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Being born a girl means clearing a lot of hurdles and it begins right at the starting line.
Sex-selective abortions are frequent in countries like India where girls are often seen as a financial burden.
Discrimination begins even before birth.
Sexual mutilation is the fate of at least 200 million girls in 30 countries.
性器官殘割是 30 個國家中至少 2 億女童的命運。
It often leads to serious infections and even death.
Time for school, for some.
In Afghanistan, 90% of women cannot read or write, massively reducing their chances in life. 63 million girls in the world are kept out of school.
在阿富汗,90% 的婦女不會讀寫,這大大降低了她們的生活機會。全世界有 6300 萬女童失學。
Before even getting close to adulthood, 700 million girls are forced to get married, often to much older men.
7 億女孩在接近成年之前就被迫結婚,而且往往是嫁給年紀大得多的男人。
Many women go through life without the right to control their own bodies or sexuality.
Every year, 22 million women and girls put their health and lives at risk by having unsafe abortions.
每年有 2200 萬名婦女和女孩因不安全墮胎而危及健康和生命。
In some countries, like Senegal, they may end up in jail.
Many who make it to adulthood face entrenched discrimination that leads to violence.
Way too often, home is not a safe haven, as women are beaten and abused by their own partners.
In France, a woman dies of domestic violence every 2.7 days.
在法國,每 2.7 天就有一名婦女死於家庭暴力。
Even the lucky ones can never stop fighting for equal pay, equal opportunities, and equal rights.
Being born a girl means clearing a lot of hurdles.
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