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  • Now, I am very disappointed that I won't be able to celebrate Howard's accomplishment tonight. Me, too, but we'll see him tomorrow. Yes, it's just that in all the years I've known him, he's never had the opportunity to receive my admiration.

    現在,我很失望今晚不能慶祝霍華德的成就了。 我也是 但我們明天就能見到他了 是啊 只是我認識他這麼多年來 他從來沒有機會接受我的欽佩

  • I was excited to see the look on his face when it finally happened. You're unbelievable. I know. All right, Pictionary, what are the teams? How about boys versus girls? Oh, that hardly seems fair.

    我很高興能看到他臉上的表情。 你真是不可思議 我知道 好了,猜字遊戲,有哪些隊伍? 男生對女生怎麼樣? 哦,這似乎不太公平

  • But I guess any team that I'm not on has a decided disadvantage. Once again, unbelievable. Yeah, once again, I know. All right, round one.

    但我想,我不在的任何團隊都會處於絕對劣勢。 再一次,難以置信 是啊,又一次,我知道 好了 第一輪

  • Here.


  • Got it. Okay.

    知道了 好的

  • Ready, set, go. Uh, box. Uh, window. Batman. Batman and Robin. Uh, Wonder Twins plus the monkey. Wonder Twins plus the monkey and Batman. Uh, gift, uh, present. Present! Yeah! Oh, Leonard.

    準備 開始 呃,盒子 呃,窗戶 蝙蝠俠 蝙蝠俠和羅賓 神奇雙胞胎加猴子 神奇雙胞胎加上猴子和蝙蝠俠 呃 禮物 呃 禮物 禮物 禮物! 哦 Leonard

  • Now, how can you not get that? In what universe is that a present? It's not a present.

    你怎麼能不明白呢? 這算什麼禮物? 這不是禮物

  • It's the present.


  • Look, there's you and me.


  • There's Penny and Amy.


  • We're playing Pictionary in the present. Oh, my God, we're gonna kill them. It's a quark-gluon plasma. No. It's asymptotically free partons inside a quark-gluon plasma. Nothing with quarks. It's an observational rebuttal of the Lambda CDM model of the universe. No. It's a chocolate chip cookie! Yes!

    我們在現在玩猜字遊戲 天啊,我們要殺了他們 是夸克 -膠子等離子體 不,是夸克 -膠子等離子體內的漸近自由粒子 沒有夸克 這是對Lambda CDM宇宙模型的觀測反駁 不是,是巧克力餅乾 是的

  • How could you miss that? Hey, if you want someone to guess chocolate chip cookie, you draw a glass of milk next to it. Penny got it. Yeah, only after I eliminated all the obvious answers. You're welcome. Oh, uh, sausage. Uh, bratwurst? Oh, hot dog. Penny, aren't you gonna draw something? Relax, we got time.

    你怎麼能錯過呢? 嘿 如果你想讓別人猜巧克力餅乾 Hey, if you want someone to guess chocolate chip cookie, 你就在旁邊畫一杯牛奶 you draw a glass of milk next to it. 佩妮猜對了 是啊 我把所有顯而易見的答案都排除了 Yeah, only after I eliminated all the obvious answers. 不客氣 You're welcome. 哦 呃 香腸 Oh, uh, sausa

  • This is so fun. There.

    這太有趣了。 那裡

  • A solar system. Uh, uh, uh, uh, unidentified flying liverwurst? I... Now? Soon. Come on, Leonard, I am spoon-feeding this to you. I don't know. Uh, Casper the alcoholic ghost? All right, that's enough. Uh, hand, uh, nail, uh, polish? Yeah! No! No!

    太陽系 呃,呃,呃,呃,不明飛行物? I... 現在? 快了 Soon. 拜託 Leonard 我是在用勺子餵你吃東西 Come on, Leonard, I am spoon -feeding this to you. 我不知道 呃 酒鬼卡斯帕? 好了 夠了 呃 指甲油? 指甲油? 不! 不! No! No!

  • The word is Polish. See, look.

    這個詞是波蘭語。 看,看

  • Polish sausage. The model of the solar system developed by Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish astronomer. And finally, that wasn't enough, which it should have been. This is Madame Curie killing herself by discovering radium, who, although she was a naturalized French citizen, was Polish by birth. Excuse me, the word is Polish. See?

    波蘭香腸。 波蘭天文學家尼古拉斯-哥白尼提出的太陽系模型。 最後,這還不夠,應該還不夠。 這是居里夫人因發現鐳而自殺,她雖然入了法國籍,但出生在波蘭。 對不起,這個詞是波蘭語。 看到了嗎?

  • Small p. Ah!

    小 p. 啊!

  • So it is. I guess we both share blame on this one. Ha! One, two, three, kick! Mwah! It's not bad. Mwah!

    原來如此。 我想我們倆在這件事上都有責任。 哈 一 二 三 踢 Mwah! 還不錯 Mwah!

Now, I am very disappointed that I won't be able to celebrate Howard's accomplishment tonight. Me, too, but we'll see him tomorrow. Yes, it's just that in all the years I've known him, he's never had the opportunity to receive my admiration.

現在,我很失望今晚不能慶祝霍華德的成就了。 我也是 但我們明天就能見到他了 是啊 只是我認識他這麼多年來 他從來沒有機會接受我的欽佩

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