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What's up, Sunshine? I'm Koi Wire. Welcome to CNN 10. It is Monday, March 3rd, our first episode of the month, Women's History Month. I'm excited to be here starting this week with you covering the news so we can stay informed on what's happening around the world in 10 minutes or less. Let's get started. Today, we start in Ukraine, where a deal allowing the U.S. access to Ukraine's rare earth and critical minerals is on hold after a tense meeting unfolded in the Oval Office at the White House on Friday. The meeting between
你好嗎,陽光?我是錦鯉線。歡迎收看 CNN 10。今天是3月3日,星期一,我們本月的第一期節目,婦女歷史月。很高興本週開始能在這裡與您一起報道新聞,讓我們能在10分鐘以內瞭解世界各地發生的事情。讓我們開始吧。今天,我們從烏克蘭開始,週五在白宮橢圓形辦公室舉行了一場緊張的會議之後,一項允許美國獲得烏克蘭稀土和關鍵礦產的協議被擱置。白宮橢圓形辦公室
U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was meant to reset an already strained relationship between the two, and there were high hopes that strengthening the alliance between the two countries would mean steps towards strengthening Ukraine's chances of ending their war with invading Russia. Instead, this meeting was cut short after a heated conversation, and a deal was left unsigned. The bilateral agreement between the two countries would have been the first of its kind. It's set up to have Ukraine and the United States jointly investing in harnessing Ukraine's critical minerals and other valuable resources in part to help rebuild the country after three years of Russia's full-scale invasion and war. So what are rare earth and critical minerals? Our Anna Stewart quickly walks us through what these minerals are and why they're so important. Rare earths are a group of 17 elements which can be useful for electronics, clean energy technologies, and some weapons systems. But Ukraine doesn't have globally significant deposits of rare earth minerals.
美國總統唐納德-特朗普(Donald Trump)與烏克蘭總統沃洛德梅爾-澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)的會晤旨在重啟兩國之間本已緊張的關係,人們對加強兩國之間的聯盟寄予厚望,認為這將意味著烏克蘭有機會結束與入侵俄羅斯的戰爭。然而,這次會晤卻在激烈的對話後中斷了,協議也沒有簽署。兩國之間的雙邊協議本應是首個此類協議。協議的目的是讓烏克蘭和美國共同投資,利用烏克蘭的關鍵礦產和其他寶貴資源,以幫助烏克蘭在俄羅斯全面入侵和戰爭三年後重建國家。那麼什麼是稀土和關鍵礦產呢?我們的記者安娜-斯圖爾特
What Ukraine does have is a lot of other critical minerals. So what are some of these good for?
Well, the U.S. lists 50 minerals that are critical. This includes titanium and zirconium, which is useful for aviation and the space industry, including for defense. Graphite is a key component for EV batteries and nuclear reactors, and lithium is needed for rechargeable batteries. Now beyond all this being very useful, the U.S. also wants more rare earths and other critical minerals as it's an area China has been dominating for years. According to the Ukrainian government, Ukraine has deposits of 22 out of 50 minerals deemed critical to the U.S. It's unclear which of these minerals and how much of them are actually in this proposed deal. Many of these resources are expensive to mine, and some are currently in Russian-occupied areas. Extracting, processing, and refining these types of minerals can be very expensive and time-consuming. In
美國列出了 50 種關鍵礦產。其中包括鈦和鋯,它們對航空和航天工業(包括國防)非常有用。石墨是電動汽車電池和核反應堆的關鍵成分,充電電池需要鋰。除了這些非常有用的東西,美國還希望獲得更多稀土和其他關鍵礦產,因為這是中國多年來一直佔據主導地位的領域。據烏克蘭政府稱,在美國認為至關重要的 50 種礦產中,烏克蘭擁有 22 種。其中許多資源的開採成本很高,而且有些資源目前位於俄羅斯佔領區。開採、加工和提煉這些類型的礦產可能非常昂貴和耗時。在
Ukraine, the work is further complicated by the ongoing fighting that makes mining even riskier.
And the amount of mineral wealth in Ukraine is unclear. Resource mapping hasn't been updated there for decades, with officials and analysts relying on dated Soviet-era mapping. The idea of leveraging Ukraine's resources was originally part of President Zelensky's victory plan for steps to end the war. President Trump initially wanted a $500 billion share of Ukraine's minerals to recoup military and humanitarian aid the U.S. provided in the war effort. It was rejected by his Ukrainian counterpart. While the new framework for the deal leaves some details to be determined, it would set up a joint reconstruction investment fund with U.S. and Ukraine ownership. The fund would give the U.S. access to part of Ukraine's mineral wealth while helping to boost development in the country. Now it's unclear now whether the two parties will sign a deal. And much hangs in the balance for Ukrainians still at war with Russia. CNN's Nick Payton Walsh visited a titanium mine in Ukraine to show us how the critical mineral is being unearthed there.
烏克蘭的礦產資源數量尚不清楚。數十年來,當地的資源測繪一直沒有更新,官員和分析師們依賴的是蘇聯時期的過時測繪。利用烏克蘭資源的想法最初是澤連斯基總統結束戰爭的勝利計劃的一部分。特朗普總統最初希望從烏克蘭礦產中獲得 5000 億美元的份額,以收回美國在戰爭中提供的軍事和人道主義援助。但遭到了烏克蘭總統的拒絕。雖然新的協議框架還有一些細節有待確定,但它將建立一個美國和烏克蘭共同擁有的重建投資基金。該基金將使美國獲得烏克蘭的部分礦產資源,同時幫助促進該國的發展。現在還不清楚雙方是否會簽署協議。對於仍在與俄羅斯交
We very much need rare earth. They have great rare earth. A moonshot for Ukraine's survival.
Talking peace suddenly means talking about places like here, this lunar landscape. A titanium mine struggling under the Russian bombardment of Ukraine's power grid, sometimes with only three hours power a day.
Half a trillion dollars. That was the sum that President Trump initially thought Ukraine might be able to pay back to the United States, in his words. And here you get a sense of the challenge really, because this place, yeah, potential is certainly there, but they say they desperately need investment. These machines are so old. And yes, so they say they would welcome American money.
The pressure to get money out of the ground is enormous, as are the questions as to whether the astronomical sums Trump thinks are here can match the money to be made under this sprawling sea of unknown potential. And who knows what rare earth is worth, you know, but at least it's something. And who knows what it's worth? Who knows if they even have it? It was at first Ukraine's idea, President Zelensky selling their mineral wealth in November, perhaps too successfully, as part of a victory plan for more aid, showing reporters maps here. They claim seven percent global production of titanium. Lithium isn't mined yet, but they say they've three percent global reserves. They say they're in the top five of graphite reserves and have some actual rare earth metals. The initial framework deal doesn't specify what it covers, mentioning only relevant resource assets that will be further described in another agreement. Yet the White House has been specific about some resources. There is a foundry that processes aluminum in Ukraine. It's been damaged. It's not at its current capacity. If that is restored, it would account for America's entire imports of aluminum for an entire year. The U.S. perhaps a little too eager to take
Ukraine with no choice but to give in a hugely complex deal that may get messier still when it runs into the cold, hard ground truth of where Ukraine is at today. Ten second trivia. Who invented the first gas-powered car in 1886? Henry Ford, Carl Benz, Ferdinand Porsche, or Gottlieb Daimler?
烏克蘭別無選擇,只能屈服於一項極其複雜的協議,而當它遇到烏克蘭今天所處的冷酷無情的現實時,可能會變得更加混亂。十秒鐘小知識。誰在 1886 年發明了第一輛燃氣汽車?亨利-福特、卡爾-奔馳、費迪南德-保時捷還是戈特利布-戴姆勒?
Your answer is Carl Benz, the German mechanical engineer who created the first modern three-wheeled automobile that he dubbed the Motorwagen. For all the Back to the Future fans out there, do you remember the scene where the car, the DeLorean, backed out onto the street of the neighborhood, then lifted up and took off flying through the air? Well, imagine if that was our very near future because it may very well be. An automotive aviation company is promising a flying car that will transform commuting as we know it. Olive Aeronautics is now sharing with the world the first video of its flying car called the Model Zero. Our Jeremy Roth shows us how the company's CEO hopes to eventually make these cars cheaper and more accessible to everyday drivers.
答案就是卡爾-本茨(Carl Benz),這位德國機械工程師創造了第一輛現代三輪汽車,並將其命名為 "Motorwagen"。對於所有 "回到未來 "的影迷來說,你們還記得迪羅裡安(DeLorean)汽車倒退到街區街道上,然後騰空而起,在空中飛馳的場景嗎?想象一下,如果那就是我們不久的將來,因為它很可能就是。一家汽車航空公司承諾,飛行汽車將改變我們的通勤方式。Olive Aeronautics 公司正在與全世界分享其名為 "Model Zero "的飛行汽車的第一段視頻。我們的傑里米-羅斯(Jeremy
Look at this car taking off and hopping over a truck. It's a prototype made by the company Aleph
看看這輛汽車起飛並跳過一輛卡車。這是 Aleph 公司製造的原型車。
Aeronautics, which hopes to put this $300,000 flying car in the fast lane to reality.
該公司希望將這輛價值 30 萬美元的飛行汽車送上通往現實的快車道。
Right now, for most people, for the general consumer, it's prohibitively expensive because it's expensive for us to produce one. But it's because it's a very low volume production and it's very inefficient. The end goal, it should be actually same level or less expensive than
Toyota Corolla, Ford Focus or anything like that because it's less complex.
This CGI rendered video shows the automobile flying through the mountains. The FAA said that
這段 CGI 渲染的視頻顯示,汽車在山間飛行。美國聯邦航空局表示
Aleph Aeronautics vehicle is not the first aircraft of its kind to get a special airworthiness certificate. However, the company notes that its vehicle stands out because it can drive on roads, fly and be used in search and rescue. Models from companies like
Aleph 航空公司的飛行器並不是第一種獲得特殊適航證的同類飛行器。不過,該公司指出,它的飛行器之所以與眾不同,是因為它既能在公路上行駛,又能飛行,還能用於搜索和救援。以下公司的模型
SkyDrive, HoverSurf, Volocopter and others are yet to hit the market and make flying cars a reality.
SkyDrive、HoverSurf、Volocopter 等公司尚未進入市場,使飛行汽車成為現實。
Today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, is one super pod of thousands of dolphins.
今天的故事滿分 10 分,是一個由數千條海豚組成的超級海豚群。
A pod is the collective noun for a group of dolphins and a tour boat captain captured this rare video of more than 2,000 of the flippers off the coast of Monterey Bay, California.
吊艙是一群海豚的集合名詞,一位旅遊船船長在加利福尼亞州蒙特雷灣海岸拍攝到了這段罕見的視頻,其中有 2000 多條海豚的鰭。
The video shows several species of dolphins swimming and breaching as far as the eye can see.
So what were they doing? Well, marine biologists say the massive pod may have been clustering to fend off predators or maybe to hunt for food or to socialize. It was a party and they definitely look like they were having some fun. All right, time now for our first shout out of the week, heading to the Buckeye State and the Warriors of West Branch High School in Beloit, Ohio, rise up. Here's your Monday reminder that this week is full of possibilities.
I'll leave you with a quote from American poet Walt Whitman who said, keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. Shine bright, y'all. I'm Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
美國詩人沃爾特-惠特曼曾說過:"把你的臉永遠朝向陽光,陰影就會在你身後消失。"我把這句話送給你們。你們都要陽光燦爛我是科伊-威爾,我們是 CNN 10。