去中心化的,比特幣是去中心化的,而另一個是中心化的。
There is not much control over it So there's a two benefits for both if somebody is a person that believes in diversification There's an element for both that's needed now for actual usage of the technology when you pull it up and you compare the two Against each other.
Here's what you'd come up when it comes on to transaction speed.
You notice Bitcoin 10 minutes XRP 3 to 5 seconds transaction cost high during congestion XRP very low Decentralized and we talked about the use case store value Person-to-person XRP cross-border systems supply 21 million XRP 100 billion energy uses high XRP low Adoption broad mainstream XRP niche institutional.
你會發現比特幣 10 分鐘 XRP 3 到 5 秒 交易成本高擁堵時 XRP 非常低去中心化和我們談到的使用案例存儲價值人對人 XRP 跨境系統供應 2100 萬 XRP 1000 億能源使用高 XRP 低採用廣泛主流 XRP 小眾機構。
So if you look at this, of course, like well that XRP is better That's what I'm gonna be doing you pull up another chart.
所以,如果你看了這個,當然會覺得 XRP 更好,這就是我要做的,你再調出一張圖表。
This other chart talks about Transactions per second the average block time Bitcoin 10 minutes litecoin two and a half minutes aetherium 15 seconds Aetherium 2.0 12 seconds ripple 3 to 5 seconds Solano 0.4 seconds and you can go down and look at all these other guys So the argument that's being made about what this one what about that one?
另一張圖表顯示的是每秒的交易量、平均區塊時間、比特幣 10 分鐘、萊特幣 2 分半鐘、以太坊 15 秒、以太坊 2.0 12 秒、瑞波幣 3 至 5 秒、索拉諾 0.4 秒。
What about this one then you look at numbers of the price of Bitcoin?
versus price of Ripple when you look at the price of Bitcoin of where it is today and where ripple is that this is what you'll notice today Ripple is give or take 244 Bitcoin today give or take $86,000.
Okay, if you go back four years ago ripples high was a buck 65 Bitcoin four years ago was $64,000 if you go to 2017 to 2018 ripple high was 384 Bitcoin was 17,800 to let's just say 86 to $100,000.
好吧,如果你回到四年前,瑞波幣的最高價是 65 美元,四年前的比特幣是 6.4 萬美元,如果你回到 2017 年到 2018 年,瑞波幣的最高價是 384 美元,比特幣是 1.78 萬美元,比方說 86 美元到 10 萬美元。
It's 6x Let's say 5x while ripple has actually gone down now, of course, there's a pending lawsuit Is that gonna get clear, you know security?
Is it a security?
Is it not President Trump?
He's mentioned an XRP and what's kind of weird in his whole truth social post You know, it's the first cryptocurrency puts in there.
他提到了 XRP,在他的整個真相社交帖子中,有一點很奇怪,你知道,這是第一個加密貨幣。
It's not Bitcoin.
It's not a theory.
Um, it's not Cardano The first one he puts in there is XRP ripple Why you saw the CEO of ripple breath coming out there kind of talking and people are saying hey, we ought to look at this What if the case gets dropped?
嗯,這不是卡達諾,他放在那裡的第一個是 XRP 瑞波幣 為什麼你看到瑞波幣的首席執行官出來說話,人們說,嘿,我們應該看看這個 如果案件被撤銷呢?
What if that doesn't happen?
Gary Gensler's no longer there.
Gary Gensler was not a big fan of ripple There's all these videos that we've seen behind closers on what's going on.
加里-根斯勒並不是波紋的忠實擁護者 我們在閉合器後面看到的所有視頻都在說明發生了什麼。
Here's all I'm saying just so you know You're watching this.
Let me confuse you a little bit.
I own way more Bitcoin than I do ripple I own very little ripple this doesn't I don't want this thing to be an endorsement of ripple for whatever I own of Bitcoin I own a tent of it in ripple just to make things Ethereum I own three times aetherium than I do of ripple.
我擁有的比特幣比我擁有的瑞波幣多得多 我擁有的瑞波幣很少 這並不意味著 我不希望這件事成為對瑞波幣的認可 無論我擁有多少比特幣 我都擁有一頂瑞波幣的帳篷 只是為了讓以太坊變得更好
I'm just looking at it on what direction is gonna go Very good What does that really mean when you look at ripple in the first place technology company founded in 2012 focused on revolutionizing global payments through blockchain based solutions It develops financial infrastructure that enables fast low-cost and efficient cross-border transactions The owner is SPI holdings and and recent Horowitz well-known company.
我只是在看它會朝著什麼方向發展 非常好 當你把瑞波放在首位時,這到底意味著什麼 技術公司成立於 2012 年,專注於通過基於區塊鏈的解決方案徹底改變全球支付 它開發的金融基礎設施可實現快速、低成本和高效的跨境交易 其所有者是 SPI holdings 和最近的知名公司 Horowitz。
We know and recent Horowitz They want a lot of different things remember earlier.
I told you all these big financial institutions have invested into Bitcoin We talked about Morgan Stanley all these other guys when it comes on to ripple Do you know 300 financial institutions already use?
我告訴過你,所有這些大型金融機構都投資了比特幣 我們談到了摩根士丹利和其他這些傢伙 當它出現在波紋上的時候 你知道有300家金融機構已經在使用比特幣了嗎?
Ripple net as of 2024 one of them being Bank of America Bank of America uses them American Express uses the technology that ripple net has so it's not like others aren't starting to gradually behind closed doors Say maybe we need this technology because when it comes on to CBDC ripple partners with government to build blockchain Infrastructure for CBDC everybody's trying to find out.
截至2024年,瑞波網絡其中之一是美國銀行 美國銀行使用它們 美國運通使用瑞波網絡的技術 所以也不是說其他人沒有開始逐漸閉門造車 說也許我們需要這項技術
Hey, man, we got to build something here Whose technology do we use the government decides to team up with?
嘿,夥計,我們得在這裡建造一些東西 政府決定與誰合作,我們就用誰的技術?
Ripple ripples 2024 partnership with central banks and it's stable coin launch signal this direction So they're already making that progress What is the next big event that happens is the settlement is the issues?
Ripple ripples 2024 與各國央行的合作關係以及穩定幣的推出都預示著這一方向,是以他們已經取得了這一進展,那麼下一個大事件是什麼?
They're having with SEC if those things get dropped and it's done You may see a big growth and a spike with ripple.
如果這些東西被丟棄並得到處理,他們就會與 SEC 發生衝突,你可能會看到一個大的增長和一個帶有漣漪的尖峰。
And by the way, if you're a crypto person yourself You're probably furious saying why are you not mentioning Solano?
Do you not realize they're blazing speed and the fees and what they got and the market cap 80 billion dollars Solano is better than XRP here's what I've learned guys There is like 50 religions in cryptocurrency and everybody talks about their coin is the best one But you know what happened?
你難道沒有意識到他們的速度、費用和市值高達 800 億美元的索拉諾比 XRP 更好嗎?我學到了很多東西,加密貨幣領域有 50 個宗教,每個人都在談論自己的幣是最好的,但你知道發生了什麼嗎?
I'm free take everybody that tell us what their coin is the best one and then we ask them to actually Open the wallet to see what coin they have the coin that they own the most of that's the best coin in the world My interest is I hear you you sound convincing.
I hear you you sound convincing I hear you sound convincing for a person that is not in the business of sitting there spending 200 hours to look at everything here Diversification is for someone that says let me see which one's gonna go I'm gonna try a little bit here a little bit here a little bit there For someone that doesn't want to specialize in this it is something you have to pay attention to here's why Let's just say XRP decides to all of a sudden they replace Swift.
我聽你說得很有說服力,我聽你說得很有說服力,對於一個不是坐在那裡花 200 個小時研究這裡所有東西的人來說,多樣化是為了讓我看看哪個會走,我要在這裡試一點,在這裡試一點,在那裡試一點,對於一個不想專門研究這個的人來說,這是你必須注意的事情,這就是為什麼。
Let's say that happens if XRP replaces Swift and Fed Now, you know what happens?
比方說,如果 XRP 取代 Swift 和 Fed Now,你知道會發生什麼嗎?
Let me give you some numbers here XRP is ledger processes transactions in three to five seconds at nearly no cost making it Significantly faster and cheaper than Swift.
讓我在這裡給你一些數字 XRP 的賬本處理交易只需三到五秒鐘,幾乎沒有成本,是以比 Swift 快得多,也便宜得多。
So Swift processes five trillion dollars daily or one point two five Quadrillion annually if you didn't know what that was quadrillion annually Swift if XRP captures five to ten percent of all Let's just say ten percent of volume 125 trillion dollars annually the demand for XRP go by the way could be any of these other technologies We're talking about analysts estimate that a ten trillion dollar market cap Could push XRP price to $100 per token with full replacement potentially driving it up to $1,000 now who those analysts are I'm willing to bet those analysts own Ripple and that's why they're writing this Hey analyst just because I say analyst says it doesn't mean they're 100% right It is a way of looking at what could happen with this if this were to happen It's a big deal.
Now the roadblock that they have are a couple things One is the SEC lawsuit that has slowed adoption, but a resolution could boost Institutional confidence regulatory approval, especially in the US is critical for widespread adoption.
Let me unpack the legal trouble Let's just go back four or five years So you kind of know what's going on here December 22nd 2020 the SEC filed a lawsuit against ripple labs and its executive Brad Garlinghouse alleging that the sale of XRP constitute an unregistered securities offering worth over 1.3 billion Dollars then in April of 2021 judge Sarah net burn granted a motion Limiting the SEC's access to the personal financial records of Garlinghouse and Larson marking a procedural win for ripple Then two years later July 13 2023 judge Annalisa Torres issued a mixed ruling XRP was not deemed a security when sold on public exchanges, but institutional sales violated Securities law ripple was fined a hundred and twenty five million dollars Significantly less than the original two billion dollars.
讓我來解釋一下這些法律糾紛 讓我們回到四五年前 所以你應該知道發生了什麼事 2020 年 12 月 22 日,美國證券交易委員會對瑞波實驗室及其高管布拉德-加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)提起訴訟,指控其銷售的 XRP 構成未經註冊的證券發行,價值超過 13 億美元。兩年後,2023 年 7 月 13 日,法官安娜麗莎-託雷斯(Annalisa Torres)發佈了一項混合裁決,XRP 在公共交易所出售時不被視為證券,但機構銷售違反了證券法,波紋被罰款 1.25 億美元,大大低於最初的 20
Then we go to October 2024 SEC filed an appeal against judge Torres ruling Seeking clarity on XRP's clarification ripples leadership criticized the appeal and XRP's value experienced volatility dropping to a 11% following the news November 2024 report surfaced that Gary Gensler planned departure on January 2025 Hello, that was big moment for them because Gary was a guy that was not happy about it He kind of had some favors with a couple friends yet different places Legal experts including attorney Jeremy Hogan speculated that this could lead to a resolution of a ripple case by spring or early summer of 2025 December 2nd XRP's market performance showed significant growth with a hundred twenty three percent growth increased since SEC's initial Lawsuit showing signs of optimism.
然後,我們到 2024 年 10 月,美國證券交易委員會對託雷斯法官的裁決提出上訴,要求澄清 XRP 的澄清漣漪領導層責備了上訴,XRP 的價值經歷了波動,在消息發佈後下降到 11% 2024 年 11 月有報道稱,加里-根斯勒計劃於 2025 年 1 月離職 你好、這對他們來說是一個重要的時刻,因為加里是一個對此並不高興的人,他與幾個朋友有一些恩惠,但在不同的地方,包括傑里米-霍根(Jeremy Hogan)律師在內的法律專家推測,這可能會導致漣漪案件在 2025 年春季或初夏得到解決 12 月 2 日
So who knows what's gonna be happening when the president?
His name is Donald Trump and he put something on truth social and the first one he puts up is XRP Then the retweet he says let me also give some love to bit Bitcoin and aetherium That means some of the people behind closed doors that are in his ear like a guy like Elon Musk and some of the other People maybe something's about to happen.
I would be paying attention.
That's all I'm saying to you next three six twelve months I'd be paying attention to what's going on here Who knows and remember if you're somebody that doesn't do their own research if you're somebody that doesn't go out there and put hours into Seeing what's going on here.
The best way to go is diversification That's for those that don't want to go out there and do the research and they don't want to just sit there like I'm gonna bank On this you have no idea what's gonna be happening Having said that if you got value out of this video Give a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel And if you enjoyed this video, you've never seen the video the dark side of CBDC click here to watch it Take care everybody.
最好的方法是分散投資,這是為那些不想出去做研究的人準備的,他們不想只是坐在那裡,就像我要去銀行一樣,你根本不知道會發生什麼。 說了這麼多,如果您從本視頻中獲得了價值,請豎起大拇指並訂閱本頻道,如果您喜歡本視頻,但從未看過《CBDC的黑暗面》視頻,請點擊此處觀看。
Bye You