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  • We're bringing you a heaping dose of fake news with this game.


  • Hi, this is Jen from TTPM.

    你好,我是 TTPM 的珍。

  • And no, I'm not talking about the president's latest news rant, I'm talking about fake news the card game from Breaking Games.

    不,我說的不是總統最近的新聞咆哮,我說的是來自 Breaking Games 的紙牌遊戲 "假新聞"。

  • And in this game, players get to make up headlines and be judged as to whether their headlines make the cut and earn points, or if it's deemed fake news.


  • Gather up a group of four to eight players to get started.


  • Each player is given a set of three tokens to hand down three points, two points, and fake news aka zero points.


  • All the cards are shuffled, image cards, topic cards, and audience cards.


  • Players are dealt five blue topic cards and red cards are placed face up at the center of the gaming area.


  • Based on however many people are playing, one player is named the audience for a round and takes a green audience card.


  • Before the round starts though, players need to decide if they want the audience card revealed before they begin playing or after.


  • Senior citizens.


  • When ready, all other players then play any number of their topic cards on an image so long as the image doesn't already have a topic card on it.


  • This is worded a bit confusing, so to clarify, you may use as many of your own cards on a single topic card.


  • Once placed, players then make up a headline to say out loud using both the topic cards and the image.


  • Senior citizens hearing aids indicated in experimental wiretap crisis.


  • The audience for the round then determines the best headline, the runner up, and who earns the badge of fake news for the round.


  • Play moves clockwise with a new audience.


  • All other players replenish their hand to five cards and new image cards are laid out.


  • Overall, gameplay is pretty straightforward, but while we like the premise of this game, we think it's best played with a creative bunch of people, some people simply aren't good at making up stories or headlines on the spot.


  • And when that's the case, the game isn't as much fun.


  • I think our favorite part though is getting into character for the different audiences.


  • There's some good ones.


  • Also keep in mind though to know your audience.


  • Some may take things offensively.


  • I think the title of this game should hint to that, but if you don't get it, then you probably shouldn't be playing.


  • Fake news is for ages 17 and up from Breaking Games.

    來自 Breaking Games 的 "假新聞 "適合 17 歲及以上人群。

  • For more on where to buy and current prices, find us at TTPM and subscribe to our YouTube channels for more great reviews every day.

    有關購買地點和當前價格的更多資訊,請訪問 TTPM 並訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道,每天都會有更多精彩評論。

We're bringing you a heaping dose of fake news with this game.


由 AI 自動生成

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