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Here we are. So what do we have here? This is like Taiwan.
These are the rocks. These are the rocks that I think from Taiwan are the best.
Because it keeps... It gets so hot down here.
That's the scientific sound it makes.
The three main things that make Taiwan kind of world famous for geologists would be...
Hopefully you already watched the previous video I made with the Taiwan rock guy.
If not, I highly recommend watching that video first.
Which you will have a link to down in the description.
Because in this video we're going to continue on this journey about Taiwan.
And the different rock types.
Learning once and for all what makes Taiwan truly unique in the world.
But of course also what makes the Taiwan rock guy himself unique as well.
I was in the Boy Scouts in the USA.
I went to a public school that started offering Chinese when I was in eighth grade.
And that was also around the same time that I started thinking rocks are really cool.
Very passionate about rocks.
If we just back up then.
You said like you've studied Chinese since you were like 13.
你說你好像從 13 歲就開始學中文了。
Which is like it's a very young age to even be like you know influenced by Chinese.
I didn't even have that option until I came here to Taiwan.
How do we go from like learning Chinese from a very young age to like actually physically ending up here in Taiwan?
I remember the first day of my like classes our teacher focused on learning this language as a introduction to a completely different culture.
我還記得,第一天上 "喜歡 "課時,老師就把重點放在了學習這門語言上,把它作為一種完全不同的文化的入門。
For my final exam if I could memorize Zhou Jielun's Rainbow by Zhou Jielun.
If I could memorize that whole song I get like five points off my final.
And so I did and that's actually the first Chinese song I learned.
Not singing today.
That's why I thought it was so awesome.
I thought Chinese well Chinese is so unique like introduced to this whole world.
And so when I went to college I became one of my majors.
I was in Taichung for about a summer semester.
Went in 2017 at their in their Chinese language program.
2017 年參加了他們的中文課程。
That's when I decided okay Taiwan's the spot.
I gotta go back.
So when I graduated from college I found any way I could and so I found teaching English first.
With Fulbright Taiwan which is a 學術交流基金會
臺灣富爾布萊特學術交流基金會(Fulbright Taiwan)是一個學術交流基金會。
Like a U.S. program U.S. government program.
就像一個美國計劃 美國政府計劃。
So you've been in Taiwan now since 2018?
那麼你從 2018 年起就在臺灣了?
Okay I had a little break in between.
So I had one year I was teaching English in Taitung for one year.
You can reapply but I was kind of thinking like one year is fine I'll go back to the
U.S.A. and I'll figure something out.
But also started having these crazy lucid dreams.
I'm not kidding like the first few months after I came back from Taiwan I had these lucid dreams of like I was in Taitung and I saw these like islands but the islands were full of pine trees and stuff but they're out out in the ocean.
I'm like that's not Taitung but I feel like I'm in Taitung.
I'm like I must be dreaming.
And then at that time I like flew to my old school and I saw my old co-workers and I was like so emotional filled with emotion I woke up.
I literally woke up with tears in my eyes and I was like I've had many of these dreams of being like wow Taitung really left a serious impression on me.
And then while I stayed in the U.S. for two years I just kept finding ways like I need to go back.
I need to go back.
And so Fulbright actually reached out to me again and I had another opportunity to teach
English but in Penghu.
I was like oh yeah I'll do it why not.
And so that's how I got back.
So I got back in 2021.
於是,我又回到了 2021 年。
I was super sick.
I had a lot more opportunities to do more natural science teaching even though it was an English class I still got to bring in my science stuff.
And that's why I went to Donghua University to do environmental education.
I can teach English right but I want to teach science.
We're going to get into like the rocks and all of that later like don't worry we're going to talk about this.
Okay yeah not talking about rocks is making my blood boil man because I'm just looking at this all these guys there's all these rocks right in front of me and the fact I'm not talking about them oh my god.
Other than maybe I need some water.
Okay what I like about Penghu the most was the the beaches.
The beaches in Penghu are awesome.
Like the beaches in Penghu they're super sandy.
There's a ton of them and you can watch so many beautiful sunsets.
If you're not too afraid of feeling like locked in on an island it's an awesome spot.
It's kind of it makes you feel nice and small.
It makes you feel like oh this is comfy.
But that's Penghu.
And then Taitung.
I really like Taitung because Taitung and Hualien I think the main unique thing is the indigenous culture.
I think that's something that a lot of people like you know not to bash on my Taiwanese friends.
I think a lot of Taiwanese people don't know necessarily about the different all the different tribes and all different you know diversity of indigenous culture in Taiwan and I think that when you live in Taitung and when you live in Hualien you get to know these cultures and get to know like what's what are the big differences between you know Amis people or people or Puyuma, Benanzu.
Like these are these are you know if that sounded like gibberish to you I mean you should probably go to Taitung and then talk to some people around there because there's so many unique things about like how the indigenous folks like lifestyles how they their food and like their celebrations are all so unique.
That's one of the main things that also made me want to stay in this area because then finding the connections between geology and these indigenous cultures like jaded tools or slate homes like the architecture that was built is also super unique.
I think the food is better in Taitung than in Hualien.
I think that there's a really really good veggie spot in Taitung called Shi Fang Veggie like sure like that'll sure like fang like like the one that's like like fang.
Yeah that fang.
Ba fang.
Yeah like Ba fang the fang right?
Ba fang the fang.
Yeah Ba fang the fang and then shi like ten.
是啊,Ba fang the fang and then shi like ten.
That vegetarian place is crazy good.
So it's like Shi Fang Veggie.
Yeah it's insane.
There's a lot of trails you can go on like small hiking trails in Taitung and in Hualien that get you so close so up close and make you feel so small and insignificant.
That's how you sell it?
I want to go there and feel really insignificant?
I mean like there's something to be said about feeling like wow I am just a little speck right if you've ever felt that way I mean like maybe in the city you feel insignificant because you're surrounded by all these people you're like wow I'm just like one little person in this sea of people but when you're in Hualien or when you're at the beach side looking out at like at the sun rising or looking at the moon reflect over the ocean waves or when you're up at Ho Hoan Mountain looking out over these giant like mountain ranges you feel insignificant for a completely different reason you feel like nature is just so enormous and powerful and that makes you feel like it this must be cherished it's something to be treasured.
如果你有過這種感覺 我是說,也許在城市裡你會覺得自己很渺小 因為你周圍都是人 你會覺得我只是茫茫人海中的一個人當你在花蓮,當你在海邊看著太陽昇起,看著月亮倒映在海浪上,當你在河漢山上看著這些巨大的山脈時,你會覺得自己很渺小,原因完全不同,你會覺得大自然是如此的巨大和強大,這讓你覺得這一切必須被珍惜,這是值得珍惜的東西。
I think we can also like show what what are you brought over here now like you're the
I think you're the first person who's like brought like props to to one of these interviews.
Well it's all teachers you know teachers you know you know it's fun it's nice to have tools right it's nice to have things to help you out in the classroom.
Here we are so what do we have here this is like Taiwan.
These are the rocks these are the rocks that I think from Taiwan are are the best.
You think about this every mountain eventually is going to turn flat over a long period of time like the mountains all mountains are slowly like imagine like like wind and rain like every single particle of wind or every single raindrop is holding like a little axe it's chopping away at mountains or any sort of rock it touches and they eventually turn into something like this.
This is a sedimentary rock which formed in Penghu and so this is like just sand and then a bunch of little shell particles basically ton full of fossils like a bunch of shells so this is an environment right this is a snapshot of a time a period of place frozen in time.
This is like a graveyard right this is like a like a creature graveyard of uh.
I don't want to touch it.
Little shell little shells this one around my neck let me just check this baby out.
There's no like waxiness there's no Vaseline glue or anything to make this look so shiny.
I don't know why I'm showing it to the camera this is not a camera this is a microphone this is a microphone okay I know this is a microphone.
This is something that you would be really rare but you might still find at Qixingtan this is a pink rock called Rose Stone and the the pink mineral in it is called Rhodonite and so I mean it's not that doesn't have a technical term but it's just a the pinkness in it is the chemical called manganese so it's a manganese rich metamorphic rock but they're also super rare because this stuff also was collected in mass amounts and sold in the in the 80s in late 70s in Taiwan.
這種東西非常罕見,但在七星潭仍有可能找到,它是一種粉紅色的岩石,叫做玫瑰石,其中的粉紅色礦物叫做紅柱石,所以我的意思是,它並沒有專業術語,只是其中的粉紅色是一種叫做錳的化學物質,所以它是一種富含錳的變質岩,但它們也非常罕見,因為這種東西在上世紀 80 年代和 70 年代末在臺灣也被大量收集和出售。
This is my master's thesis I basically did a uh description of uh tried tried to be as simple as I could to explain uh Hualien's geology hopefully you could pick this up in a year or so but so oh you mean like the book not the not the concept no no this book I still haven't picked up I still haven't picked up on the concept this is like magnetic yeah this is a this is called Serpentinite Taiwan Jade comes from this rock it was formed in the lenses in the veins almost you know like veins in your skin in a serpentinite rock it's magnetic because it's been metamorphosed this used to just be some lame or kind of cool igneous rock kind of cool lava rock and this got basically cooked again and squeezed under intense pressure and the black stuff turned into the mineral magnetite so it's magnetic magnetic which is just iron and oxygen and then the green stuff the green stuff turned into either serpentine this this green mineral which is looks very similar it's a little shinier looks very similar to nephrite but it's not see-through and it's not as hard this is like basically an evolved rock I wanted to talk about like the little bit uh different rock like so these rocks are all from Taiwan yes but they look very different could you just walk me through like just geographically like the rocks that are from different regions of Taiwan if we were to we know Jade so this is like only found in Hualien not found at Jade Mountain Marble Eastern Taiwan Hualien and Taitung
這是我的碩士論文 我基本上是在描述花蓮的地質 儘量簡單的解釋 希望你能在一年左右的時間內瞭解這本書 但你的意思是說這本書不是概念?蛇紋石之所以有磁性,是因為它經過了變質處理,以前只是一些蹩腳的或酷酷的火成岩,一種酷酷的熔岩,基本上又被煮熟了,在高壓下擠壓,黑色的東西變成了礦物磁鐵礦,所以它有磁性,磁性就是鐵和氧氣,然後綠色的東西,綠色的東西變成了蛇紋石,這種綠色的礦物看起來非常相似,有點光澤,看起來和軟玉非常相似,但它不透,也不像軟玉那麼硬。我想談談不同的岩石,這些岩石都來自臺灣,但它們看起來很不一樣,你
Marble East Taiwan what do we got here
Andesite don't look at me I thought you were gonna help me answer for some reason I just
I've been vibing I think like oh yeah we're talking about rocks now everybody knows about what andesite is volcanic rock this is found on the coastal range also eastern Taiwan and in Lüdao and Lanyu so far off outlying islands sandstone fossil rich sandstone this can be found in a lot of Tainan and Kaohsiung also so the west coast has is known for their fossils that's one of the big things that I don't have because I haven't I don't really explore a lot of I've explored almost any of western Taiwan if I'm being honest so that's what I'm missing here is I'm missing a lot of the sedimentary rocks and all the cool fossil rich rocks that western Taiwan has to offer so if you like rocks you want to show me a cool rock and you live in western Taiwan maybe I can reach out to me because that's what I don't have here so go back to here igneous rock lava rock from the outlying islands of Taiwan metamorphic rocks from eastern Taiwan and then sedimentary rocks from western Taiwan with fossil I love Taiwan just because of like the wide variety of like the high mountains and like the beaches and everything from a rock perspective it sounds like it would be even more fascinating yeah is there a difference like altitude wise like for example like the top of the mountain and like the bottom of the same mountain or at the beach would that be like look the same to you or or is it interesting like from an altitude level as well oh my gosh yeah I mean if you love if you love rocks you also just love being outside and when you're at the top of a mountain you just look out over the landscape it's just the best feeling ever it's like this giant especially Taiwan has these arcing just rolling mountain ranges if you look at Taiwan and you cut it from the east to the west the rocks in the east are the oldest and you and then everything west of Taiwan are are lower and lower metamorphic grade so like for example what I mean by metamorphic grade is essentially how long something got cooked or baked so a lot of the central mountain range in Taiwan are slate or just a cooked mud and why is why is there why is there cooked mud now in the mountains the rest of the majority of Taiwan used to just be an ocean ocean bottom you know what is the at the bottom of an ocean just tons of slime muddy slime and that just sits in the bottom of the ocean and that stuff got pushed upwards and as it got pushed it got cooked and hardened so like from a rock's perspective like tops of Taiwan is honestly not that interesting to me because it's all just cooked mud like the top of Taiwan's mountains are all just majority is like cooked mud which is like basically fancy mud and that's also fancy mud that's like turned into plates essentially which is what a lot of indigenous folks used in like mountain tribes they use this as a construction material they use slate to build homes because it's so flat and also water resistant and also can be it's pretty stiff too so like from a rock perspective the mountain ranges in Taiwan they're all right but it's mostly about the view to get to get real close-up looks at rocks like pretty pretty rocks it's honestly nice to stay on the beach sides or at least like on the flatlands because um you have the rivers the power of Taiwan's rivers which are so extreme there's typhoons and there's earthquakes which means that as mount these mountains are also rising they're also being destroyed at one of the world's fastest rates like Taiwan's mountains are rising but also being washed away so what you have are these super wide river valleys which essentially show you a side view of all the rocks so like Taroko gorge yeah like Taroko and and also all around Taiwan you have these giant rivers these huge river valleys which are rarely full of water but they just left behind a lot of rocks you know you can find a lot of cool rocks just by crawling up river valleys and seeing the side view so for if you want to look really close at rocks staying lower is usually better because the river is doing all the work for you you don't need to cut open a rock to see what's inside no geologists love to see what's inside a rock but the river is naturally cut cut it for you if i would go out on a beach and i would look for like a pretty rock yeah i would yeah all rocks are pretty it's so excited i would just look at like the shape oh this kind of looks like a heart this looks like like a little stick or something so it's like a unique way for me but for for like just fresh beginners who wants to get into these different like types of rocks for example what will be like the the day one thing you will teach them like what should they look for how should they like analyze it from like the day one beginner level point of things if you want to get to know rocks you should familiarize yourself with minerals minerals are the things that make up rocks and once you can identify minerals then you can start feeling you know kind of special like oh i know what that is inside of it you should get yourself familiarized with this mineral right here this is called quartz you can check it out quartz is the most common mineral in the world it's silica one silica and two oxygens and it's super hard many many crystals you see around are made out of quartz and so if you can identify quartz there's some ways you can do it it's hard so it's got a hardness of seven it can scratch certain things so like knowing like if you can take it and you have maybe a penny or a nail and you could if you can scratch it and if it leaves a mark or it doesn't leave a mark that can be a way to identify quartz getting to know quartz like for example this is the one that i found in found in uh in hawaiian here too in northern hawaiian it's like see-through yeah it's a quartz can be quartz can be almost entirely translucent or it can be really white the three main things that make taiwan kind of world famous for geologists would be how it formed how active the landscape changes and then also the unique metamorphic rocks so those are like the main three things that taiwan is pretty much a playground for geologists amazing you really are the taiwan rock guy i don't know the most about rocks here in taiwan like i'm not a geology phd but i would like to say that from what i do know i can help you digest that information better than somebody who maybe knows three to four times more than me about these rocks in in taiwan an earthquake is happening because two plates are at odds and the the philippine ocean plate is pushing towards pushing towards the continent of eurasia but when when plates are moving apart like in iceland that's when volcanoes form like you can kind of think about the center of the earth is really hot the center of the earth is never going to get hotter it's always going to keep cooling off things that are hot are always going to try to cool down release its energy just like when we get hot we sweat so you can kind of think that a volcano is kind of like the earth sweating so the earth is really hot and it needs to find a way to the heat to escape the outside and when when that heat finally escapes it comes out in the form of a volcano and then when a volcano happens it's pushing those those two chips away but how come then taiwan both have earthquakes and volcanoes volcanoes don't just happen at where plates are coming apart okay volcanoes can also happen where when two plates come together there's usually a winner right one one plate is more buoyant and one plate is more dense and so when they come together one is going to slide underneath the other and we know that the center of the earth is super hot right the center is so hot as you move closer and deeper into the earth the rocks get hotter and hotter too for example these two plates are coming together one is going to start sliding underneath as that moves down it's going to start to melt a little because it keeps it gets so hot down here that's the the scientific sound it makes yes so like when these rocks down here at the bottom here they're going to get too hot they're going to get too hot and they're going to melt and when those rocks melt they get bubbly and they have a lower density right so like when like a bubbly soda it gets super bubbly and when you open it up all the air releases outward that gas needs to go somewhere and so it gets low and also lower density so like it wants to go back up rise back up to the surface and form a volcano the coolest part about this area i mean just all of taiwan is that you don't really need to go far to see a really textbook quality rock of metamorphic igneous and sedimentary rocks so all the three main rock types are very accessible in in taiwan and you don't need to go too far to see them just see really nice really nice ones too no more questions perfect thank you all so much for watching my name is lucas it starts with alice in like ends with s as you subscribe please do both and see you all in the next one wow look at this l with like s and subscribe that's good