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  • at Oregon State University.

  • Ahern: We are moving rapidly through stuff

  • and I finally sat down and looked at when the exam is

  • and the exam is this Friday,

  • so I guess...

  • [classroom chatter]

  • Ahern: It's not?

  • The exam is a week from Monday.

  • I'm guessing you guys wouldn't be ready for it this Friday?

  • No?

  • There will be fewer things on it.

  • Think about that.

  • A smaller nice, little tidy exam.

  • Student: And the next will destroy us.

  • Ahern: And the next will kill you.

  • [laughs]

  • Or you will kill me, I don't know.

  • The second exam is not cumulative.

  • The final is cumulative.

  • I just have a couple fairly minor things

  • I want to say about characterizing proteins

  • and I do that in recognition of the fact

  • this is not a biophysics class.

  • The things that are there are really more biophysical in nature

  • than they are biochemical in nature.

  • I want you to be aware of what we can do

  • with certain techniques.

  • One of the techniques,

  • last time I talked about MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOF

  • is a fantastic method as I say that I realize

  • I didn't post that figure for it.

  • I will get that figure posted showing you the set up

  • for a MALDI-TOF instrument

  • and you can hopefully see it better than my words can describe.

  • I will get that posted for you.

  • What I want to talk about today

  • are a couple other very powerful techniques

  • that come to us from biophysics.

  • I'm not going to go in depth

  • but you should know the basics of them

  • and you should be able to understand why they're useful for us.

  • The two techniques I want to talk about

  • are X-Ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance.

  • You've probably had some exposure

  • at least with nuclear magnetic resonance,

  • I'm guessing in your organic chemistry class.

  • Has anyone had exposure to X-Ray crystallography before?

  • Little bit, okay.

  • I'll start with X-Ray crystallography.

  • X-Ray crystallography,

  • both these techniques, by the way,

  • are extraordinarily useful for helping us to understand

  • relative positions of nuclei in space.

  • I always tell the story when I give a tour of our facilities

  • in ALS in Biochemstry and biophysics to students

  • that using the tools of X-Ray crystallography

  • and nuclear magnetic resonance,

  • biophysicists can determine the position

  • in three dimensional space of every atom

  • that might exist in an enzyme that has 10,000 or 50,000 atoms.

  • That's a really remarkable thing

  • because knowledge about structure

  • leads to understanding about function.

  • We've heard structure function before.

  • When we think about how drugs get designed,

  • the design of drugs is happening increasingly

  • as a result of the molecular knowledge of the structure

  • of the proteins that they're targeting.

  • If I know the position or I know the structure

  • of the active site of the enzyme,

  • the place where the reaction is catalyzed,

  • I know the dimensions of the molecule

  • I need to design to plug up that enzyme.

  • That knowledge of structure is really valuable for us

  • to have for whatever purpose.

  • And there are purposes aside from designing drugs as well.

  • X-Ray crystallography arises from the fact

  • that X-rays get diffracted

  • which means they get bent when they encounter electron clouds.

  • That diffraction process is depicted here.

  • To do X-Ray crystallography,

  • one has to have first of all a crystal

  • and a crystal is a as you guys see crystals

  • you don't think at a molecular level what a crystal is,

  • but a crystal is a perfectly packed homogenous molecule

  • that has a regular repeat to it.

  • That is all the molecules in there are the same composition

  • and they're organized in a regular fashion.

  • That regular repeat is what gives rise to the crystal itself.

  • The process of making a crystal for a lot of X-ray crystal analyses

  • is actually the thing that takes the longest.

  • A lot of different, there's no one formula for making a crystal.

  • Different proteins crystallize in different to way.

  • Suffice to say that making the crystal,

  • which is already shown right here,

  • can be a very and time consuming step

  • and a frustrating step in the process.

  • Once one has a crystal,

  • one can take they crystal

  • and put in the path of an X-ray beam.

  • That X-ray beam will have its rays diffracted again

  • according to the electron clouds that it encounters.

  • The importance of the regularity of the molecules

  • in the crystal are very important

  • because those really add up

  • and give us the diffraction patterns that we see.

  • Now interpreting the diffraction patterns

  • obviously isn't a thing we're going to do here,

  • but sufficed to say that diffraction gives,

  • this is what a diffraction pattern

  • of a given crystal might look like and we say wow,

  • there are some spots.

  • These are the spots correspond places

  • where X-rays got diffracted to.

  • So a biophysicist can take information

  • from a diffraction pattern and work backwards,

  • ultimately to determine where the individual electron clouds

  • where it caused the diffraction pattern to exist.

  • So X-Ray crystallography is extraordinarily powerful

  • because it does give us three dimensional information about

  • the position and orientation of electron clouds

  • and a working map might look something like what you see right here.

  • Here are patterns of electron clouds and then within there

  • we decide what are the individual atoms that correspond to there,

  • you see different carbons and hydrogues and oxygens

  • and so fourth scattered through there.

  • And interpreting these patterns can again be a very time

  • consuming process it's very computationally intensive.

  • The result is at the end of this

  • that one has that structural information that's very useful.

  • Again, that's just a very cursory

  • description of X-Ray crystallography.

  • X-Ray crystallography has its advantages

  • and it has its disadvantages.

  • The advantage of X-Ray crystallography is if you get crystals,

  • then you can determine these positions very nicely.

  • Sometimes you can't always get crystals and that's one limitation.

  • And the other is crystals may or may not correspond to the natural,

  • whatever that means, shape of the solution.

  • So we think about the enzymes we have in our cells,

  • most of them are dissolved the in water of the cytoplasm.

  • So when I'm making a crystal,

  • I'm basically taking it out of the solution

  • so one thought is well is this reflecting

  • the actual structure it has when it's in the solution?

  • So to partly address some of those concerns,

  • this additional technology of nuclear magnetic resonance

  • is very useful because nuclear magnetic resonance analysis

  • allows one to determine molecular structures in aqueous solution.

  • They work in different ways and nuclear magnetic resonance

  • relies on the fact that certain nuclei have spins

  • that are characteristic of them and those spins

  • can be altered in the presence of an electromagnetic field.

  • So understanding the energies it takes to alter those spins

  • of given nuclei for example protons.

  • Protons are very commonly used in analysis

  • to understand the changes in those spin gives us

  • some knowledge about the structure.

  • I'll just show you a very brief example here.

  • Here's a nucleus that has a characteristic spin.

  • There are two possible spins that can exist.

  • One has a slightly higher energy than the other

  • and the difference between that energy

  • is what is excited using the electromagnetic radiation.

  • It turns out the different nuclei have different spins

  • corresponding to the electronic environment

  • in which they find themselves.

  • This depicts the nuclear magnetic resonance signal

  • of a very simple molecule.

  • This is ethanol.

  • We can see that ethanol has three different kinds of protons in it.

  • It has methyl protons that are farthest off in the end.

  • It has methylene protons in the middle here

  • and it has hydroxyl on the end.

  • These give rise to characteristic signals.

  • These signals have known positions,

  • we know where hydroxyl protons arise,

  • we know where methyl protons arise, etc.

  • And so we can examine the spectrum that comes from this.

  • The spectrum is called the chemical shift which I won't go in to.

  • This molecule has some hydroxyl,

  • it has methylene, it has methyl protons.

  • As you can imagine for a molecule like a protein,

  • it's not not nearly as this.

  • We might get very complicated spectra

  • and in fact we do get complicated spectra.

  • So this is a little bit more challenging to interpret.

  • We're not going to do that obviously here.

  • But sufficed to say that analysis of nuclear magnetic spectra

  • does allow, ultimately a scientist,

  • to allow which signal corresponds

  • to which groups inside the protein.

  • Now understanding the different kinds in this case of protons

  • that exist in a protein is useful information

  • but one of the things we're interested

  • in as biochemists is how do proteins fold.

  • Because remember that folding really gives the protein

  • its characteristic shapes so we would like to get more information

  • because the knowledge of different protons we have

  • in the protein really isn't sufficient enough to tell us structure.

  • One of the techniques done with that is an enhancement

  • as it were of nuclear magnetic analysis.

  • It's called the nuclear overhouser effect

  • and it arises from the fact that,

  • this clip doesn't work,

  • it arises from the fact that nuclei,

  • when they interact with each other,

  • also have effects.

  • In this case, here are two protons that,

  • as a result of folding,

  • have been brought into close proximity.

  • And if they're brought into close enough proximity

  • they actually do affect the signal of the other one.

  • This requires a very sophisticated analysis called 2D

  • and that's obviously a lot more complicated

  • than 2D gel electrophoresis I'm not going to go into that.

  • But sufficed to say that with this type of an analysis,

  • one generates some even more interesting spectra

  • but this information that we see here now

  • tells us not only what kinds of protons that we have

  • but how close those protons are to each other.

  • That's very, very useful when one goes to trying to determine

  • the overall structure of a protein molecule.

  • So that can be very, very useful.

  • Commonly these two techniques are used in combination

  • with each other to help elucidate molecular structure.

  • There is a biophysics course in 5 minutes.

  • How's that?

  • Questions or comments about that?

  • Let's get away from biophysics and talk about,

  • this is the lecture I'm going to give today

  • is most of the most popular lectures

  • I give throughout the entire term.

  • It's the lecture on hemoglobin.

  • And hemoglobin is, I hope to convince you

  • by the end of the lecture on Friday,

  • one of the most magical molecules in our body.

  • It is absolutely incredible the abilities

  • that are built in to the structure of this protein.

  • I start talking not about hemoglobin

  • but about a related protein called myoglobin

  • and I introduced myoglobin to you before

  • as a protein related to hemoglobin.

  • It's found in our muscle cells primarily

  • and there it serves the function of storing oxygen.

  • It's a very good way to store oxygen.

  • Hemoglobin is very good at delivering,

  • that is picking up and dropping off oxygen.

  • The difference you recall structurally I hope

  • between the two proteins and that myoglobin

  • has a single protein subunit.

  • And hemoglobin has four protein subunits.

  • So hemoglobin has quaternary structure, myoglobin does not.

  • And this quaternary structure that myoglobin has is,

  • that hemoglobin has is what gives rise

  • to all of the properties that the molecule has.

  • Well, you've seen myoglobin before,

  • it's mostly alpha helical structures,

  • it looks something like this.

  • There's the amino terminus and there's the carboxyl terminus.

  • And here you see alpha helix bend,

  • alpha helix bend, alpha helix bend,

  • a lot of alpha helices here.

  • We see the amino acids, we see 146 amino acids.

  • Myoglobin was I believe the first protein

  • whose structure of this nature was actually determined

  • and so that has some biochemical significance.

  • Not of any concern to us at the moment.

  • But the other concern for us

  • is it has an oxygen binding group in it called a heme.

  • So the heme, and yes, myoglobin has a heme

  • just as hemoglobin has a heme.

  • The heme is located right here.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: So wait, is this myoglobin or this hemoglobin?

  • Ahern: Actually, I'm sorry, this is the beta chain.

  • I have a link to it that says myoglobin.

  • They're very, very similar so this is the beta chain of hemoglobin.

  • We can think of this as myoglobin

  • because as I said the structure is very similar between the two.

  • Thanks for noticing that.

  • Anyway, both myoglobin and hemoglobin have a heme.

  • Hemoglobin you recall has four chains

  • to call beta and to call alpha.

  • This is one of the betas right here.

  • Now the heme turns out to be really important for several reasons.

  • The number one being of course that it's the place

  • where the oxygen is bound by this protein subunit.

  • There's the heme.

  • Heme is a flat ring.

  • It is something we refer to in these proteins as a prosthetic group.

  • Sounds like a very mouthful name.

  • Prosthetic group is simply a molecule

  • bound to a protein that helps the protein do what it does.

  • It's a non-amino acid.

  • So it's a non-amino acid bound to a protein

  • that helps the protein to function.

  • The heme group of hemoglobin and myoglobin,

  • the two are essentially identical and they're very,

  • very similar in structure to chlorophyll.

  • The electron gathering component of chlorophyll

  • that we find in plants.

  • The difference in plants that instead of having iron in middle,

  • we have a magnesium in the middle.

  • Student: You said this is planar?

  • It has like 20 carbons and stuff in the middle.

  • How is it possible?

  • Ahern: How is it possible?

  • Well, if we're talking about an exact plane,

  • there's nothing that's exactly flat.

  • Generally, it's a flat structure.

  • You can see when I talk to you about this

  • that the places actually pucker.

  • So it's planar, but I wouldn't say it's a perfect plane, no.

  • Alright, that puckering that we will see is very, very important.

  • It's actually seen right here in this figure.

  • What I'm getting ready to tell you about here

  • occurs in both myoglobin and hemoglobin

  • but the impact is felt in hemoglobin because of its four subunits.

  • What you see happening on the screen happens in both proteins.

  • Let me describe to you what's going on here.

  • If you we look at the deoxyhemoglobin on the left,

  • that's the way it normally sits.

  • Shannon says, "well that's not exactly planar."

  • And I say well okay, look.

  • It is slightly puckered.

  • We can imagine it being a little concaved downwards

  • like my hand is.

  • When the oxygen binds and we see oxygen bound over here,

  • there is a very, very tiny change.

  • So instead of being slightly puckered,

  • it flattens a bit.

  • Why does that happen?

  • It happens because the oxygen pulls up the iron atom.

  • The iron atom physically gets lifted.

  • This change is minuscule.

  • We're talking fractions of angstroms.

  • Very, very tiny change.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Ahern: His question is,

  • "Is this just the heme group?"

  • It turns out this movement affects a lot of things.

  • It's a very good question.

  • For the moment, we're thinking only about the iron atom.

  • The heme group itself is not moving.

  • It's the iron atom that's moving.

  • So the iron atom moves up a very tiny fraction of an angstrom.

  • And if you look at the structure,

  • you'll notice that the iron atom is not floating freely there.

  • It is in fact attached to an amino acid beneath it.

  • This amino acid that it's attached to is a histidine.

  • Now, if I pull up on iron and iron's attached to histidine,

  • you can do the math and figure that the histidine

  • is probably moving a fraction of an angstrom as well

  • and you'd be exactly right.

  • And you'd say histidine is attached

  • to another amino acid in the protein,

  • is it moving also?

  • Yep, so the foot bone,

  • the toe bone's connected to the foot bone,

  • and the foot bone,

  • this isn't going to be a song by the way.

  • The foot bone's connected to the ankle bone,

  • and the ankle bone is connected to the shin bone

  • and by pulling on the toe,

  • I'm ultimately going to affect the hip.

  • Even if it's by a very tiny amount.

  • And this very tiny amount,

  • I can't emphasize enough the importance of this very tiny change

  • because I'm going to hopefully convince you by the end

  • that the result of this very tiny amount of movement

  • allows us to be animals.

  • Without this movement, animal life is essentially not possible.

  • This is a scary thought.

  • Why is it that this makes animal life possible?

  • We'll talk about that.

  • Hemoglobin of course doesn't exist as a single subunit,

  • it exists as 4 subunits.

  • All 4 subunits have a,

  • each subunit of the 4 has a heme group of its own.

  • So when this guy binds an oxygen,

  • and by the way, because it's a schematic,

  • they're not showing the connection,

  • but in each case it's connected to a histidine.

  • When this guy binds to an oxygen,

  • let's see I've got this hemoglobin that's got no oxygen

  • whatsoever.

  • This guy binds an oxygen,

  • it's going to cause the iron atom to move a slight distance,

  • it's going to cause that histidine to move a slight distance.

  • It's going to cause that entire chain to very slightly shift.

  • That very slight shift changes the overall shape of this subunit.

  • And guess what?

  • That shift affects how it interacts with its adjecent subunits.

  • And the adjacent subunit now

  • becomes more favorable for binding oxygen.

  • So this one, when we have hemoglobin that's empty of oxygen,

  • it's not real keen on binding oxygen,

  • but once one of them binds oxygen,

  • these changes get communicated between the subunits

  • and each additional oxygen is increasingly favored for binding.

  • This phenomena I've just described to you is called

  • cooperativity.

  • The bonding of one molecule to a protein

  • affecting the binding of others.

  • In this case,

  • it's positive cooperativity.

  • It's favoring more binding.

  • Now this is really important.

  • We have to, we are animals,

  • we are moving creatures,

  • we have to have an adequate oxygen supply.

  • Plants don't have this issue.

  • Plants don't have to get up and run around and jump

  • and go chase things or run away from things.

  • Their oxygen needs are more constant.

  • Ours are rapidly changing.

  • We need oxygen, we need it now.

  • When our hemoglobin gets to our lungs,

  • it doesn't have an awful lot of time to be there.

  • We want it to load up on oxygen as much as it can

  • and take that oxygen out to the tissues where its needed.

  • Cooperativity as we will see,

  • plays a very big role in the loading up of hemoglobin.

  • So we're loading up hemoglobin.

  • If we can't load up hemoglobin,

  • we don't have enough oxygen,

  • we can't go run, we can't go escape,

  • we can't do things that animals do.

  • Very, very important.

  • The other thing I want you to look at in this structure,

  • it's actually easier to see right here

  • is that when we look at hemoglobin from above as we are in this case,

  • we see that hemoglobin is shaped sort of like a doughnut

  • and there's a little hole in the middle.

  • That little hole turns out to be extremely important.

  • Extremely important.

  • So I'm going to talk back and talk about that hole

  • but before I do that I want to tell you a little bit

  • about the needs of oxygen in the cell

  • and how hemoglobin helps to supply those.

  • Questions on this before I move forward?

  • Everybody understands what cooperativity is?

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: Does the inverse occur when it unbinds the oxygen?

  • Ahern: Good question.

  • Does the inverse occur when it unbinds oxygen?

  • The answer is to some extent, yes it does.

  • Loss of one will favor the loss of additional ones.

  • So it would be a negative cooperative.

  • So you start to see where this is heading, right?

  • If we look at the oxygen binding of myoglobin, this is a plot.

  • Again, whenever I show you a plot,

  • I always want you to know what the axes tell us

  • because without the axes,

  • the plot has no meaning.

  • This is the fractional saturation meaning

  • what fraction of all the myoglobin molecules

  • in the solution have an oxygen bound to them?

  • Myoglobin can only bind one oxygen per protein

  • because there's only one subunit and each heme only binds one oxygen.

  • Either it's bound or it's not bound.

  • What percentage of those guys are bound with oxygen?

  • What we see that it takes very little oxygen.

  • This is very low, the pressure of oxygen on the X-axis.

  • Very little oxygen for us to get 50% saturated.

  • What does that mean?

  • It means that myoglobin when it has the chance

  • is grabbing a hold of oxygen.

  • It's very good at storing oxygen.

  • It grabs it, it holds onto it very well.

  • Well that's nice,

  • but it's not ideal for delivering oxygen

  • because if myoglobin didn't give up its oxygen

  • til the oxygen concentration got very low,

  • it could travel all the way through the body,

  • get all the way to the lungs and it hasn't given up its oxygen.

  • "No, it's mine.

  • I'm the big kid I get the quarter."

  • Right?

  • "I'm not going to give this up for you."

  • Myoglobin only gives up its oxygen

  • when the oxygen concentration gets very low.

  • How many people have UPS on their computer?

  • Anybody know what a UPS is?

  • It's an uninterruptible power supply.

  • It's there to give you power when the power goes off

  • so you have a chance to shut down and save your work.

  • Myoglobin is the UPS for your muscles.

  • When you're working very hard,

  • it's very easy for you to use oxygen

  • faster than your blood can deliver it.

  • Well oxygen is important.

  • It's not essential,

  • but it's important so that more oxygen your muscles have,

  • the better off they are because muscles need it for contracting,

  • we gotta run away from something,

  • we gotta beat something up, we gotta do whatever,

  • hopefully we're not doing too much of that.

  • If hemoglobin can't supply all the oxygen that's needed,

  • we want something there to back it up and this is backing it up.

  • When the oxygen concentration starts getting very low,

  • myoglobin says, "Oh, here's some oxygen."

  • That's the only time myoglobin gives up oxygen.

  • When the concentration gets very, very low.

  • But it helps us when we need that.

  • Let's compare that with hemoglobin.

  • Ahern: That's the oxygen concentration.

  • Oh, here?

  • How much does it take to get half of it saturated,

  • half of it bound to oxygen.

  • Is P 1/2 just refers to 50% of it.

  • So very, very low number there.

  • If we compare this with hemoglobin,

  • hemoglobin has a different looking curve.

  • So the curve that corresponds to myoglobin

  • is what we call hyperbolic.

  • It's a hyperbolic curve.

  • It's a hyperbolic function that will fit that curve.

  • The curve that hemoglobin gives is called sigmoidal

  • because it has sort of a S shape.

  • It's sigmoidal.

  • Look at this.

  • At low oxygen concentrations,

  • there's not very much oxygen bound.

  • When hemoglobin travels through our body,

  • it goes from places of high oxygen concentration,

  • our lungs, high oxygen concentrations,

  • essentially 100% of it gets bound with oxygen.

  • As it travels through the body,

  • the oxygen concentration starts dropping

  • because the cells are using oxygen and hemoglobin is the only source,

  • oxygen concentration drops

  • and hemoglobin starts letting go of its oxygen.

  • It's a perfect system for delivery.

  • We see it cooperatively binding oxygen to begin with

  • and we see cooperatively letting go of oxygen.

  • Binding in a negative sense

  • when the oxygen concentration starts to fall.

  • Hemoglobin, because of cooperativity can satisfy an immense,

  • or a diverse set of oxygen concentrations

  • as they occur in our bodies.

  • This is essential for an animal.

  • I just cannot, I keep coming back to that,

  • but I can't emphasize that enough.

  • It binds like myoglobin at the very highest concentrations.

  • It will get 100% bound.

  • But as oxygen concentration falls,

  • it's down over here.

  • And that's pretty cool.

  • Then by the time it's dumped its oxygen,

  • it goes back to the lungs and it gets more oxygen.

  • So let's think about that a little bit.

  • No, I'm not going to ask you to draw this particular figure

  • although you should be familiar with any of these figures.

  • We see the differences in oxygen concentration,

  • this figure is nice in that it shows us the concentration

  • of oxygen roughly that occurs in tissues

  • and the concentration of oxygen that roughly occurs in lungs.

  • We see that again, way up here in the concentration of the lungs,

  • myoglobin and hemoglobin are essentially the same.

  • And then way out over here,

  • when this thing gets out to the tissues,

  • only what is 38%, no, I'm sorry, what is this,

  • about 30% or so of the hemoglobin is actually still bound to oxygen.

  • So that flexibility of hemoglobin for oxygen is very,

  • very valuable for us and allows us to things like sitting here,

  • or getting up and running if we have to go running.

  • And both of those work.

  • Okay, if I exercise, blah blah blah, if I rest,

  • I have different needs, if I have lungs, same sort of thing.

  • This shows us the quaternary changes

  • that happen as a result of oxygen binding to hemoglobin.

  • Quaternary changes mean the four subunits

  • are actually changing on oxygen binding.

  • Notice that doughnut hole that I had before.

  • The doughnut hole has largely closed up.

  • It turns out that these two different states of hemoglobin

  • have names that we give.

  • And we're going to hear more about these names later.

  • They're called the R state and the T state.

  • I need to define them for you.

  • The one on the left is called the T state.

  • The T stands for tight.

  • I like to think about it as people I know who are uptight.

  • People you know who are uptight,

  • you can just sense it around them and they can't take anything more.

  • They're very rigid.

  • Give me some oxygen,

  • "No, I don't want any oxygen!"

  • Okay, tight structures.

  • Ahern: What's that?

  • Student: [inaudible] the right?

  • Or the left?

  • Ahern: The left?

  • Yeah, that's tight, yeah.

  • They're not very flexible.

  • They have poor binding of oxygen.

  • So when hemoglobin has no oxygen, it's in the T state.

  • It doesn't want to bind more oxygen.

  • On the other hand,

  • once it's bound and it's gotten full of oxygen,

  • its structure changes to what we call the R state.

  • R is the relaxed state.

  • The relaxed state, "yeah, come on, we'll take this, we'll have it,

  • I can take a lot of stuff, man."

  • Right?

  • [class laughing]

  • I grew up in the 60s, guys,

  • you gotta give me credit for the language at least.

  • So the relaxed state is a high affinity binding for oxygen.

  • Once we put one oxygen on there,

  • we start flipping it into the R state

  • and we've got affinity to find more oxygen.

  • We flip it into the T state,

  • it doesn't want to bind oxygen.

  • That's kinda good.

  • If you think about it.

  • Let's imagine that I'm a hemoglobin

  • that's floating around and I've just gone to let's say

  • the muscles where they're exercising pretty heavily

  • and I dump all my oxygen.

  • On the way back to the heart or to the lungs,

  • I pass through the kidney.

  • Do I want the hemoglobin taking the oxygen away from the kidney?

  • That wouldn't be a good career move, right?

  • So I only want it to flip when there's a high oxygen concentration.

  • That's what's going to happen when it gets back to the lungs.

  • So the T state and R state

  • really serve the body's needs very, very usefully.

  • There are a couple of ways of describing

  • how this phenomena occurs.

  • The way I've described to you is called a sequential mains.

  • That is the binding of the first one affects the second one,

  • affects the third one, affects the fourth one.

  • And that's not shown on the screen,

  • this is a different model.

  • If I were to show what happens,

  • we've got T state above and R state below.

  • In the sequential model, one of these guys turns circular,

  • it favors the next one turning circular,

  • the next one turning circular, etc.

  • That model's called a sequential model of binding.

  • Changes in the structure of one changes the next one,

  • which changes the next one, etc.

  • It's sequential.

  • This model you see on the screen is the opposite of the sequential,

  • it's called the concerted model.

  • These are models.

  • Models are way of explaining things.

  • This model says that we don't see one followed by the other,

  • followed by the other, followed by the other.

  • Instead, what we see is we're either in one state

  • or we're in the other state

  • and binding of things locks them into that state.

  • Now hemoglobin is not a good model for this.

  • We'll see in next week's lecture

  • how an enzyme is a much better model for this.

  • This model and I'll say more about this model next week

  • so I'm not going to go into much here,

  • but this model says that the changes happen all at once

  • and they're independent of the binding of anything.

  • We see this as back and fourth.

  • But they get locked into one vs. the other based on what they bind.

  • We'll come back to that next time.

  • For right now, think sequential.

  • Binding the first changes the second,

  • changes the third, changes the fourth.

  • Changing the T to R state changes significantly

  • the binding affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen,

  • which I showed you before

  • and if we look at what hemoglobin would look like in the T state,

  • this is what it would look like.

  • If it were only in the R state,

  • this is what it would look like and in fact,

  • hemoglobin goes through a transition from T to R

  • and that's what we're seeing,

  • why this curve has a couple of shapes in it.

  • We're seeing a change from T to R.

  • That change is what we've already described as cooperativity

  • and that cooperativity is favoring bonding in this case is oxygen.

  • If we're getting more oxygen or favoring the release of oxygen

  • if we're getting into lower concentrations of oxygen.

  • This is what a sequential looks like.

  • Nothing bound, first one changes this one,

  • which causes this one to chances,

  • which bind has caused this one to change,

  • which caused this one to change its find.

  • It doesn't matter if it binds to an alpha subunit

  • or a beta subunit. It doesn't matter.

  • They're essentially the same as far as this molecule exists.

  • Yes sir?

  • Student: Shouldn't the [inaudible] under K4 be switched

  • where there's a higher affinity to drive further to the right?

  • Ahern: All of these depend on oxygen concentrations,

  • so you're exactly right.

  • In the concentration of the lungs,

  • even though you've got a lower going to the right,

  • there's enough oxygen concentration to drive that.

  • Student: You're showing a sequential increase in K1

  • and [inaudible] the last one is shorter.

  • It's counter-intuitive.

  • Ahern: No, because it doesn't want to bind that first one.

  • I agree that this is important for the releasing of oxygen.

  • This, from what I've told you sounds a little odd

  • in terms of putting that last one on there.

  • But the reason this is the case

  • is because that first one doesn't want to bind.

  • And that's because this guy here is in the T state.

  • That should answer your question.

  • Student: Once you have the three on there,

  • it seems like it should be more of a push

  • in the equilibrium to push [inaudible].

  • Ahern: Right, so his point is that this equilibrium

  • is favored actually in the leftward direction

  • and that would be true if it weren't

  • in the high oxygen concentration in the lungs.

  • The lungs are loaded with oxygen and that drives it to this state.

  • We want this guy to dump off oxygen once it gets out of the lungs.

  • That's why the arrow is back to the left.

  • Where am I at here?

  • That's the basics of hemoglobin

  • but there's so much more that's built into this molecule.

  • The first one I'm going to show you right here

  • is a really interesting and cool molecule called 2,3-BPG.

  • We'll talk more about this molecule later in this term

  • when I talk about glycolysis

  • but this molecule turns out to be a fascinating molecule.

  • You don't need to know the structure

  • but you definitely need to know

  • at least this part of the name: 2,3-BPG.

  • It's real name is 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate.

  • I need to tell you why this molecule is important.

  • If my microphone works that is.

  • Why this molecule is important.

  • This molecule is a molecule

  • that is released by rapidly respiring cells.

  • If I'm a muscle cell and I'm doing my business I'm making 2,3-BPG,

  • we'll see later it's actually a byproduct,

  • but that doesn't matter for our purposes right now.

  • Actively respiring cells release 2,3-BPG.

  • So my muscle cells may have a lot of 2,3-BPG,

  • my nose cells may not have so many.

  • Okay?

  • With me?

  • Unless I'm sneezing,

  • I've got that cold everybody else does,

  • I might have more 2,3-BPG.

  • It turns out that 2,3-BPG affects hemoglobin.

  • If we look at hemoglobin in the presence of 2,3-BPG and red,

  • we see that it binds less,

  • and they're not exaggerating the S so much here,

  • they've sort of drawn this to make their point.

  • The point is that in the presence of 2,3-BPG,

  • hemoglobin holds onto less oxygen.

  • So 2,3-BPG it turns out causes the hemoglobin to release oxygen.

  • How does it do it?

  • It's very simple.

  • 2,3-BPG has a shape that fits exactly in that doughnut.

  • It fits exactly in that doughnut

  • and when it fits into the doughnut,

  • it favors the conversion of hemoglobin

  • from the R state to the T state.

  • T state has low affinity for oxygen,

  • guess what hemoglobin's going to do when 2,3-BPG binds to it,

  • it's going to start giving up more oxygen

  • and that's exactly what this curve is telling us.

  • This turns out from a bodily perspective

  • to be very useful because when I've got

  • actively respiring tissue and I've got a lot of 2,3-BPG,

  • what's 2,3-BPG going to do?

  • It's going to bind hemoglobin and hemoglobin's going to say,

  • "Okay, flip into the T state,

  • I'm going to let go of the oxygen."

  • And as concequence of letting go of oxygen

  • the tissues that need the oxygen get it.

  • That's great.

  • But wait, there's more.

  • But wait.

  • If hemoglobin has bound to 2,3-BPG,

  • it's going to be in the T state and when it gets back to the lungs,

  • it's still got 2,3-BPG,

  • it doesn't want to bind to more oxygen, I've got trouble.

  • Well fortunately, remember these are not covalent bindings,

  • fortunately 2,3-BPG fits in that pocket.

  • But it goes in, comes out, goes in, comes out.

  • Like any binding that occurs,

  • binding and letting go happens all the time.

  • On the way back to the lungs, 2,3-BPG,

  • when it gets off of the hemoglobin

  • can get grabbed by cells and be metabolized.

  • So as hemoglobin is making its way back to cells in most people,

  • the cells are grabbing it, burning it up,

  • and hemoglobin gets back to the lungs and

  • it has no 2,3-BPG in it.

  • If it had 2,3-BPG in it, you wouldn't bind as much oxygen.

  • Now all of you pre-meds,

  • everybody looks up at this point,

  • smokers are full of 2,3-BPG.

  • Smokers are full of 2,3-BPG.

  • The reason that, one of the reasons that smokers huff and puff

  • going up stairs is that 2,3-BPG

  • doesn't get all the way broken down.

  • The hemoglobin gets back to the lungs, uh oh.

  • My oxygen carrying capacity is lower,

  • that's why smokers huff and puff going up stairs.

  • They've got too much 2,3-BPG.

  • The next question is why do they have more?

  • And that we will save and talk about when we talk about glycolysis.

  • Suffice to say,

  • they have much more 2,3-BPG in their blood than do non-smokers.

  • Yes sir?

  • Student: So is that a large contributory factor to say COPD?

  • Ahern: COPD being?

  • Student: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  • Ahern: Is it a contributor to COPD?

  • Not to my knowledge.

  • There are other things that give rise to that.

  • I'm not a medical person so I can't tell you that.

  • But sufficed to say that the primary physical observation

  • that you could make with respect to hemoglobin,

  • respect to BPG in smokers is that they huff and puff.

  • They puff and then they really huff and puff.

  • If you smoke, quit doing it.

  • Now you know at the molecular basis

  • why smokers are having a hard time going up stairs.

  • Their hemoglobin is stuck in the T state

  • and they can't get it out of that T state very well.

  • There we go.

  • There's your doughnut and there's the binding.

  • We'll need to worry about the various other stuff that's here.

  • Now, hemoglobin is some pretty cool stuff.

  • There's a problem, though.

  • We are not chickens.

  • And some would say that's probably good.

  • But chickens lay eggs and the fetus

  • that develops inside the egg has its own resources

  • and doesn't have to rely on mom except to the point

  • where the egg is laid.

  • Mom, however, is the source of nutrients in mammals

  • for food, for water, and for oxygen.

  • Now there's a problem.

  • The problem is what if mom's hemoglobin

  • is competing with the baby's hemoglobin?

  • They both have oxygen,

  • why should the baby's hemoglobin have to fight with mom for that?

  • What turns out that fetuses have a modified hemoglobin.

  • They have a different hemoglobin than adults do.

  • They have something called fetal hemoglobin.

  • Adults have alpha-2 beta-2,

  • meaning we have two alpha subunits,

  • two beta subunits and that makes up four subunits which you saw.

  • A fetus on the other hand has two alpha sub units

  • and twp slightly different gamma sub units.

  • So you've got alpha-2, gamma-2.

  • Those two gamma subunits give the hemoglobin of a fetus a very,

  • I shouldn't say very,

  • but a slightly different property than mom's.

  • Do they have cooperativity?

  • But they have a greater affinity for oxygen than mom's hemoglobin.

  • They can literally take oxygen away from mom.

  • Talk about a little parasite.

  • [class laughing]

  • A little parasite sitting there sucking my oxygen, right?

  • How do they do it?

  • The gamma subunits in addition to having a slightly

  • different structure cause the hemoglobin

  • that they're in to not have a doughnut.

  • That little doughnut hole where the 2,3-BPG fits

  • doesn't fit 2,3-BPG anymore.

  • The fetal hemoglobin essentially stays in the R state all the time.

  • Essentially stays in the R state all the time.

  • Now, you say that's great,

  • so obviously it can take oxygen away from mom

  • and yes, it can, and yes, it does.

  • But we just saw how the T state helped to release oxygen, right?

  • Is the fetus starved for oxygen?

  • What do you think?

  • No?

  • Okay, there's a no, there's a no.

  • Nobody thinks yes?

  • No, it's not.

  • Why?

  • Why is it not starved for oxygen?

  • Student: Higher net oxygenation level?

  • Ahern: Higher net oxygenation level.

  • It does have a higher net oxygenation level,

  • but it also has trouble releasing oxygen so the answer is no.

  • The answer is simpler than you think.

  • Connie?

  • Student: I mean it just sits there, right?

  • Ahern: Okay, and that's the answer.

  • It just sits there.

  • It doesn't have widely varying oxygen needs.

  • Mom goes and climbs the stairs,

  • she needs more oxygen than when she's sitting around in a chair.

  • All the fetus does is kick.

  • [Class laughing]

  • So it doesn't have widely varying oxygen needs.

  • It needs a relatively constant supply of oxygen

  • and because it does have a high oxygen

  • carrying capacity as you noted,

  • there's enough release so that it can satisfy those needs.

  • If it had very diverse and very challenging needs,

  • then you betcha there would be an issue.

  • Other questions?

  • I'm going through this kinda quickly.

  • Shannon?

  • Student: So if you're like a mom

  • and maybe you have a very low blood concentration,

  • like iron concentration,

  • would it be smart to take supplements for that?

  • Ahern: If you were a mom and you had anemia,

  • is that what you're saying?

  • Student: Yeah.

  • Ahern: Would it be smart to take, I don't know,

  • iron supplements or something like that?

  • Yeah, for people that are anemic,

  • that can be a consideration with mom but again,

  • I'm not a physician but I'd imagine that yes,

  • they would use that.

  • Yes?

  • Student: So when the fetus is born, it becomes...[inaudible]

  • Ahern: Yeah, yeah.

  • Ahern: Yeah, when the fetus is born,

  • it has got fetal hemoglobin.

  • So that change over happens in the first year or two

  • where the gamma sub units stop being made

  • and the beta subunits start being made.

  • And so the fetus transitions to adult hemoglobin

  • fairly early in its life.

  • But you're exactly right, yeah.

  • Student: Does it change based on how active the baby [inaudible]?

  • Ahern: Does it change based on how active the baby is?

  • I honestly don't know the answer to that question.

  • I don't know.

  • As far as I know, it's simply a developmental thing.

  • Your question is whether it responds to environment

  • and I don't know the answer to that.

  • Well we've gone through a lot I thought

  • we should finish with a song today.

  • What do you guys think?

  • We haven't done a song in awhile.

  • I have a cold so I think it will be worse than usual

  • so I want you to sing really loud today.

  • And by the way, I have an idea I will do with my classes.

  • If you guys sing loud,

  • I assure you you'll have an extra credit question on the exam.

  • But if I can't hear you...

  • Everybody ready?

  • Okay, everybody sing.

  • "Biochemistry, biochemistry,

  • "I wish that I were wiser.

  • "I feel I'm in way over my head.

  • "I need a new advisor.

  • "My courses really shook me.

  • "Such metabolic misery, biochemistry, biochemistry.

  • "I wish that I were wiser.

  • "Biochemistry, biochemistry, reactions make me shiver.

  • "They're in my heart and in my lungs."

  • "They're even in my liver.

  • "I promise I will not complain.

  • "If I could store them in my brain.

  • "Biochemistry, biochemistry, I wish that I were wiser.

  • "Biochemistry, biochemistry, I truly am in a panic.

  • "The mechanisms murder me.

  • "I should've learned organic.

  • "For all I have to memorize, I outta win a Nobel prize.

  • "Biochemistry, biochemistry, I wish that I were wiser."

  • Alright, guys.

  • See you Friday.

  • [END]

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##08生物化學血紅蛋白講座為Kevin Ahern的BB 450/550。 (#08 Biochemistry Hemoglobin Lecture for Kevin Ahern's BB 450/550)

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